Official Friday Night Games Thread Episode 5: The Bourne Cougspiracy

If that play didn't start five yards behind the line, it would be an automatic first down.
4th quarter, not that I need to eat, but man a pizza could do a lot of soothing for this game, just saying.
this game is like eating a Richt sandwich. I'm starting to feel like Helen Hunt.
It's uncanny.

"[football] is basically a game of tug of war" - unknown announcer

On a 4th down

When two teams are pushing against each other



Tug of war
Was Miami's Manny Diaz defensive coord. under Richt at Georgia at one time?? Seems to bring a light bulb on in my mind, or.....
Looking at some of those duke defense highlights, is Miami's QB jumping in the pocket to see over the line?
Was Miami's Manny Diaz defensive coord. under Richt at Georgia at one time?? Seems to bring a light bulb on in my mind, or.....
No, but I’m 99% sure you’re thinking of another dude with an Hispanic-sounding name: Willie Martinez.