Official Non-GT Games Thread Episode 9: Slamma Jam Edition

Miami's luck is ridiculous. UNC driving down to win... fumble
They make the Ugag vs UF game like it's a rivalry, but they have a worse record against the gators over the last 30 years than we do against Ugag.
"Tricks and treats" followed by a monster mash segment. That's three drinks, folks. BRB gotta refill.
Florida gonna get their öööö pushed in.
I have yet to see one team put 8-9 in the box against Ugag and force Fromm to win the game through the air. I don't think he can, hopefully Florida stacks the box and shuts down their run game.
HEISMAN ALERT Saquon Barkley ran the kickoff against Ohio State back for a TD.
Florida simply isn't going to score in this game. Their only chance is to hold the dwags to 0.
Not gonna be able to watch this very long with the announcers felating the dwags.