The fake punt

I thought the refs were from the ACC since we were the visiting team. Is this not the normal protocol?
Used to be, for a short while. Now I think when we play the dwags, it's ACC refs at HGF/BDS and rejects from the WWE at their place, you know, the kind of ref who gets distracted by the manager as his wrestler is using the ropes or poking somebody in the eye as Gorilla Monsoon goes apoplectic.
another one verses Miami in maybe 2016 under CPJ? Punter ran for the first and jumped into the arms of a Miami linebacker who body slammed him. But he held onto the ball and we got the first down.
If I recall, we had to punt eventually on that drive. But that was still a cool fake punt. Even if our punter got lifted into the air like he was washing windows at the SunTrust building.
another one verses Miami in maybe 2016 under CPJ? Punter ran for the first and jumped into the arms of a Miami linebacker who body slammed him. But he held onto the ball and we got the first down.
Yep, Ryan Rodwell in 2014