Official Gasparilla Bowl/AI Masterpieces Thread

Well the committee established the ACC is garbage so it makes sense.
Well they probably won’t play it if you can’t go and you don’t like it.

Your snark is noted. For my part…

- I’m mad that the ACC bowl process allowed us to slip to one of the lowest bowls available regardless of conference standing. I guess we should drop U[sic]GA and interesting games like Ole Miss and just play G5 teams to pad out our OOC resume. (And obviously take care of business against Bowling Green…)

- I’m disappointed that I won’t personally be able to attend the game to support the team because of the aforementioned selection process boondoggle that relegated us to a pre-Christmas bowl, with such a short turnaround that we likely won’t even or able to use all 15 of our extra practices per KQ, unless we keep practicing AFTER the bowl.

- The fact that the ACC had to hold up the whole bowl announcement process while a bunch of back room dealing went on (to take care of the preferred programs and bump us down another bowl slot in deference to Duke) is embarrassing. Do the other conferences handle things like this?

Odds are to sway bets. The odds change as bets are placed.
Aren’t you the UCF fan on here? UCF is pretty good. Will be a good game for us. Would like to see us play week and get the victor my.
GOOD!! In general, we seem to play better as underdogs!!

Go Jackets!! Beat the Knights!!
tbh, I wouldn't be surprised if we are underdogs because normally we might be favored but we generally play bad when favored so they think we'll lose.
Aren’t you the UCF fan on here? UCF is pretty good. Will be a good game for us. Would like to see us play week and get the victor my.
Says on his font he's a JBatt fan. Every game he just looks to see if JBatt is dressed sharply and is on point with his hair and weight.

1. Everyone was pissed we were projected to go to NYC to play Rutgers in cold weather at noon as opposed to playing in a warmer weather drivable game in BHam, Charlotte or in Fla.

2. Then we got really ööööing pissed when they sent us that shithole in Birmingham.

3. Now we are irate at the disrespect of going to Tampa because we should have been given a higher tier bowl, in Birmingham NyC Boston, etc?

Did I miss anything?

1. Everyone was pissed we were projected to go to NYC to play Rutgers in cold weather at noon as opposed to playing in a warmer weather drivable game in BHam, Charlotte or in Fla.

2. Then we got really ööööing pissed when they sent us that ööööhole in Birmingham.

3. Now we are irate at the disrespect of going to Tampa because we should have been given a higher tier bowl, in Birmingham NyC Boston, etc?

Did I miss anything?

All while we have a 6-6 record after four seasons of complete irrelevance lol.

Like I'm really glad we made a bowl and it's a big step forward from CGC era, but I don't find it particularly surprising or wrong that we're at the bottom of the bowl pecking order.

1. Everyone was pissed we were projected to go to NYC to play Rutgers in cold weather at noon as opposed to playing in a warmer weather drivable game in BHam, Charlotte or in Fla.

2. Then we got really ööööing pissed when they sent us that ööööhole in Birmingham.

3. Now we are irate at the disrespect of going to Tampa because we should have been given a higher tier bowl, in Birmingham NyC Boston, etc?

Did I miss anything?

I was fine with going to NYC. Good trip for me and for the team, 4x the payout of the Tier 2 bowls. I’d have been happy with anything other than the Tier 2 bowls, which you’d like to think a 4th place conference record would insulate you from.

We took a few years off from bowling and we aren’t world beaters this year, but one thing is constant - we almost allways get hosed in bowl selection unless a destination is contractually obligated.

We're making the trip.
Hope the girls at the Mons are ready for some victory lap dances.
The main reason to respect conference standings is that it motivates teams to schedule better non-conference opponents. If bowl selection just comes down to the overall record, why not just schedule the weakest teams possible? Granted, we lost to BG, but playing teams like UGa and Ole Miss should be encouraged by the conference, not penalized.