POLL: Who Do You Want?

Who Do You Want as HC Now?

  • Total voters
Gonna drop this quote here as it's interesting:

Player development is similar across various stops because it involves coaching kids of the same age playing the same sport. Deployment translates because, well, it’s the same sport with the same rules. Recruiting is different. At each stop, coaches are selling a different product. Need an example? Look no further than Tech’s own Brent Key. Ranked the #2 recruiter in the country at Alabama, he has failed to sign blue-chip recruits during his time at Tech. The person was the same, but the product changed.
Key is a bonafide loser. If he can somehow pull out a miracle of winning 4 more this year…pretty inconceivable…and Tech hires him as the new HC. I will laugh my ass off at all the Collins/Key nob swallowers as more 3 win seasons follow. I’m confident it is a near impossible probability.

My vote is for Prinr Time. If he ends up failing to match expectations someone can create a “We told you so” thread about Deion and I’ll own it. I think he would be a game changer at Tech in the current football climate nationally.
Gonna drop this quote here as it's interesting:
GT is a lame product to much of the incredibly dumb population of Southeast athletes, coaches, and family members all looking to cash in on the young man’s choice.
I'll still be reserving judgement for a while to see how things go.This is a crappy list of choices.
GT talent composite rank is 30 versus Pitt at 46 so if both coaches were average/even then the result should not surprise anyone.
we just have lowered expectations due to the clown stains of early season performance.
duke talent level is ranked at 64. Based on talent levels with even coaching we should win by 14 or so in a blowout.
the betting line still reflects low expectations due to the clown stains.
If coaching were exactly even and talent only decided games we'd go 6-6 this year(which is about what last 3 yrs should have been at worst)
If we get bowl eligible which was defined earlier as the metric for things going well, then that means Key went 5/8 against an exclusively P5 schedule (Aka 0.625 win percentage). He would have done that without an off-season to prep the team. With all due respect, that's better than O'Leary during his tenure and much better than his interim record. That's a win percentage that puts us in the competition for the coastal. Yeah, I think if Key gets us bowl eligible then we should be very excited for the future because we will not be playing small ball.

Do I think the above happens? No, I think we win 2 or 3 more which is good not great and still should be worthy of an interview, but not necessarily the job. I am rooting for it to happen, though.

From a different angle of approach of the same thing, as you said he hasn't had much time to influence things with no offeseason, no recruiting, etc. What would make you think having more time to influence things would be more likely to be good vs bad given the track record he has had with things he has had more time to influence in the past?

Maybe another way to ask this question: Was has Key done besides win one game to give you reason to root for him personally to reach that state of getting the job?
From a different angle of approach of the same thing, as you said he hasn't had much time to influence things with no offeseason, no recruiting, etc. What would make you think having more time to influence things would be more likely to be good vs bad given the track record he has had with things he has had more time to influence in the past?

Maybe another way to ask this question: Was has Key done besides win one game to give you reason to root for him personally to reach that state of getting the job?
He graduated from Georgia Tech, has served on several successful coaching staff’s and was known as a pretty good recruiter. A lot of people were clamoring for Tony Elliot in 2018
From a different angle of approach of the same thing, as you said he hasn't had much time to influence things with no offeseason, no recruiting, etc. What would make you think having more time to influence things would be more likely to be good vs bad given the track record he has had with things he has had more time to influence in the past?

Maybe another way to ask this question: Was has Key done besides win one game to give you reason to root for him personally to reach that state of getting the job?
Why wouldn't you root for him? It means we're winning!!!
Why wouldn't you root for him? It means we're winning!!!

It depends on semantics I suppose. Rooting for GT to win, sure, but that's not the same as rooting for Key to win the job. I'm unimpressed enough with what Key has done up to this point that he could not lose a game and I might still think he's not a good choice for head coach.
Key has built-in advantages/disadvantages that the other coaches do not.

  • While he can make tweaks, his roster is more or less set (the next coach can move people around all he wants)
  • His staff is set (next coach brings in "his guys")
  • He's stuck with the existing institutional hurdles (next coach can negotiate conditions of acceptance)
  • He gets a real-world tryout (other candidates are a roll of the dice)
If Key goes bowling, I think the job is his. Every win beyond 6 is a haymaker against anybody else wanting the job.

