Official GT vs FSU topic

Have we ever been in a 3-3-5??? Or was Robert Smith, as usual wrong.
LOL...Bowden does not even know if anyone punted. God he is senile
Again. How The **** does some graduate magna cum laude in 2.5 years at ANY university??? God, FSU is a ****ing joke!!!
It's possible that he passed a bunch of AP tests or did joint enrollment. I've known people who've had close to 30 hours before they've even started college...

...but more likely FSU is a joke.
LOVE Bobby Bowden's comments....SO FRUSTRATED about SPREAD OPTION!
CPJ should take Wommack out back for the first 15 min of the half time....and ask him "WHAT ARE YOU STUPID?" I hope he's as HARD on him as he is with the players....NO excuses!
Have we ever been in a 3-3-5??? Or was Robert Smith, as usual wrong.

It sure as hell looked like it a few times, that's why i asked what defense we were in earlier. Almsot like a prevent or something...
It's possible that he passed a bunch of AP tests or did joint enrollment. I've known people who've had close to 30 hours before they've even started college...

...but more likely FSU is a joke.

Nate, even if you had 30 you really think you could graduate in 2.5 years, magna cum laude and a student athlete???? What would be your workload--20+hours/semester?
We have no defensive pass rush. Is Wommack capable of an adjustment? It doesn't look like it!!!
That was the crappiest defense I've ever seen from a GT unit. Not being able to stop Dantzler is one thing. Not being able to stop Ponder? WTF.