Paul Johnson....

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Is a ---- joke. We are completely out manned today which reflects on the poor ass recruiting job done by him and his staff. We might as well be in the FCS division; eventhough I'm not sure we could compete there.

Extremely disappointed today.

Yeah sorry bud, you don't know what you're talking about. Out manned? Sure. CPJ's fault? Hardly. Wake up and figure out what is going on in the state. I am tired of the people who only post when things are going wrong and offer no valuable insight.
We had twice better talent under Chan Gailey and managed to finish over 500 while he was here. The recruiting was only this poor when Bill Lewis was here.

I will be the first to say how hard it is to recruit at GT, but the talent level we have now can not compete at the D1 level on a consistent basis.

God, you're a moron.
Your last post before today was:

We lost to BYU on 10/27.

Only feel like posting when we aren't playing well? Wonder why...?

When are we playing well? I guess the only time he should post is the off season.
Other coaches have had us competitive in the last 25 years...There's no reason to think another one couldn't as well. Obviously PJ can't.
We had twice better talent under Chan Gailey and managed to finish over 500 while he was here. The recruiting was only this poor when Bill Lewis was here.

I will be the first to say how hard it is to recruit at GT, but the talent level we have now can not compete at the D1 level on a consistent basis.

When you only recruit 5-7 guys that nobody wants every year what do you expect?
Is Johnson the problem or is it the entire football program?

My opinion is Johnson is the major reason, but it is tough to battle the hill as well. We have competed previously with many of the same standards. I just believe our recruiting is extremely poor at this juncture.
Other coaches have had us competitive in the last 25 years...There's no reason to think another one couldn't as well. Obviously PJ can't.

You guys are just typing and not thinking at all. We are not competitive? Have you watched this season?
Yeah sorry bud, you don't know what you're talking about. Out manned? Sure. CPJ's fault? Hardly. Wake up and figure out what is going on in the state. I am tired of the people who only post when things are going wrong and offer no valuable insight.

You opinion. People only post when things are going wrong. Apparently you can't read very well. I have been here since almost the inception of this board. If not Johnson fault then who's?
My opinion is Johnson is the major reason, but it is tough to battle the hill as well. We have competed previously with many of the same standards. I just believe our recruiting is extremely poor at this juncture.

We haven't "competed" consistently in 50 years. You want to blame the coach then you aren't very observant.
MF2 I think it is hard to say exactly how bad the recruiting is given how badly the D is being coached. Switch this group to a 4-3 (we shouldn't be in a 3-4) and bring in someone who could actually co-ordinate/coach this mess and I think we are a lot better. Not great by any stretch but compeititve even in this game.
You guys are idiots for ripping the OP. Either that or you are Paul Johnson's brother in law. How is CPJ defensible in any way?
My opinion is Johnson is the major reason, but it is tough to battle the hill as well. We have competed previously with many of the same standards. I just believe our recruiting is extremely poor at this juncture.

You are right. Some of the idiots on this board get excited when we beat Tulane, MTSU and FIU for players. We sick because we recruit bad players. We had a top 15 class 5 years ago and beat UGA 4 years ago. Quit making excuses.
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