So many threads idk where to put my two cents. I'll be as brief as possible. GT is unique and requires a special coach imo. Not just a football coach. Many here want a badass football coach but those guys don't want the BS baggage at GT. Narrow candidate field. CPJ is starting to get many things he has requested. He should have time to take advantage of the facilities upgrades, additional recruiting analysts, etc. I see good things developing on defense. Every style of football needs a QB. Yes, other styles can find better QBs more easily than our style imo. You can hide bad QBs better in other styles than ours. But when GT has one, it's a beast that wins games. Let's see if LJ or JG is that guy. Or the recruit others have said is gonna be great at it. We got caught with no good QB for two years. It happens all over the places. Hell, UF hasn't had one since Tebow. How the hell did that happen?! Grier could've been that guy but he got popped for PEDs if I recall correctly.
New coaches don't always win with new school. CPJ did and we're reminded here all the time how he won with CCG players. Taggart hasn't. Mullen has. etc. I think there's talent here that a new guy could win with if we made a change. I'd selfishly like to see some option elements remain if a change is made. I've been a fan of the option long before we hired CPJ. BBs would make good RBs and ABs could make good slot receivers. Would find out real quick if any of the QBs could throw though.
And to the comment posted while I was typing, yes, one of the WRs has to step up and be a threat. My goodness, the one-on-ones need to be a threat! Also, would be nice to avoid some injuries for a year.