Realistic expectations

You mean Tech has people who whine about how everything they don't like is "racist"? I didn't know that, guess we aren't any different than the rest of the diploma mills.

The “spade” thing is obviously not racist, I’m just trolling 1982. But yeah, Tech has taken a left turn in the last few years - there’s a lot more of that stuff now than there used to be. I blame the kinder, gentler Tech for not keeping the students busy just trying not to flunk out.

4 tops

Salivating? Well apparently there’s life on pluto

in what realm of reality do you think we’re capable of beating any of the above based …hell the last 7 yrs

enjoy your chocolate milk and don’t forget to snag that front bus seat

Poor little fella….enjoy rooting for Ls
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Other than himself?

From a fan perspective, I think the bloom is off his rose for all, or at least, many.
That’s my point. Who is he referencing? This guy can GTFO
Why are so many making their own personal CGC sucks threads around here? It just rehashes the same old arguments. We know CGC sucks dude. He is basically a dead coach walking. What if Tech starts 4-3 next season? I want to know what drugs you are on. What if Tech beats UGA. Gimme a break, Tech will never ever ever beat UGA under CGC.
So in an AJC article of the last couple days Collins "intended to devote more of his time to working with the defensive coaches and players this offseason and going forward" and he said he "previously gave more time to the offense and to matters like the branding of the team, as that was where he felt his presence was needed. After the team finished 3-9 last season and lost its last two games by a combined 100-0, Collins determined that he had to devote more of himself to the actual coaching of the team."

So ... if he was giving that much time to the offense and was still ... not that great .. .plus, apparently, Patenaude wasn't employing the tight ends as Collins would have liked, doesn't this cast even more of a light of how ineffectual he really is?
And if he's worrying about branding rather than trying to put the players, all of them, in the best possible position to win, during the season ...

Yeah, I'm pretty much done with anything Collins says or does.

I listened to a podcast about two weeks ago from the guys, and one of them castigated one of the players' leaving and citing "the uncertainty in the program" for his leaving.
Fellas, if there is money to buy the guy out and the AD won't pull the trigger, that's uncertainty in the program. Don't call out a player, or in this case, a former player, for speaking the truth.
So why have you been watching since the mid 70’s? The NCAA has been allowing it and protecting the top tier for over 50 years and you are now fired up about it? Alabama and Georgia are doing the exact same thing they’ve always been doing. Nothing new here. I will continue to watch college football because it’s the same sport it has been.
I've accepted there unfair advantages for many schools as there were in the past but honestly I think there was more parity in college football in the 70s80s. A GT had a chance at having a big year ie 1990 but now it seems far fetched. I think an 8 team playoff would at least let some other teams have a chance and that in of itself is worth something. If you win your conference in a P5 you deserve a shot and one non-p5 also deserves a shot. Right now the major schools are like if you want to play for a nc you have to come here. It might still end up UGA and Alabama in final game but at least others would have a shot. Can't win if don't have a shot. I don't thin out 1990 team would have made the final 4 if existed then which is total bs.
Yeah, that sounds like something a racist would say.

BTW, you really need to find another schtick than this played out “no way you went to Tech” bullshit. You sound like an asshole, and it’s pretty rich coming from a guy that’s either too dumb or too cheap to be able to watch basketball games so he cries about it on a message board.


Bull öööö. Guys here were cumming in their underwear after the win against UNC last year making us 2-2, with close losses to UNI and South Carolina Cow College. We turned the corner!!!! Yeah into the path of an oncoming train called Pitt.

