Taylor Bennett..

CitySting said:
Are you saying that a african american QB can't stay in the pocket???

Or that a white QB can't be a running QB, like Eric Crouch perhaps?

That post was lame and ignorant. (Not yours; the previous one you were referencing.)
ncjacket said:
I love it, the expert on everything, Geetee doesn't know anything about our backup QB? Priceless.

:hugelaugh: Well what else would you expect from a Daw ..... oh, never mind.
nedleeds said:
God had nothing to do with it, running sprints does.

Oh please. Don't insult our intelligence. This is that lame argument old Harry Edwards used to use. That black kids were better athletes because they worked harder. Thats the most racist statement anybody could make, that white kids are too lazy to be good athletes.
Maybe you should just mention that Taylor is really, really white - not just average white and that is what makes him a pocket passer.

He offsets being white by being pretty tall - which I am not gonna mention that being tall is part of his genetics - wouldn't want to insult short people.

NOTE: 1,999 posts - I won't post again unless it's worth it, and right now, nothing on this board is worth it.
GTWannaBee said:
TB is a white QB. 'Nuff said. The game plan should change to allow more pocket protection from the line.

Ever heard of a young man named Tim Tebow. How about the name Steve Young?

Sheez!! God help us!
GTWannaBee said:
The fact of the matter is that 90% of white QB's are pocket QB's while 90% of black QB's are mobile QB's. If that's a problem for you, talk to God about it since He made us this way.

It's my understanding that 90% of people from Vidalia are racist idiots, too.
Geetee said:
Is he known for being a better passer or mobile running type of qb? both?

And you expect us to believe you are a Tech fan?
mm42 said:
It's my understanding that 90% of people from Vidalia are racist idiots, too.

From my experience around here (I'm originally from Savannah btw), you may be pretty close; however, my post was not racist. It apparently has made quite a few people uncomfortable, but anytime you mention the word black or white people flip out. It's that whole PC thing.

The truth is MOST (note that most means NOT ALL) white QB's are "pocket passers." There is nothing wrong with that. The greatest quarterback who ever played the game was Joe Montana - a slow, white guy. I was a slow, white QB too. No amount of sprints was going to turn my 5.0 speed into 4.4 (just ask my coach - he tried).

I guarantee we'll see Taylor B in the flexbone formation on new years day. Take that to the bank.
GTWannaBee said:
It apparently has made quite a few people uncomfortable, but anytime you mention the word black or white people flip out. It's that whole PC thing.

Forgive me for not being direct enough to penetrate your neanderthal skull. It was not my actual intent to impune Vidalia or the residents thereof.

Directly to the point: You are a racist idiot.

It has nothing to do with Political Correctness. It has everything to do with judging and classifying people by their skin color.
pocket_watch said:
Sounds like the perfect job description for a Georgia Tech quarterback based on successful results from the past.

GeeTee was just kidding by the way.

shhhhhh.... some of these folks are on a roll. ;)
mm42 said:
Forgive me for not being direct enough to penetrate your neanderthal skull. It was not my actual intent to impune Vidalia or the residents thereof.

Directly to the point: You are a racist idiot.

It has nothing to do with Political Correctness. It has everything to do with judging and classifying people by their skin color.

There's a reason stereotypes exist. Many times they are true. I'm not talking about the "all blacks are stupid" type of stereotype. Yes, that IS racist. But to say that typically black athletes run faster and are more mobile than white athletes is not racist. Ever watch the track portion of the summer Olympics? How about any track competition for that matter? How many white guys are winning the 100-meter? And don't bring up 1950's era athletes.

I'm not racist, but I doubt there's any way of convincing you of that. I also won't resort to childish name-calling. I see you have a Master's degree. I'm sure with that you are able to provide better conversational skills than "neanderthal skull" and "racist idiot."
GTWannaBee said:
There's a reason stereotypes exist.

