Just for arguments sake...
GTWannaBee said:
I'm not racist, but I doubt there's any way of convincing you of that. "
Have you considered that your own self assessment isn't the best indicator? If you will forgive the expression, it's not a black or white kind of thing. There's a whole spectrum ranging from neo-Nazi Klan members to the ever elusive person who truly is race-blind.
I submit that we ALL are racist to a varying degree. And only the extremists actually think of themselves as racist.
I know lots of people who don't consider themselves racist that I consider racist, and some of them are in my own family. They generally betray themselves in subtle ways, like references to "those people" or other generalizations. Their behavior is quite different in public than it is around people they believe think as they do. So they rationalize that they aren't racist "after all, I have black friends."
(The funny thing about the internet is that we sometimes make that same assumption about our audience in our anonymity.)
Very few
want to think of
themselves as racist, so they rationalize that racists are more extreme in their beliefs and that anyone who accuses
them of being racist is "just being politically correct." It is a simple pat answer that allows one to keep from considering that there may be at least a bit of truth to the accusation.
To make my point....I recall a television program about the effects of names (20/20 I think). As an experiment they submitted various identical resumes to several prominent companies with the only difference being that some had "black sounding names." I would wager none of the hiring authorities
considered themselves racist, yet guess what happened?