CGC gets us to 4-3 and the CGC approval poll here will show at least 90% approval.
So to sum up your posts in this thread…if Tech wins football games that’s a bad thing.
I just don’t see it. Bama and UGA have been getting stud football players for decades. They didn’t just up and start getting 4 and 5 stars due to NIL/TP the past 2 years. Georgia won this year not because of the portal or NIL. They started a freaking walk on QB OVER a portal 5 star. They won because the football gods finally shined on them and because Bama lost there 2 most dynamic offensive weapons. Sure, Bama got Gibbs. But even if they hadn’t they would still have had a stable full of studs at RB just like they always have. And Gibbs could have transferred anyway even under the old rules. And if he didn’t want to sit a season he would just do what good players on bad teams have been doing for years- pull a hammy and sit. I just believe you guys are buying the ESPN backed hype regarding this stuff. Bama will win it next year just like they’ve won pre NIL/Portal. Nothing has really changed. The players are still being lied to by the big boys and are just human fodder. GT will be fine once we get a real coach. The world is not ending.
Who says UGA and Bama became good because of NIL/TP? Nothing has really changed due to NIL/TP!? Are you serious?
Who says UGA and Bama became good because of NIL/TP? Nothing has really changed due to NIL/TP!? Are you serious?
Yes I’m serious. You guys are freaking out like we haven’t seen changes in college football before. It‘s like many of you have bought into the instagram/twitter generation that if it happens today it’s way more historical than anything in the past. All these apocalyptic posts are just funny. I can only imagine the posts if message boards existed back during integration. Or when they changed scholarship limits. Or any number of changes. In 4 years from now, after everyone adjusts to the portal and NIL, we’ll still be watching and rooting for our Yellow Jackets and we’ll be competitive once we get a coach.
Yes I’m serious. You guys are freaking out like we haven’t seen changes in college football before. It‘s like many of you have bought into the instagram/twitter generation that if it happens today it’s way more historical than anything in the past. All these apocalyptic posts are just funny. I can only imagine the posts if message boards existed back during integration. Or when they changed scholarship limits. Or any number of changes. In 4 years from now, after everyone adjusts to the portal and NIL, we’ll still be watching and rooting for our Yellow Jackets and we’ll be competitive once we get a coach.
The magnitude of the freaking out during integration or the scholarship limits would have been spot on. You been paying attn the last 50+ years?

You do realize the Ukrainians weren't freaking out a month ago, right?
The magnitude of the freaking out during integration or the scholarship limits would have been spot on. You been paying attn the last 50+ years?

You do realize the Ukrainians weren't freaking out a month ago, right?
So you are comparing a war to a few players changing teams? Come on. I get it. This is the death of college football and some of you cant handle the thought of young men switching colleges. How will Oklahoma ever recover from losing their QB? (Hint, I believe they will be just fine). How will GT ever survive losing Gibbs? (Hint, we’ll be our normal mediocre selves).

Again, I agree college football is corrupt and run and governed by people and entities who only look out for themselves. But its been this way for decades and the sport has survived. This current period of realignment by big name schools along with NIL/TP is just the most recent wave of changes along a long line of changes. The big boys will continue to be the big boys and those schools with less passion will continue to be mediocre. Nothing has changed at all that will change the sport. The next change will be more realignment and an expanded playoff. I expect another round of freakoutery when they occur.
Yeah, that’s not the issue at all. You just keep doing you though.
100 percent the issue. You feel inadequate, so you can't ever admit you're wrong about anything, even when it's glaringly obvious - as here.. Usually a sign of a guy with a tiny pecker. Prayers sent.
So you are comparing a war to a few players changing teams? Come on. I get it. This is the death of college football and some of you cant handle the thought of young men switching colleges. How will Oklahoma ever recover from losing their QB? (Hint, I believe they will be just fine). How will GT ever survive losing Gibbs? (Hint, we’ll be our normal mediocre selves).

Again, I agree college football is corrupt and run and governed by people and entities who only look out for themselves. But its been this way for decades and the sport has survived. This current period of realignment by big name schools along with NIL/TP is just the most recent wave of changes along a long line of changes. The big boys will continue to be the big boys and those schools with less passion will continue to be mediocre. Nothing has changed at all that will change the sport. The next change will be more realignment and an expanded playoff. I expect another round of freakoutery when they occur.
Option, was drinking alcohol at the same level during Prohibition compared to when it was made legal? I mean after all, it was being done during Prohibition....right? So, it couldn't have possibly increased dramatically when made legal....right? Plus, nothing changed at all after being made legal....right?
This may be something already brought up once or may be a "tabboo" topic to discuss. It's my first post, so forgive me, if I am breaking any rules. I cannot express my concerns and beliefs on another like site, without making snowflakes mad. I call a spade a spade, a bad coach a bad coach and a stupid AD a stupid AD. I see no reasons to hold back. WIth that said... What are everyone's realistic expectations going into next season? I, personally, see 3, maybe 4 wins.. After which the same group of "fans" will flock to Collins' side, saying how "great" he is. Just curious, if I am the only person that can see through the muck... I expect to have more narratives, I expect to continue to see the pass/fail line move over and over. Lastly, I expect more kids to get tired of Collins' BS and leave. I expect that after the 2024 season, which will be another losing season, both Collins and the AD are fired. However; at that point the damage is done. Again... I may be the only person, that sees this. Help me understand why I should have a remote shred of hope.
Wow. Another of these douchebags is just what this board needs.