StingTalk: Lowest of the low

Try to be a little tolerant guys. If he needs a little butthurt to make his little mutt spurt, that's his business.
Hey, is Larry Munson still dead? I need to ask him which vet is handling Girley's surgery. My dog tore her acl and I'm looking for a good vet.

I would hope the geogia players rip their acls and their hymens on the same day, but their stepdad took that away from them on their first day working at "fatz"

I posted this on, but since none of them can read, I haven't got a reply.

lol, fatz
I would love an index of UGA fan posts calling for injuring other players / etc. Could be very useful to me on Facebook within the next couple of days.

This thread might be a good starting point:

Every game that UGA ever plays in, regardless of opponent, I wish mainly for no injuries for either side. Good clean game regardless of outcome.

Except tech. I hope all 22 starters go down with career ending injuries and can't ever walk again. Maybe 1 or 2 have permanent paralysis and are bed-ridden a few years before facing an imminent untimely death.
Wasn't it BOR that got the work order and painted the Gagger Arch?
Yes, I know it is an old stingtalk thread and a joke

And BTW, UGAg retarts, these are what arches look like. You shouldn't need a center support if done correctly, you idiots. Y'all look like, and are, freakin' morons plastering pics of yourselves walking through it for everyone in the world to see.



The arch thing is kinda dumb. Blame the masons who designed the state seal.

Yes, I believe BOR us the last person to paint the "T" on the arch.
Since bumping threads is a faux pas here. I found these pics of shenanigans


^ was that one of ours? I definitely recall a big scandal with LSU fans doing donuts in Sanford once.
Didn't he have a thing about goats and young boys? Or maybe it was just the goats.