Rank Em - Best Games You've Seen in Person

The most excruciating losses since I've been a Tech fan that I witnessed in person was a tie between 1993 FSU and 1997 UGA.

I started a thread about 4 years ago about the most dissappointing losses in your fanship. Would be interesting to re visit that thread and see if they still hold.
!. Gotta be my 1st Tech game--1960 freshman game vs Ugag
2. 1999 vs Ugag. 3. 1990 Citrus Bowl. 4. 1998 Gator Bowl. 5. Every game Tech won against Ugag that i attended.
Let it be known that some of these folks are older than me!
I agree with that one. And yes, I was just a kid.

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I would have picked this as #2 but had a problem getting to the game (long story) I was in college and--oh well another day. BUT--believe it or not I predicted the 7-6 score in a "poll" at school and--(another long story)LOL!
I would have picked this as #2 but had a problem getting to the game (long story) I was in college and--oh well another day. BUT--believe it or not I predicted the 7-6 score in a "poll" at school and--(another long story)LOL!

It's kind of awesome that you guys had what we now know as prediction threads back then.
Let it be known that some of these folks are older than me!
Yep, sad/glad to say. Gotta a LOT of water under the ole Tech bridge. I sure laugh at some of the post on here about the "old days".
It's kind of awesome that you guys had what we now know as prediction threads back then.
Been a RABID fan since I was a "child". Seen a LOT of "good" (and bad)over the years. Gotta roll with the flow!
Not saying it wasn't a great game (last night was clearly amazing), but people seem to have really short memories. 2005 Clemson, 2006 Maryland, 2008 uga (mainly because I was surrounded by GT people), 2009 fsu are all reletively recent games that had a great atmosphere.
Yep, sad/glad to say. Gotta a LOT of water under the ole Tech bridge. I sure laugh at some of the post on here about the "old days".

Yeah I'm certainly glad we have some real old boys here who have the technical skill and the will to come banter with all of the young'uns here!
Been a RABID fan since I was a "child". Seen a LOT of "good" (and bad)over the years. Gotta roll with the flow!

I salute guys like you. I've only been following Tech since I was 10 in 1997 but I've always been fascinated by our program's history, the good and the bad, so I've taken it upon myself to know it as best I can from books, videos and stories from folks like yourself. I am in awe of anyone who actually witnessed the 7-6 win over Alabama or the pass-less game against Notre Dame.
1. 1990 Gt at uva
2. 1985 Gt v Uga- fog game
3. 1999 uga- sanks fumble
4. 1980 at Alabama
I salute guys like you. I've only been following Tech since I was 10 in 1997 but I've always been fascinated by our program's history, the good and the bad, so I've taken it upon myself to know it as best I can from books, videos and stories from folks like yourself. I am in awe of anyone who actually witnessed the 7-6 win over Alabama or the pass-less game against Notre Dame.
--and I SALUTE all Tech fans on here that help keep the GT traditions alive. Us old farts still enjoy TECH football and support the school and ALL it stands for. KEEP UP the good work and----TO HELL WITH UGAG!
This is why, even outside the parameters of the thread, 2008 still tops this year for me. The frustration of always coming so close to beating Florida State for so many years and with the likes of Joe Hamilton, Dez White, Godsey, Campell, Claybrooks, Gathers, etc. is still the only thing that's ever come close to the frustration of losing to Georgia. I imagine it's fizzled somewhat for a lot of people who didn't suffer through it but the hatred for Florida State is much, much deeper than their fans just being assholes.

Top 10 in some kind of reasonable order:
1990 uva
2014 UGAg
1998 UGAg
Calvin Clemons game
Godsey-Watkins Clemons game
1976 nd
1985 UGAg
1990 Clemons
Cooper Taylor F$U game
2015 F$U game

1962 ala game
1917 Cumberland game
1928 rose bowl
1929 UGAg game
Top 10 in some kind of reasonable order:
1990 uva
2014 UGAg
1998 UGAg
Calvin Clemons game
Godsey-Watkins Clemons game
1976 nd
1985 UGAg
1990 Clemons
Cooper Taylor F$U game
2015 F$U game

1962 ala game
1917 Cumberland game
1928 rose bowl
1929 UGAg game

So you saw all of these games in person? :squint:
1999 UGA is my #1.

The rest: 1998 UVA, 1998 UGA, 1998 Gator Bowl, 2009 ACCCG, 2008 FSU, 2008 UGA, can't remember many more after those that were just awesome.

I wasn't there last night, but in my opinion 2008 FSU ranks higher only because we looked like we were definitely losing the game in 2008. I still had hope last night that FSU's kicker would miss a career long field goal. That was no chip shot. In 2008 FSU was on our 5 yard line with time to punch it in and the entire stadium had chalked up the loss.

I rank this year ahead of 08 because FSU is a much better team now. Ending their win streak and blowing up their playoff chances is pretty sweet.