Out of the closet

The last question and answer is a moot point. O'Leary left Tech. Tech did not fire O'Leary.

It appears the system was changed after O'Leary left and Gailey was hired with the new system in place. If O'Leary had been hired at the time Gailey was hired, he would have been hamstrung in the same way.

You might say, O'Leary would not put up with it. That is probably so, but he would not be here either. So again, I say that is a moot point.

The main point is the system was in place when Gailey was hired. Since he did not know the repurcussions of the system, he accepted the job with the present system. Now he can either walk away and leave the job, or he can try to get some relief through Braine and the system.

So to compare what O'leary would have done under a different system than the one Gailey has to operate under is not a fair comparison. It is comparing apples and oranges.

Again the question is moot as far as Gailey is concerned. This issue cannot be used against him to condemn him for the problem.

What does "(there is no love lost b/n M&N)" mean?
Sounds kinky. I don't know - if I were an AD and had an academic advisor communicating in mysterious abbreviations - I might fire him too.

Come on, General Wood, if you are going to communicate with us - communicate - don't give us these mysterious abbreviations with which we have to speculate as to the meaning.
Sorry, there is no love lost between Moore and New.

Also, one of the reasons I feel O'leary was successful, was that he understood the academics and insisted upon having a direct report academic advisor. She was all concerned about the perception of an academic advisor reporting to a football coach. All of this was in response to the scandals at Minnesota, Tennessee, and other schools that slip my mind (Jan Kemp)
Thanks dog face (ramblinwise1). I should have been able to figure that out, but I am so chapped at the situation, I cannot think clearly.

Hell, I hate communications with acronyms and abbreviations - making people guess what you mean.
If you are trying to communicate - communicate. Don't make people stop and try to figure out what you mean by some abbreviation that saves the communicator time but slows down the communicatee. I consider abbreviations and acronyms (unless absolutely obvious) inconsiderate and bad form.
O'Leary understood one basic thing. You can't have a football team without players and you don't have players if they flunk out. Therefore, you gotta make sure they don't flunk out.

Sorry for the rant General Wood, thanks for sharing your thoughts and experiences. Unfortunately they comport with other reports about "No Braine" - especially about "it is the people and the way they conduct business".

The way "No Braine" cleared out lots of loyal and competent Tech people when he was hired was and is disgraceful.

It is now confirmed that "No Braine" is an arrogant idiot.
And then he (King O'Leary) left the peasants who struggled continually for success of Georgia Tech
Football Land. But the KIng was not long for his throne, for he had not been as honest with others as he had expected others to be honest with him.
And, alas, the kingdom for which he was born to inherit, disinherited him. And he fell, never to arise again to the gates of splendor (think I am wrong, then hide and watch) So, now, do we erect an intangible statue to the "GREat ONe" or do we go on and get about the business of being a great football program?? Some of you people are such weaklings that you pine after the one who has rejected you and mistakenly live for what might have been.
Shame!!! When I am rejected, then ANATHAMA to the rejector!!!
Bill Curry, George O'L. or anyone ele.It is then my job to topple his kingdom. To beat the stuffing out of him at every opportunity, whether directly or whether through some other team's shallacking. I have that much self esteem. To me ANYONE who does not consider Georgia TEch as the elite among the elite is despicable and "found wanting". I care not for anyone who is not of this pursuasion.
I'm out too!
I was Carole Moore's predecessor. I also predicted that this would happen, although I didn't stick around long enough to say it to anyone in the current administration--anyone who would listen, that is. I resigned in '97 (with a broken heart) and in retrospect feel that at the time this was the only decision that I could have made that worked for everyone involved. I can't describe how sad I am to see a program that I worked to hard to make successful go "down the tubes". I used to be so proud to say to parents of prospective SA's that "The one thing that sets the Georgia Tech Athletic Association apart from others is that we genuinely care about your child. We are totally committed to help your son/daughter earn their degree." We cared, and it showed. General Wood worked with me during all phases of his career at the AA, and I can honestly say to anyone who's interested in hearing it, that he is a genuine Tech man--intelligent, caring, and PASSIONATE about Ma--even when "she" kicked him in the teeth.
Originally posted by General Wood:
Braine has put Larry in charge of the whole operation (there is no love lost b/n M&N). Cedric is still there but I bet he is wishing he had his job @ OMED.

I was Joe's advisor and very upset about the whole deal, and if you would like for me to tell you my side, I will. Braine had resigned me before the grades came out, but let's say the young man was treated unfairly. We still talk weekly, and he realizes what the true story is.

BB, you are pretty astute into the process. There are a few more layers of reports that we did. And in all honesty, I do not know what she changed after Jerry McTier left. I warned Braine of this very event if he didn't heed my suggestions, and in talking to current players, he didn't. We monitored all the players, and I was specifically concerned with anyone who was not on good standing.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">General Wood with out giving names are there more GaTech football player's walking on the thin line? If so about how many? ( this is in response to COLEMAN R statementon 680 today when he said there is more to come)
General Wood and rope45 - thank you very much for weighing in on the situation. It takes some courage to do so and I, and I am sure everyone else, is very appreciative.

Thanks for your courage.
The "more to come" may be in reference to the fact that eligibilities aren't certified until after summer term. Theoretically, someone on "warning" could go to probation or on "probation" could go to "drop". In addition, there are NCAA satisfactory progress standards to meet. You won't know the full extent academic goofs until August.
Hey, Rope, thanks a million.........How good to see some honesty/openess for a change.............
Keep it up and let's rid Tech of any and all scoundrels!!!!
Let me be clear--Coaches--ALL Georgia Tech coaches have the right to expect an academic person working for the AA to report on the academic progress of their SA's. It is the advisors' JOB to maintain open lines of communication--between the SA, the coach, and the Hill. For many SA's, the athletic-academic advisor is the only non threatening advocate they have at GT. It is the director's JOB to hire advisors who are professional enough and in whom she/he trusts enough to know that academic integrity will never be compromised. That being said, the lines of communication between faculty and AA never should have been tampered with--as I'm told they were. We never had a problem with academic integrity pre DB or CM, so why did anyone feel the need to take coaches out of the picture that they actually weren't in to begin with? This tells me that SOMEONE doesn't understand GT, GTAA, or what Homer Rice inculcated into his employees. It must be a terrible thing to hire people then doubt their morality and professionalism.
Yes, Nate, you do know me. I'm one of those (I believe the first) with whom you discussed your biology major. As I recall, you didn't have an easy time adjusting to GT when you first arrived, but you took care of business and got the job done--congratulations! ANY and ALL Tech athletes who "get out" with a degree deserve tremendous respect. I KNOW--I watched as many strugged then went on to become successful men and women.
No matter what the emotion or discussion..Just keep on spinning till the cows come home..GOL left us!!!!!!!ipso facto, nole contendre, modus operandi, vaya con dios!!!!!!!
GOL isn't the issue. Neither Bill Curry nor Bobby Ross nor Bill Lewis had an academic disaster of this manitude, and "the system" that some are associating only with GOL was in place even before them. The issue is--What should be done to assist SA's from this point on to support them in earning their degrees? Afterall, coaches stand in the living rooms of parents and make all kinds of promises. At GT, the greatest selling point was, "We'll help your son/daughter succeed!"