Realistic expectations

You showed your hand right here. No reason to read anything else you post. We know camp you’re in now. My guess is you’re an alt to one of the currently banned users.
I actually haven't been "banned" on that other site. Just got a warning for posting a truth. Why people fail to want to hear truths is beyond me. It seems like we have a hit a point of society where people just want to be lied to. As long as it makes them feel good. I am too old school for that. I tell people, like it is. I am in the camp of "if you can't do your job, someone else will" and "don't put frosting a chicken poop and tell me it's a cupcake". Collins is a fraud. He is a woke coach that uses narratives, blames and excuses... He is everything that GT doesn't need. I can smell the BS that he spills each time he talks. He rode a lot of coat tails to get where he is.. So, if that's the camp you're thinking.... you are correct.
You showed your hand right here. No reason to read anything else you post. We know camp you’re in now. My guess is you’re an alt to one of the currently banned users.
Your credibility is a null set. There are no positives to be taken from the state of our program and your desire to stick your head in the sand is admirable, but ultimately gets lost when you try to enforce it on others.
Once we cannot realistically reach six wins, our AD needs to replaced.

I've been passionate about stating the case that is already apparent. Angel insists on letting this run its course and minimizing buyouts. It's telling that our big money donors are having to go to the press to feel heard. I empathize with someone who has donated millions and has no other recourse than essentially whistle blowing. Many on hear said that it was a bad look and, to an extent, it is, but it's a look that reflects poorly on Todd and Angel for not listening to feedback.
I've been passionate about stating the case that is already apparent. Angel insists on letting this run its course and minimizing buyouts. It's telling that our big money donors are having to go to the press to feel heard. I empathize with someone who has donated millions and has no other recourse than essentially whistle blowing. Many on hear said that it was a bad look and, to an extent, it is, but it's a look that reflects poorly on Todd and Angel for not listening to feedback.
And that failure to listen to feedback extends to more than just Tech athletics. There are other issues that need to be addressed, and they refuse to do so. I sent an email to the president of the alumni association, who had sent out a total lie in an email he had sent to alumni "leaders", whoever the hell they are. Whether said president ever actually read my email is unknown (and frankly doubtful), but the only response I got to it was a hand-scratched note on the back of the printed copy somebody made of my email, with only the initials of the person who sent it to me. It was sent via US mail and essentially said, "thank you for your support." SHEESH !!!
I actually haven't been "banned" on that other site. Just got a warning for posting a truth. Why people fail to want to hear truths is beyond me. It seems like we have a hit a point of society where people just want to be lied to. As long as it makes them feel good. I am too old school for that. I tell people, like it is. I am in the camp of "if you can't do your job, someone else will" and "don't put frosting a chicken poop and tell me it's a cupcake". Collins is a fraud. He is a woke coach that uses narratives, blames and excuses... He is everything that GT doesn't need. I can smell the BS that he spills each time he talks. He rode a lot of coat tails to get where he is.. So, if that's the camp you're thinking.... you are correct.
I admire that you like to tell it like it is. So here it is: your grammar sucks. Also, you can’t read. Had you simply perused just about any of the threads on this board, you would have seen this topic has been discussed ad nauseam.

Edited to add: welcome to StinGTalk!
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I admire that you like to tell it like it is. So here it is: your grammar sucks. Also, you can’t read. Had you simply perused just about any of the threads on this board, you would see this topic has been discussed ad nauseam.

Edited to add: welcome to StinGTalk!
Where does his grammar suck, unless you consider obvious typos or shortcuts poor grammar. If that is the case, then probably 90% of the posters on this site are guilty of sucky grammar. I bet you too are guilty of it. As far as perusing other threads, he just this morning joined this site. Do you expect him to "peruse" the hundreds of previously posted threads to find out what has been or is being said by others? Maybe you have time to waste like that, but I can guarantee you that few others do.
Not sure where your confidence comes from that there will be "close losses" to Clemson and Ole Miss. A more realistic guess would be Clemson by 20-25, with Ole Miss laying a beat down on us - something closer to laying 50 on us.
This isn’t the same Clemson we’ve faced in recent years. They’ve lost a bunch of coaches and have no identity at QB right now. It’s a more winnable game than it has been in years.
I actually haven't been "banned" on that other site. Just got a warning for posting a truth. Why people fail to want to hear truths is beyond me. It seems like we have a hit a point of society where people just want to be lied to. As long as it makes them feel good. I am too old school for that. I tell people, like it is. I am in the camp of "if you can't do your job, someone else will" and "don't put frosting a chicken poop and tell me it's a cupcake". Collins is a fraud. He is a woke coach that uses narratives, blames and excuses... He is everything that GT doesn't need. I can smell the BS that he spills each time he talks. He rode a lot of coat tails to get where he is.. So, if that's the camp you're thinking.... you are correct.
I wasn’t saying you e been banned. I was saying other fonts on this board Are currently banned on here, and they could be you.

The fact that you used the term “woke” to describe CGC also says a lot about you.
Your credibility is a null set. There are no positives to be taken from the state of our program and your desire to stick your head in the sand is admirable, but ultimately gets lost when you try to enforce it on others.
There are plenty of positives to be taken, you’re just not willing to see them (joke intended). My head is not in the sand. I understand exactly where we’re at with the program. This is “win or go home” Year for CGC. I’ll support his firing completely at the end of the year. I just don’t feel the need to repeat the same garbage over and over again in every thread. I’d rather enjoy my life.
Where does his grammar suck, unless you consider obvious typos or shortcuts poor grammar. If that is the case, then probably 90% of the posters on this site are guilty of sucky grammar. I bet you too are guilty of it. As far as perusing other threads, he just this morning joined this site. Do you expect him to "peruse" the hundreds of previously posted threads to find out what has been or is being said by others? Maybe you have time to waste like that, but I can guarantee you that few others do.
He joined the site in September of 2021.
And that failure to listen to feedback extends to more than just Tech athletics. There are other issues that need to be addressed, and they refuse to do so. I sent an email to the president of the alumni association, who had sent out a total lie in an email he had sent to alumni "leaders", whoever the hell they are. Whether said president ever actually read my email is unknown (and frankly doubtful), but the only response I got to it was a hand-scratched note on the back of the printed copy somebody made of my email, with only the initials of the person who sent it to me. It was sent via US mail and essentially said, "thank you for your support." SHEESH !!!
Juicy. I'd like to hear more about it. I'm trying to work some things with some of the other boosters, so the more evidence the better.
There are plenty of positives to be taken, you’re just not willing to see them (joke intended). My head is not in the sand. I understand exactly where we’re at with the program. This is “win or go home” Year for CGC. I’ll support his firing completely at the end of the year. I just don’t feel the need to repeat the same garbage over and over again in every thread. I’d rather enjoy my life.
Ngl, I'd already gone up 20 pts in blood pressure before I saw the parentheses.
He joined the site in September of 2021.
He joined then, but he had not posted anything, at least nothing significant, until today, and that was at my encouragement. He is a personal friend. Hell, I joined way back in 2013, but I didn't make any posts until last summer. So big deal on when somebody joined the site.
He joined then, but he had not posted anything, at least nothing significant, until today, and that was at my encouragement. He is a personal friend. Hell, I joined way back in 2013, but I didn't make any posts until last summer. So big deal on when somebody joined the site.
My point was he has had plenty of time to read through the board. And really my point was just that he didn’t join today.