The Hate Week Armory

At my Kiwanis Club in my hometown, our meetings before the COFH games, were spent telling jokes about each other's teams. I was one of five GT fans that were members of the Club with the rest of the members being DWAG fans and the others either Auburn or Florida fans. As you can imagine the majority of members were DWAG fans. My best friend in our Kiwanis Club was a die-hard GT fan like me. He got up and told the following joke to the club members; Bubba Ray and Fannie Sue Ray were first cousins, but they were shacked up in Bubba Ray's trailer at the trailer park. Both were die-hard Georgia Bulldog fans. After watching their beloved Bulldogs on Bubba's black & white Philco television, Fannie Sue got up from the sofa and promptly passed out on the floor. Unable to get Fannie Sue, to come to, Bubba called 911. The 911 operator asked Bubba Ray what was his emergency, to which Bubba replied; " my girlfriend-cousin, Fannie Sue has passed out on my floor over here in the trailer park and I can't get her to wake up!" The 911 operator then asked Bubba; "were do you live, 'to which Bubba replied, I live on 1234 Eucalyptus Street." The 911 operator then asked Bubba if he could spell the street for her." Bubba replied; " how 'bout I drag her over to Oak Street and y'all pick her up?!?!? HOW 'BOUT THEM DAWGS!!!
I have never seen a definitive shot of any kind to show that Jasper Thanks was down before the fumble. Every shot is either inconclusive or shows him losing it as he runs in to the pile- a pile that kept his knee from being down before the ball is obviously out.
Chris Young has the ball in his arms pretty quick there
Anybody ever see definitive evidence that he was down before ball came out?
I don’t even think replays would overturn it.
OP really needs to update the first post of the thread. Preferably with highlights of more recent wins and all the links that posters have provided in subsequent pages
The famous 1993 brawl.

Most fight Bill Lewis' group ever put up. It's a shame it took Zeier and Goff running up the score to show it.

The famous 1993 brawl.

Most fight Bill Lewis' group ever put up. It's a shame it took Zeier and Goff running up the score to show it.

That's from the old days when watching the games on a 20 inch low-def TV in the living room couldn't compare with actually being at the stadium.
My old GM texted me a picture of a Georgia football practice with what appears to be Erk with a To Hell with Georgia Tech on the back of his T-shirt. That hurts on two levels, since she knows how much I absolutely worshipped Erk from the time I spent with him in Statesboro.
So I sent her back the photo from above with the cop staring at the passed out dude in red and black stuff.
Need more ammo to keep firing away, since she's a dyed in the wool dwag (though she hates FSU more than she hates Georgia Tech or Florida)

Is it wrong to say how much I love Hate Week?