RIP WSU football coaches

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Yes, but what about a brain?

Smart people defend and live by their standards, even when challenged and threatened. Not doing so is dumb and will be proven so in the end,

Many of our problems today stem from parents and institutions failing to maintain and defend standards (foremost the Constitution), and instead allowing trophies for all regardless of effort or achievement.
So do these same people have the measles and polio vaccinations?
maybe but it doesn't matter.
This is not a vaccination by traditional definition until the long term safety tests are completed.
just a gene editing experimenlal drug
mandating or "proof of vax" violates the Nuremburg Code..
It's a crime against humanity and should be prosecuted as such.
The pope said to get the shot.
The pope said you can get the shot with no moral qualms. He also said those Catholics who choose not to due to their intense position on abortion are free to do so but should take extra precautions.

Rolovich claims he has multiple instances of disrespect or discrimination due to his religious views. We’ll see in the suit.
Is this not just a state to state issue? In Iowa I don't have to get the vaccine. It seems to me like if he doesn't like the laws in Washington state, he could go to another state without those laws. One of the cool things about our country is different states (and localities) have different laws, and we are free to choose where to live.

Personally I think having an option to do regular testing is a good compromise for people with objections. Sort of like how you can opt out of TSA body scanners. There are places with that option.
Is this not just a state to state issue? In Iowa I don't have to get the vaccine. It seems to me like if he doesn't like the laws in Washington state, he could go to another state without those laws. One of the cool things about our country is different states (and localities) have different laws, and we are free to choose where to live.

Personally I think having an option to do regular testing is a good compromise for people with objections. Sort of like how you can opt out of TSA body scanners. There are places with that option.
Maybe because Iowa for the most part is sparsely populated.

He's on a College Campus where during the Daytime Hours there are a lot of students & staff moving about, a lot more densely populated, so maybe that is the reason for different standards, also don't college Kids have to prove they've been vaccinated before they are admitted as students, don't they have to add a meningitis vaccine before they Enroll?

If he were Recruiting a Player(s) that had to get vaxxed, don't you think this same HC would say something like, "how important is FB to you, think about the Team, think about what you signed up for, think about OUR GOALS" -- my guess is he'd be pi$$ed as hell at a Player that didn't complete his vaccines from K-12, or didn't get a Meningitis vaccine, yet somehow his decision makes him heroic in the eyes of some?

Is this not just a state to state issue? In Iowa I don't have to get the vaccine. It seems to me like if he doesn't like the laws in Washington state, he could go to another state without those laws. One of the cool things about our country is different states (and localities) have different laws, and we are free to choose where to live.

Personally, I think having an option to do regular testing is a good compromise for people with objections. Sort of like how you can opt-out of TSA body scanners. There are places with that option.

You are correct. Each State (as allowed within its Constitution) has the right to make mandates.
HOWEVER, the Federal government DOES NOT. That is the argument and the current struggle we are facing as a Country.

We are a REPUBLIC of 50 sovereign States which should be dictating their own laws beyond those specifically outlined within the Constitution to be within the power of the Federal Govt (read the 10th Amendment).

This is the beauty of (what used to be) our Republic.
Do those have cards you have to show to keep your job or eat in a restaurant?
Do you need them to attend elementary school, middle school, high school, college, and military service?

It is a public university that likely requires students to have various vaccinations to enroll. The university extended the requirements and the coach exercised his right to not get vaccinated. They ended his employment to allow him to seek other opportunities with like minded non vaxers, who I am certain will reach out to him and offer him a well paying job.
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You are correct. Each State (as allowed within its Constitution) has the right to make mandates.
HOWEVER, the Federal government DOES NOT. That is the argument and the current struggle we are facing as a Country.

We are a REPUBLIC of 50 sovereign States which should be dictating their own laws beyond those specifically outlined within the Constitution to be within the power of the Federal Govt (read the 10th Amendment).

This is the beauty of (what used to be) our Republic.

Also, Section 1.2.1 of Rolovich’s contract says he must comply with university policy:

“Employee agrees to devote Employee’s best efforts to the performance of their duties for the University, and to comply with and support all rules, regulations, policies, and decisions established or issued by the University.”


“The question of the legality of vaccine mandates seems to be well-settled law by the Supreme Court more than 100 years ago in Jacobson v. Massachusetts, with Justice Harlan concluding that ‘real liberty’ does not permit an individual to exercise their own freedoms ‘at the expense of injury that may be done to others.’

Can you explain that "what used to be our Republic" remark, since SCOTUS ruled on this over 100 years ago, meaning your entire Life you have lived with this ruling, this isn't something new?

Seems to me you're fantasizing about a USA that you never actually experienced?
Do you need them to attend elementary school, middle school, high school, college, and military service?

It is a public university that likely requires students to have various vaccinations to enroll. The university extended the requirements and the coach exercised his right to not get vaccinated. They ended his employment to allow him to seek other opportunities with like minded non vaxers, who I am certain will reach out to him and offer him a well paying job.
This is the gist of the problem. His employer enacted a requirement he didn't like. Instead of doing something noble like quitting because of his beliefs he decides to sue to try and get money. He reminds me of a player who doesn't like the rules imposed by the coach, but instead of either obeying the rule or quitting he pouts and tries to stay on the team.
His record is 5-6 in two season, he seems to have done the university a huge favor and self terminated himself, assuming WSU wins the lawsuit
Do you need them to attend elementary school, middle school, high school, college, and military service?

It is a public university that likely requires students to have various vaccinations to enroll. The university extended the requirements and the coach exercised his right to not get vaccinated. They ended his employment to allow him to seek other opportunities with like minded non vaxers, who I am certain will reach out to him and offer him a well paying job.

I have never ever had to show a vaccine card to my employer until now. I have never had to check the vaccine status of my employees until now. I have never had to show a vaccine card to eat on a restaurant until now. "Show me your papers" is something we used to mock growing up. I am not even sure I have proof of my childhood vaccinations at home. Congratulations on turning something most people do for their own health into a political football.
This is the gist of the problem. His employer enacted a requirement he didn't like. Instead of doing something noble like quitting because of his beliefs he decides to sue to try and get money. He reminds me of a player who doesn't like the rules imposed by the coach, but instead of either obeying the rule or quitting he pouts and tries to stay on the team.

It is the American way.
I hope by the time they are done with the lawsuit WSU is playing at Rolovich Staidium at Rolovich Field. The Rolovich Cougars.
Well, if they fired him for something that wasn't covered in the contract, shouldn't he get whatever is guaranteed in the contract? Should be like firing any other coach shouldn't it?
This is what I was thinking. Does his contact state he must obtain the COVID "vaccine", using the term loosely here. There is some vague language that the previous poster linked, but will that be sufficient for a jury or judge?
Well, if they fired him for something that wasn't covered in the contract, shouldn't he get whatever is guaranteed in the contract? Should be like firing any other coach shouldn't it?

It's in his contract to adhere to school policies. The school is well within its rights to require vaccinations for both employees and students, the case law has been settled on this for over 100 years. Any employer can require vaccination.

Just like a restaurant is well within its rights to require proof of vaccination to dine there. Just like it's entirely legal to require ID (or papers if you want to be hysterical about it) to purchase alcohol.
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