Tired of reading posts from ignorant folks???


Sep 24, 2002
You can automatically have anything they post NOT appear on your screen...it is awesome.

You simply click on their username...then select 'ignore

this user' towards the bottom right hand corner.

Then you never have to read their dribble again!!!

I started today with GeeTee!!!
isn't that putting your head in the sand to many things that hit home to our program that he points out?? Also, I cant image he or others you disagree with wil stop posting or should for that matter...so will you eventaully close your eyes and hears to all topics and people who you dont agree with? leaving yourself out of loop of what is going on in this board by not being able to read half of it. I just dont understand that logic.
absolutely not the case JacketPower. There is a difference between a good logical argument...where both parties learn...and one where a particular party never has a positive thing to say, lacks game knowledge, lacks Tech knowledge, and purposely tries to stir things up.

I do not have to have porn sites accessible on my pc...and I do not want to have to read posts from certain posters that just take up screen space without providing anything informative. That is why the 'ignore users' function exists.
You make a valid point on this, since some of the input posted would be better off not posted at all. Seems like your idea is similar to the "no call list" from the telephone co. Wonderful invention there.
I started today with GeeTee!!!

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Just followed suit after reading a post where he tried to correlate adding majors to GaTech and recruiting rankings.
I would have to agree with Jacketpower on this one. I can understand disagreeing with many on this site, but blocking those few points that don't coincide with your ideology with regards to our football program is ludicrous. Yes, it is prerogative to do just that...but I disagree with you running from some truths about our program even its in regards to the fact the CCG is short on getting commitments from top state and national recruits! or would you rather me say....keep up the GREAT work...I want 6-5/7-4 season?????
precisely. So many GT fans are afraid to ask the hard questions and deal with them. Yet another medicore season where the team plays in a no name nothing bowl in front of a few thousand folks in a baseball stadium or on a frozen blue turf. Seattle, Boise, now the nut bowl in gay town...and people want to rave on about our progress under Gailey?? Yes, we won a few big games this year as we do each year only to lose far to many games to teams with less talent. I've seen blame here on the AJC, the lack of sidewalk fans, the lack of GT apparell in stores, the lack of majors at GT, how our SAs have to take an extra math class, etc... anything, but point to the program itself. We just got slammed by the NCAA which will hinder our program even more so in the soon to be future. But if it makes you feel better, block my posts and pretend that all is well. Feel free to bask in the Dodd era a thousand years ago... not me. Oh, and by the way, tell me one thing that indicates things will better next year? Ball having another year under his belt? woohoo. Now, go back and put your yellow shaded glasses on... me? I took them off after Flunkgate, Rueben's drug bust, and the NCAA slamming us.
I agree! I fully empathize with those that see the world through "yellow colored glassess!" We all want to see our program be a dominant force in the ACC, and dominate teams in the SEC, but until someone or some people stand up and highlight the grey areas and the not-so-perfect coaching abilities we will FOREVER be a not-so-good football program. You can't tell me that many of you just want to see high grad. rates as well as basketball powerhouse. If that were the case there would not be 200 members posting on STINGATALK FOTBALL! Thats o.k. if you want to hide post from those that disagree--like radio and TV--change the station, so to speak. But be real.....there are many flaws in our program. Let some emphasize those areas...its healthy!
Again...re-read my response...it is not about blocking those that disagree.

It is about blocking flamer's that have the sole purpose of instigating a fight...particularly when they do not even attempt to respond to articulate thoughtful rebuttals with anything more than an insult. Why...because they are trouble makers without foundation. I suspect many are just Dawgs in disguise.

You can easily tell the concerned posters with logical arguments from the flamers.
So again help me understand...If you disagree as to the direction our program is heading and you voice your opinion publicly, you're considered a mutt?? Let's not get this going again....It's clear that everyone here wants a successful program. Reviewing many post by GTee, I see that he's attempting to create an argument to a less than stellar performance. If we all feel that the present status our our program is just where we want it to be, I'd agree with you and the many others on the site. However, I'm not satisfied, and I probably won't be until we see our program at a more national level like FSU/Miami/Vatech. Yes, we'll win a few, but lossess like we saw this year are unacceptable, and until we see a see GT in a more favorable bowl, we will not recruit at top level. IMO!
I am also tired of reading post from idiots, thats why I think I'll block GT_(know nothing)Dean
my turn, my turn /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/blue.gif ....I want to block somebody too!! Mommie...they're not playing fair /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/crybaby.gif
I agree with you in that we should always be striving to do better...which is what our team is doing now. As far as competing at the national level...we have only done that one year since the early 50's...and that was 1990. The following year we fell from a pre-season Top 5 to a 7-5 regular season ranking and a 1-pt. victory over Stanford in the Aloha Bowl.

