Here are some observations not mentioned clearly else were... and some added perspective.
The 1st defense came on strong for MJ's first few series. Keep in mind there was also a lot of juggling of the OL to start out as well. This put MJ at a disadvantage. Even with that disadvantage, MJ did not have smooth meshes. It almost looked like Mills was getting to the line to fast at times with MJ as well. I think some of those missed pitches will show defended on film (I could be wrong ; ). Although there was one were the defender taking the pitch was 5 yards back and MJ could have pitched given the distance of the defender. The defense was taking away the pitch just like the spring game. There was a general smoothness missing during the MJ series for the whole offense and for MJ in particular. There were several offensive penalties to start out. As CPJ said, the O has a long way to go to get ready for UT. But, this was just the first scrimmage.
TM took on the second team defense to their end zone. Keep in mind second string defense also had some 3rd string due to 1st strings missing. He also ran the 2s at least twice.
LJ got to take the 1st O after MJ. The OL did start to perform better after the juggling (which should have helped LJ and would have helped MJ). LJ did show some very good abilities, was smooth and showed poise. LJ got to take the 1st O at least twice.
Jay Jones got in on the 2s and showed some serious sparks. Jay was dynamic, takes big risks, and has the potential to have big plays for either team (as CPJ said). He had some back field double reverse scrambles and a wild pitch. He is going to continue to improve as he starts following/staying inside the system and making the right decisions in a bad situation.
TM got to go with the ones and moved the 1s down the field. I will qualify that the D had some minor regression as the scrimmage went on. I know it sounds like I am hedging on TM, I am not... I am just letting you know what I think. I am not anti TM. In fact I was very impressed with TM's two midline plays! I think I have some internal bias for LJ for some reason and I don't know why... I can see TM starting and would be happy with his performance.
I think anyone there, if they look back with an honest eye, can factor in some of the issues MJ was facing with the OL and a fresh D, TM playing against almost 3rd string defense to start, and the defense losing steam as the scrimmage progressed.
Right now I am a toss up on LJ and TM (looked the best in the spring game and had a great scrimmage) with MJ and Jay following with individual areas needed for improvement.