That's true - and the reason is that racist idiots like you continue to promulgate them.
ramblinwise1 said:
Oh please. Don't insult our intelligence. This is that lame argument old Harry Edwards used to use. That black kids were better athletes because they worked harder. Thats the most racist statement anybody could make, that white kids are too lazy to be good athletes.

Um no ... all I said was running sprints makes you faster, not an omniscient being. I didn't mention hard work or ethnic background.
GTWannaBee said:
Ever watch the track portion of the summer Olympics? How about any track competition for that matter? How many white guys are winning the 100-meter? And don't bring up 1950's era athletes.

How many white kids or latin kids care about track and field in this country ? I mean from elementary school forward. That would be about 0. They are busy playing soccer and baseball. How many black kids in this country care about hockey ? That would be about 0. How many canadian high schoolers care about soccer ? That would be about 0.

moving on ...
nedleeds said:
How many white kids or latin kids care about track and field in this country ? I mean from elementary school forward. That would be about 0. They are busy playing soccer and baseball. How many black kids in this country care about hockey ? That would be about 0. How many canadian high schoolers care about soccer ? That would be about 0.

moving on ...

I'll bet you that more white kids participate in track and field in this country than black kids. Far more.

"Um no ... all I said was running sprints makes you faster, not an omniscient being. I didn't mention hard work or ethnic background."

So you think black kids run more sprints than white kids? Yep go to the malls around Atlanta and watch all the black kids running sprints up and down the mallway.
Seriously, are we really talking about race here?

Generally speaking, Blacks are fast and Whites are slower, get over it, consider it a compliment/blessing.
GTWannaBee said:
TB is a white QB. 'Nuff said. The game plan should change to allow more pocket protection from the line.

This is an out and out racist statement. Posts like this should be deleted from the board post haste.

Hasn't anyone learned a lesson from the numerous idiots showing up on the TV news with sound bites along these same lines.
Just for arguments sake...

GTWannaBee said:
I'm not racist, but I doubt there's any way of convincing you of that. "

Have you considered that your own self assessment isn't the best indicator? If you will forgive the expression, it's not a black or white kind of thing. There's a whole spectrum ranging from neo-Nazi Klan members to the ever elusive person who truly is race-blind.

I submit that we ALL are racist to a varying degree. And only the extremists actually think of themselves as racist.

I know lots of people who don't consider themselves racist that I consider racist, and some of them are in my own family. They generally betray themselves in subtle ways, like references to "those people" or other generalizations. Their behavior is quite different in public than it is around people they believe think as they do. So they rationalize that they aren't racist "after all, I have black friends."
(The funny thing about the internet is that we sometimes make that same assumption about our audience in our anonymity.)

Very few want to think of themselves as racist, so they rationalize that racists are more extreme in their beliefs and that anyone who accuses them of being racist is "just being politically correct." It is a simple pat answer that allows one to keep from considering that there may be at least a bit of truth to the accusation.

To make my point....I recall a television program about the effects of names (20/20 I think). As an experiment they submitted various identical resumes to several prominent companies with the only difference being that some had "black sounding names." I would wager none of the hiring authorities considered themselves racist, yet guess what happened?
beej1953 said:
This is an out and out racist statement. Posts like this should be deleted from the board post haste.

Hasn't anyone learned a lesson from the numerous idiots showing up on the TV news with sound bites along these same lines.

I for one don't have a problem with Wannabee's statement.
It may be racist, but before politicians and civil rights leaders got a hold on the word, "race" was not evil.
Discrimination is an entirely different subject, and yes, that is evil.

Steve Young and Tim Tebow(?) and Eric Crouch and all the other WHITE quarterbacks like them are typically described as "athletic", which they are/were. Doesn't Steve Bartkowski or John Unitas or George Godsey or Joe Montana deseve to be considered as athletes, even though they were absolutely pocket quarterbacks?

In our spoken language, I get the difference between a "white" quarterback and an "athletic white" quarterback.
I didn't make up the rules of common sense, but I understand them.