Tip for Coach Johnson


Ban Hammer'd
Sep 11, 2010
I don't know if this or something similar has been posted before but here it goes. I say the only time we pass is when it is 2nd down and under 3 yards or 4th and long and we are forced to go for it. Last year against UGA something happened that makes me still scratch my head. We threw the ball 4 times in a row to END THE GAME. This year it almost seems that we screw up entire drives when we throw the ball on first down incomplete.
I don't know if this or something similar has been posted before but here it goes. I say the only time we pass is when it is 2nd down and under 3 yards or 4th and long and we are forced to go for it. Last year against UGA something happened that makes me still scratch my head. We threw the ball 4 times in a row to END THE GAME. This year it almost seems that we screw up entire drives when we throw the ball on first down incomplete.

I do agree that the four throws in a row last year was terrible.
I don't know if this or something similar has been posted before but here it goes. I say the only time we pass is when it is 2nd down and under 3 yards or 4th and long and we are forced to go for it. Last year against UGA something happened that makes me still scratch my head. We threw the ball 4 times in a row to END THE GAME. This year it almost seems that we screw up entire drives when we throw the ball on first down incomplete.

Yeah, I posted the same thing on Saturday. Everybody agrees I'm an idiot for saying it. Though, you'll probably fare better because you aren't me :biggthumpup:
I think we should through a 3-8 yard quick slant on 1st down since our receivers always see 1-on-1 man coverage.
Yeah, I posted the same thing on Saturday. Everybody agrees I'm an idiot for saying it. Though, you'll probably fare better because you aren't me :biggthumpup:

Well, he's wrong for the same reasons you were wrong. If they're blitzing the corners, you should throw it some, even on 2nd and 7. They won't be blitzing the corners on 3rd and long.

The end of the UGA game was discussed ad nauseum back then, but CPJ's reasoning was that our base offense took too long to develop to be effective in that situation without timeouts.
I don't know if this or something similar has been posted before but here it goes. I say the only time we pass is when it is 2nd down and under 3 yards or 4th and long and we are forced to go for it. Last year against UGA something happened that makes me still scratch my head. We threw the ball 4 times in a row to END THE GAME. This year it almost seems that we screw up entire drives when we throw the ball on first down incomplete.

This seems like perfect constructive criticism for the call-in show on Wed night.
He could have used it at the end of the UGAg game. He looked like all the sudden he wanted to coach like June Jones.

And if Hill or Thomas catches the ball, you're proclaiming him to be a genius. Hindsight is 20/20.
I believe he was asked about why he threw four times in a row last year. His response was something like he didn't think we'd have enough time to get to the end zone.
And if Hill or Thomas catches the ball, you're proclaiming him to be a genius. Hindsight is 20/20.

He didn't. Neither did AA or Hill.

Of course, we probably SHOULD have tried for the first down to begin with instead of taking 3 shots at a td and then trying to get a desperate first down at the end.

CPJ stunk that series up and we lost the game because of it.
He didn't. Neither did AA or Hill.

Of course, we probably SHOULD have tried for the first down to begin with instead of taking 3 shots at a td and then trying to get a desperate first down at the end.

CPJ stunk that series up and we lost the game because of it.

You're too stupid to understand. We didn't have time to run our normal offense. We had to get chunks of yardage. They were in prevent. We tried to get as much as possible every down.

Should we have gone short for the first down? Maybe. Hindsight says yes. In the moment however, if Hill or Thomas catch balls thrown to them it works and we win. Everyone then proclaims Johnson to be a genius.

If you honestly think we lost the game because of ONE drive, :ugh:.
Wow, I love the number of people who think they can coach better than CPJ around here. Never knew there were so many future FBS team head coaches on StingTalk. :rolleyes:
The chances that 1 of 4 passes would be caught was pretty high. I think CPJ was right and we needed a big gain right away. The recievers did not catch the ball and/or Nesbitt made less than a perfect throw, so we lost.
The end of the UGA game was discussed ad nauseum back then, but CPJ's reasoning was that our base offense took too long to develop to be effective in that situation without timeouts.

This is true, but it also shows why you need to have some form of a no-huddle offense. We could have ran our normal offense but we would have to be faster about it. Because last year we appeared to have no clue how to run plays without PJ calling them in on the fly and taking 20 seconds off the clock between each, we were forced to throw it in that situation.
Wow, I love the number of people who think they can coach better than CPJ around here. Never knew there were so many future FBS team head coaches on StingTalk. :rolleyes:

Well, coach Johnson took a GT team that was HEAVILY favored against a lesser talented mutt team and got embarrassed on our home field. He was severely out coached by Bobo and Martinez and that group of Richt idiots.
There's a reason why our base offense chews up so much clock. To call the play, get everyone set, start somebody in motion, and the play itself averages about 30 seconds of clock a play. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out you have to do something different when you have less than a minute left and no timeouts.
Well, coach Johnson took a GT team that was HEAVILY favored against a lesser talented mutt team and got embarrassed on our home field. He was severely out coached by Bobo and Martinez and that group of Richt idiots.

The spread was 7.5 points, not too heavily favored. We were feeling so confident going into that game because they lost to Kentucky, but in retrospect that Kentucky loss was mostly because they had a -4 turnover spread.

UGA was smart though, They came out and ran it up the middle just about every single play, chewing up clock and keeping our offense from scoring too many points.
Of course, we probably SHOULD have tried for the first down to begin with instead of taking 3 shots at a td and then trying to get a desperate first down at the end.

CPJ stunk that series up and we lost the game because of it.
I'll never understand why the stupidest people yap the most. Human nature, I guess.

Do you really not understand that CPJ can't completely control the decisions the QB makes during the play? Or do you think there were absolutely no underneath routes on any of those plays?

Nesbitt CHOSE to throw deep. Blame him or do something more productive like setting yourself on fire.