That's my coach, Part Two

I get it. But it's not like he was up at a podium in front of the Press. It was an organic release of energy WITH FANS right after an overtime win we haven't seen at Dodd in far far too long. I'm willing to give him a pass on that one. That little tweet might be some of the better free recruiting "press" we've seen in awhile. Kids want to play for guy authentically vested, and that was authentic.

Agreed. I seriously doubt he thought he was being recorded.
You know I'm right. The guys on the Hill don't want some dude throwing F-bombs representing the school at multiple millions per year. It was only 3 weeks ago people were sending letters to Cabrera arguing that football is the public image of the school. It was a slip up for a young coach; not a showstopper. Note that he has been more professional at his pressers.
Key earned the right to blow off some steam with players and fans after an OT win. That includes pumping fists and shouting öööö yeah. Love his passion for this team. He’s professional, direct, and informative at press conferences and on the radio show. Its a welcome change.
Make a full loop of the field in the Wreck when we take the field. For some reason, the Wreck drives onto the field and straight to the SW corner.

One more thing, being a classic car guy. About 2PM the wreck club had the Wreck parked on Bobby Dodd on the steep hill outside the power/steam plant - not chocked, facing downhill. Both dad and I almost simultaneously were like "wow, not chocked. That's dangerous". It is a really steep hill.

Do not EVER trust an old car with mechanical drum brakes on a hill like that. You need to get some chocks under those tires. That car, with folks leaning on it or touching it, could easily break loose. That gear won't do a damn thing and once it gets rolling those brakes are useless unless someone gets in and applies pedal pressure. That is an accident waiting to happen, possibly fatal, when it rolls down that hill at 45 MPH through the crowd on Bobby Dodd Way.

I never park the '64 Ranchero on a steep hill if I don't have to, and if I do, I have 2 rubber chocks. My dad has a '64 Econoline pickup and his is always chocked on hills. Both non powered drum brakes.

Anyway, my $0.02. I know 'Reck Club members are young, but parking the Wreck like that should be a huge no-no. It is not a modern vehicle. If it breaks loose, at best, we have a totalled Wreck. At worst, folks get hurt or killed.

/Off my soapbox.

That would give new meaning if the Wreck barreled downhill and crashed into some people.

I want to know why @theDude47 pooed your post. Does he view it as safetyism
Some of y'all must not hang out with many folks under the age of 35. The F-bomb is thrown around like cock at a Pride parade.
Well we know where you pregamed this weekend now
I want to know why @theDude47 pooed your post. Does he view it as safetyism
Yeah, that’s mostly it. It’s just not a problem and based on how well kept the car is, won’t be in the future. The incline isn’t that steep and it’s been in that same spot for ages without any signs of budging. Could it be safer? Yeah, but that goes for almost everything in life. There’s always going to be an element of unpredictability with almost all college mascots, whether it’s BEVO trying to skewer someone or Ralphie trampling over someone. Ours has it’s own issues.
Yeah, that’s mostly it. It’s just not a problem and based on how well kept the car is, won’t be in the future. The incline isn’t that steep and it’s been in that same spot for ages without any signs of budging. Could it be safer? Yeah, but that goes for almost everything in life. There’s always going to be an element of unpredictability with almost all college mascots, whether it’s BEVO trying to skewer someone or Ralphie trampling over someone. Ours has it’s own issues.
I walk down the street there before every single home game. It is rarely parked in that spot and that is pretty steep for what you're parking there. A classic car can be well maintained, but mechanical drum brakes on a hill are just asking for trouble. This isn't parking your Honda Accord there.

I guess I could be wrong (even though I'm not), but I would err on the side of caution with a 92 year old vehicle. It isn't modern braking.
Keep doing öööö like this. It’s how you make lifelong fans and donors.
Agreed. It’s one thing to talk about it. It’s a completely different mindset to talk and back it up with results. Key has done nothing but win. Nothing wrong with that.
I walk down the street there before every single home game. It is rarely parked in that spot and that is pretty steep for what you're parking there.
It’s parked in the same spot on Freshman Hill every gameday about 1hr 10 minutes before kickoff. It’s been this way ever since I can remember.
I walk down the street there before every single home game. It is rarely parked in that spot and that is pretty steep for what you're parking there. A classic car can be well maintained, but mechanical drum brakes on a hill are just asking for trouble. This isn't parking your Honda Accord there.

I guess I could be wrong (even though I'm not), but I would err on the side of caution with a 92 year old vehicle. It isn't modern braking.

Were the wheels properly turned to the curb?

I agree with you by the way, I just wouldn't park the Wreck on the Hill un-chocked or chocked. Sounds like a bad staging plan.
It’s parked in the same spot on Freshman Hill every gameday about 1hr 10 minutes before kickoff. It’s been this way ever since I can remember.
I've seen it further up the hill, but if you know more about antique Ford vehicles with mechanical brakes than me, who owns one and father owns one, than fine. It is perfectly safe to park a 1930 model A on a steep hill facing a crowd with a old ass transmission and drum brakes holding it. I wouldn't do it, but you are now the expert.

I'm certain we felt that trailer hauling it to Savannah was perfectly safe also, before.
If Key wants to be a head coach, he needs to quit dropping F-bombs in public. I can understand him getting carried away; but that's not the image major programs want.
Sorry Nick, Deion, we'd love to have you but the potty we just can't have it.
If Key wants to be a head coach, he needs to quit dropping F-bombs in public. I can understand him getting carried away; but that's not the image major programs want.
Lol. If you ever sat on a low row between sections 103 and 109 when Paul Johnson was coaching, you would heard a lot worse than that.