The best case scenario is either Key getting the job after a 7+ win season and ending up completing the O'Leary analogy: Bill Lewis : George O'Leary :: Geoff Collins : Brent Key

A tie for best case scenario is Coach Prime playing negotiating hardball with The Hill, and Cabrera willing to bend things to Prime's liking. Prime is hired as the CEO and recruiting and public face of the program. Away from the shiny lights, top flight assistants are hired and major facility overhauls, including BDS, are put onto the new Comprehensive Campus Plan.

A black horse hire I could get excited about is Cignetti or Chadwell. Don't see anything else I'd be too excited for, and that includes Bill O'Brien.
i'm still hung on fact that his OL play has been very sub-par. unless you believe @CarsonNewmanJacket "insider information" that his hands were tied on how he wanted to coach. not sure i buy that either. if my employer isn't letting me do my job right, i leave. the longer i stick around letting performance suck eggs, hurts my stock at next employer. I'd love to be proven wrong and go bowling this year, but would still stick with a short term incentivized contract.
If Key goes bowling, I think the job is his. Every win beyond 6 is a haymaker against anybody else wanting the job.

The best case scenario is either Key getting the job after a 7+ win season and ending up completing the O'Leary analogy: Bill Lewis : George O'Leary :: Geoff Collins : Brent Key

A tie for best case scenario is Coach Prime playing negotiating hardball with The Hill, and Cabrera willing to bend things to Prime's liking. Prime is hired as the CEO and recruiting and public face of the program. Away from the shiny lights, top flight assistants are hired and major facility overhauls, including BDS, are put onto the new Comprehensive Campus Plan.

A black horse hire I could get excited about is Cignetti or Chadwell. Don't see anything else I'd be too excited for, and that includes Bill O'Brien.
I agree with the first best case scenario. I do not want us to hire anyone who isn't going to assemble a staff full of P5 veterans and that includes the HC imo. There's a ton of good coaches discarded by top 10 programs for not winning a NC. I want us to be a Top 25 program again as the first priority and I don't want a staff full of G5/D2 coaches who are in over their heads. We've got a decently talented team, give me slightly above average coaches for now and let's build from there.

While Coach Prime has made national media splashes by recruiting highly-rated recruits to Jackson State, he has not yet completed 2 seasons as a college coach at the FCS level. Two years is not enough time to build anything sustainable, and thus far Sanders has simply bludgeoned his competition with his superior talent. Even if Sanders were to bring talent to Georgia Tech on a consistent basis, there is no reality in which he would have the kind of talent advantage over GT’s schedule that he does currently over Jackson State’s schedule. Further, there is not yet evidence he could develop what talent he did land in a way that leads to success on Saturdays. Even if Tech was in the top 15 of recruiting every year, that wouldn’t put them atop the conference in that regard. Coaching matters. We’re not trying to say that Sanders can’t coach, but anyone saying that he can is speculating at this point.

I think they lay out the case against Neon better than I can
Key’s OL is the weakest position group for 3 years straight, and everyone calls for his firing with Coach Clown and Thacker. He wins 1 game as and now he is the leading the voting? Lolololz

Edit: This was Key’s evil, genius scheme all along: tank the program under Collins, pretending to be an incompetent position coach to eventually takeover as HC. Brilliant!!
Key’s OL is the weakest position group for 3 years straight, and everyone calls for his firing with Coach Clown and Thacker. He wins 1 game as and now he is the leading the voting? Lolololz
Show me where I said he should be fired.
i'm still hung on fact that his OL play has been very sub-par. unless you believe @CarsonNewmanJacket "insider information" that his hands were tied on how he wanted to coach. not sure i buy that either. if my employer isn't letting me do my job right, i leave. the longer i stick around letting performance suck eggs, hurts my stock at next employer. I'd love to be proven wrong and go bowling this year, but would still stick with a short term incentivized contract.
That's the thing, where would he go to? Nobody would want what seems to be a trash coach at a trash school.