Official GT v UCheat Game Thread

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My god they're gonna get the ball back before time expires as this rate
Some one remind CPJ the clock stops on incomplete passes PLEASE
Please tell me Tenuta couldnt do better. His points per game were 21. Roofs are 33

Tenuta couldn't do better, at least not with the same players. Watch how often we blitz and how little pressure we get out of it. Tenuta's D would give up big plays much like Roof's, which is why Tenuta isn't viewed as a dominate DC by his peers.
That was the quickest I've seen a B-back hit the hole this year. When we run our offense at game speed it works.
Can they review an illegal forward pass when no flag is thrown? I didn't know they could retroactively call a penalty.
Ugh that was a forward pass
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