first of all, i am not obsessed with you (you may have to go look up the meaning of the word, i guess)
second of all, i dont know any of you, so i have no idea of whether i like you or not
thirdly, i am pretty sure that your "online personality" is far from your "real life" personality so again, i have no clue whether i would like you or not
what i do know is that you are a very annoying poster to me, who corrects people's spelling but does not think before posting. also, you do things like beg to get on the Clemson bus, and then dont pony up the $$ when the time comes. you are a little brat, basically.
and i would, if you want, meet and "fight to the death" or at least until you crap your pants AFTER any home game, not before, because they dont have TV in jail, where i would be if that happened.