Rank Em - Best Games You've Seen in Person

For those of you that have the 1990 Citrus win and MNC crowning game in your list, how is that not your #1? Because we crushed Nebraska like a grape?

My list in in chronologic order. If I ranked the 10 on my list then yes, the Citrus Bowl and subsequent MNC would be #1. That was a phenomenal day -never before or since have I seen so many GT fans in one place -and yes, we whipped there asses.
In order:

2011 Clemson
2008 FSU
2009 Clemson
2009 FSU
2014 Miami
2015 Notre Dame (just an awesome experience being at ND...)

1962 Alabama 7-6
1966 Tennessee 6-3
1969 Georgia 6-0
1990 Nebraska
1998 Virginia
2014 Miami
2014 Clemson
2009 Clemson (Tampa)
I would have picked this as #2 but had a problem getting to the game (long story) I was in college and--oh well another day. BUT--believe it or not I predicted the 7-6 score in a "poll" at school and--(another long story)LOL!

I was a bit younger, and my dad had tickets in the south end zone down low. So for that reason, plus the fact that I was a short little guy at the time, we couldn't tell what was happening when Bama went for two at the other end of the field. We only knew they didn't make it when the Tech student section went crazy.
What about the 2000 GT-Clemson game? Kerry Watkins left handed catch. That was sweet!!!
You sure #4 is not the 1981 game?

You are correct about 1981. I was 10 and have killed a few brain cells since then. Jim Bob Taylor to the rescue.

98 Uva (big comeback) and 85, 90, 98, 00, and 08 games in Athens added to the list because any win in Athens is on the list...
1) 1998 UGA-after 1997 there couldn't have been a sweeter revenge win
2) 1999 UGA- Joe senior day...would not be denied
3) 1990 UGA- upset hopes shut down early...still have hedges from this
4) 2008 FSU - similar to 1998 UGA and same sentiments as another poster above about how many close calls we'd had, looked like it'd happened again but miracle on north ave
5) 2009 VPI- first time I'd see. Us knock off a top 5 in person
6) 1998 UVA - huge comeback...louder at times than any game I've been to
7) 2004 Clemson- Calvin game
8) 2000 UGA - last time we curb stomped them
9) 2007 ND - first time I'd been up there and we murdered them..revenge from 2006 bad penalty on wheeler who stomped them all day.
10) 1988 USCe (first game...dad got me onto the field after the game...was a blowout...crowd couted down the clock anyway)
11) Auburn 2003/2005
1. 1990 Citrus Bowl, Tech 45 – Nebraska 21
2. 1999 Tech 51 – UGA 48
3. 2015 Tech 22 - FSU 16
4. 2008 Tech 31 – FSU 28
5. 2009 ACC Championship, Tech 39 – Clemson 34
6. 2000 Tech 27 – UGA 15
7. 2009 Tech 28 - VT 23
8. 1991 Tech 24 – UVA 21
9. 2003 Tech 17 – Auburn 3
10. 2009 Tech 30 – Clemson 27
11. 2014 Tech 28 – Miami 17
12. 2005 Tech 23 – Auburn 14
13. 1998 Gator Bowl, Tech 35 – Notre Dame 28
14. 2014 Orange Bowl, Tech 49 – Mississippi State 34
15. 2006 Tech 27 - Maryland 23
16. 2014 Tech 28 – Clemson 6
17. 2007 Tech 33 - Notre Dame 3
18. 2011 Tech 31 – Clemson 17
19. 2008 Tech 41 – Miami 23
20. 2005 Tech 10 – Clemson 9
21. 1990 Tech 6 – VT 3
coit is old.

He is not as old as I am. In 1962, I was 8 years old and watched Tech upset number one Alabama at Grant Field. It was old school 7-6 to be sure but a great game in its own way. The FSU game was the most exciting one to be sure along with the 1999 UGA game and others but I would personally put that upset of the Tide in there somewhere. It was something else to watch Don Toner's interception from the old North Stands.
'90 Citrus and a tie for second with '84 &'85 ugag.

I am going to have to say that I have never seen a better game in person than the game I just saw. FSU 2008 is up there. FSU 2009 was awesome too. Thankfully, I was there for all three.
1952 Sugar Bowl. Beat an undefeated Ole Miss squad to finish off a perfect season and the National Title.
1. Citrus Bowl against Nebraska. Everything else can tie for No. 2. But the best among those are:

2008 UGa

2014 UGa

2009 ACCCG

2014 ACCCG (a loss, but a great game)

2014 Orange Bowl

2008 FSU/2009 Va Tech

For non Tech games, I will put the 1989 I-AA championship game and 2000 I-AA championship game right up there. Especially 89. Just an unbelievable game.
While not a win, 2006 opening season game against Notre Dame was a rocking night game and, as crowd experience goes, it was a very positive memory. Definitely refs stole the game on ND's winning drive with penalty against Phillip Wheeler. IIRC, that was the last time College Game Day was on Tech's campus.

2008 and 2014 uga game "Between the Weeds" were fantastic experiences and was 1999 at home.
1. '74 UGA - you understand, it was my first time, always the best
2. Citrus Bowl - a day I never thought I'd experience as a Tech fan
3. Gator Bowl win over Notre Dame, a magnificent performance
4. Auburn in '76 (only win in 4 against Dad's alma mater while I was in school)
5. At Clemson in '89 - I was at the bus as the team left the stadium, the smile on the
face of Bobby Ross said it all - "we are getting pretty good!"