Official Game Day Thread: GT vs Ole Miss

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It’s embarrassing that we’re doing a t-shirt throw into the stands and people are cheering. We should sit in silence during the breaks and mourn.
I mean that's the only way to help postpone some booing and fake cheering
Get off the damn field. You ain't doing anything. Now you're hurt.
They didn’t get to be millionaires by being dumb with money. If the school doesn’t care and doesn’t want to compete why would anyone open up the wallet to bail out the TDope/Goof debacle?
Exactly. But handles on this board think it’s only the coaching staff. I’m sure these are the same handles that thought Gailey wasn’t a good HC. Yet these same handles want to have every excuse on why GT isn’t competitive (ACC hates GT, BOR, UGA, NCAA, etc), except for the one that is the truth……The school has zero investment in sports.
Again. Are you one of the 1/X millionaires who are going to put your $$$ in place to force the school to quit with the BS academic nonsense and want to compete in sports? Funny that a school that loves to tell everyone how great they are has no $$$ for sports.

The state of athletics is not 100% a GTAA or Stansbury issue. At minimum 50% of the blame is the school which does not care 1 bit about sports.
Does not cost us to fire TStan. He does not need to be given the opportunity to extend anyone.
Paul Johnson would at least rip these guys a new asshole by now. This has become a complete joke. Money is money but damn what is it gonna take to for the AD to grow a set and get rid of this disaster. Just let Long take over until we can do a search but this has got to end - NOW
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