Make a full loop of the field in the Wreck when we take the field. For some reason, the Wreck drives onto the field and straight to the SW corner.
One more thing, being a classic car guy. About 2PM the wreck club had the Wreck parked on Bobby Dodd on the steep hill outside the power/steam plant - not chocked, facing downhill. Both dad and I almost simultaneously were like "wow, not chocked. That's dangerous". It is a really steep hill.
Do not EVER trust an old car with mechanical drum brakes on a hill like that. You need to get some chocks under those tires. That car, with folks leaning on it or touching it, could easily break loose. That gear won't do a damn thing and once it gets rolling those brakes are useless unless someone gets in and applies pedal pressure. That is an accident waiting to happen, possibly fatal, when it rolls down that hill at 45 MPH through the crowd on Bobby Dodd Way.
I never park the '64 Ranchero on a steep hill if I don't have to, and if I do, I have 2 rubber chocks. My dad has a '64 Econoline pickup and his is always chocked on hills. Both non powered drum brakes.
Anyway, my $0.02. I know 'Reck Club members are young, but parking the Wreck like that should be a huge no-no. It is not a modern vehicle. If it breaks loose, at best, we have a totalled Wreck. At worst, folks get hurt or killed.
/Off my soapbox.