Schultz calls out the douchebags in the GT fanbase

Every five years or so I give sports talk radio another chance, and every time I'm reminded of how the profession attracts more know-nothing bullshit artists than any other.
Local talk radio pays $30k. What do you expect for that salary?
I tried to listen to 929 the last couple of weeks while commuting and finally gave up. They have one guy who's from New York but is somehow an FSU fan, another guy who's a Canes fan, and another guy from Minnesota (I think) who pretends to like all the local teams. I realize that Atlanta is transplant city, but when OSU/Michigan gets more air time than GT/UGA, funk off. And ofc after the game it was all about how UGA should've just handed the ball off for the win and how GT doesn't deserve respect for beating a crap UGA team, even though the guy opining admitted to watching OSU instead.

Every five years or so I give sports talk radio another chance, and every time I'm reminded of how the profession attracts more know-nothing bullshit artists than any other.
This is a good synopsis of Atlanta Sports Media, knowledgeable folks see thru the BS, as do folks see thru SECSPN BS.
Well, when I heard them take callers on the radio there were two idiot bulldawgs and then a "Tech" caller who basically said he was glad for the win but thinks Johnson sucks. And then the radio announces went right into the rhetoric of how the offense can't beat good teams and we can't recruit with it.

Except our results show this is the most effective offensive scheme we've had since Little Joe, we have beaten good teams, and that our recruiting is pretty much just the same as it always has been, with this class looking to be particularly good.


I still don't think anybody outside of GT fans and that sportanalytics website that compiled the stats are aware that the 2014 CPJ offense was one of (if not) the best in recent, recorded history by any of a number of metrics. And we did it with a DB turned QB, QB turned BB, Pitcher turned WR, and TE turned WR. This offense is magic.
justin thomas is not a db turned qb. justin matthews may be, though.
Guess what. No one is like Dodd. Except Saban maybe.

So this chart would look so much different if it was # of wins, or we'd won some bowl games or ACC CGs recently.
Yes those games count, but so does making them, & our performance in them gives us like 10 extra losses the last 9 years or something.
So this chart would look so much different if it was # of wins, or we'd won some bowl games or ACC CGs recently.
Yes those games count, but so does making them, & our performance in them gives us like 10 extra losses the last 9 years or something.

No, this chart is for regular season games only. ACCCG and Bowl games not counted.
No, this chart is for regular season games only. ACCCG and Bowl games not counted.
Well then remove the non-Auburn games started by Reggie Ball & anything played vs georgia the last 25 years.
Oh, the hell with it.
While listening to some pre-game stuff on Thursday morning on 92.9, the only two "Tech" callers they put on both said they were rooting for UGA this year because they want Johnson fired. They may be the minority, (an even smaller minority after this weekend) but the majority needs to be a lot more vocal.
Probably the damn hosts themselves calling in. You want real douchebaggery? Try Atlanta sports talk radio.
Sports radio, much like political talk radio, is mostly designed to get people to talk, not to provide quality analysis.

That's nice, but I didn't expect analysis from the know-nothings who fart into mics on 929. I do expect the state rivalry game to get more talk - even of the bullshit variety - than a rivalry game that's 500 miles away and featured a couple of teams that can't even win their conference divisions.