It is hard being consistantly at the top and remain true to our academic purpose as an institution. I would argue that this season we had the largest two victories in the same season that we have possible ever had at GT...those being at Auburn and at Miami. Those victories have given us national respect. Even in our national championship year our schedule was weak.

I do quite a bit of business and travel across the country...and it is truly amazing what those two wins did in the eyes of fans of other programs. Just think...if Calvin doesn't even attempt to make the great catch against NCState and lets it go through the endzone...we are most likely in the Gator or Peach! arrgh...that one still frustrates me as we moved the ball for 400+ yds.

anyway..before I get on another tangent...one thing I would like to see our administration do is successfully argue for some academic progress rules that balance the system better. Is a kid better off because he can change majors from physical education to sports history at a state u to be eligible...yet the rules are the same for a kid that needs to go from electrical engineerng to management? This is going to be important because we cannot afford to be penalized scholarships.

From a play on the field standpoint...I am concerned as anyone else about getting the talent we need to beat the big guys regularly. That will always be a challenge for us...every GT coach in history has said recruiting a kid to GT is the biggest challenge they face other than keeping them academically eligibile. This 'depth of talent' is what shows in a couple of losses over a long, hard season...but when we are healthy our kid typically execute well which allows us to upset more talented teams like Auburn (the last two meetings) and Miami. However...you loss a Ball, Henderson, Anoai, etc. against a VT and have a couple plays go the wrong way early...and things can get out of hand. Did our team give up?...nope they fought on and ended up posting a victory at Miami along the way.

There are programs in a lot more trouble than we are...like Tennessee, Texas A&M, Oklahoma, etc...they have zero reason to struggle. They have tradition, zero academic restrictions, play in major conferences, etc.

You bring up some valid concerns...but I like where we are and who we have making decisions. There have been some difficult issues to deal with...mostly as a result of sins from past regimes.

We will just have to see what each year brings...make sure the trend is upward and we remain competitive (unlike the L*W*s years)...win a few games we should not...play better in some losses....graduate our kids...keep our kids out of off-field trouble...and represent Georgia Tech with integrity. I am also proud that we are one of only six of the 117 Div. 1A schools that have been to bowl games 9 years in a row. Say what you will about smaller bowls...but 111 teams (including Tennessee, Auburn, Ohio State, SoCal, Texas, and others) have not even been able to make small bowls some years!

As fans we need to pull together, show up with support, etc. so that our coaches do not have to defend going out west to a bowl in years when we were 2 games better than two ACC teams that stayed on the east coast for the holidays. The Champs Bowl showing of 6K last year killed us this year. Fortunately, we have bought tix in huge numbers this year which will help next...and Miami, Virginia, etc. are selling poorly.

anyway...I guess I am done ranting.
Actually GeeTee, the problem I have with you is that you have no solutions. It's easy to bitch and declare that every reason people have for whatever you're complaining about is making excuses and sit back with your superior attitude that everyone else is "settling for mediocrity". But you have never suggested anything that might address any of the issues raised except "demand better". So to the original post, while I don't block any posters, there is a world of difference between those with concerns about the program, and want to discuss ways to improve things, and loud mouths who just want to complain.
Opinions are easy! Offering the solutions is not...NCJ, what do you suppose needs to happen to turn the program around? I want to hear your solutions??? ( I believe thats a fair question following your post)
What are your solutions besides implying Gailey is great and recruiting is great? You are nothing more than a cheerleader and refuse to acknowledge the many shortcomings our program is facing. Solution: get rid of Gailey, Briane, and fans start demanding success vs accepting poor or medicore seasons each year just as long as there is at least one signature win. How long do you think the fans and alumni of schools such as FSU, UGA, Miami, USC and other top programs would put up with 6-5. 7-4 seasons each year with trips to joke bowls each year??? What does GT do? Sign Gailey to another 5 year deal and then have fans like ncjacket talk about how great things are. Yep, that NCAA probation, flunkate, medicore season year end and year out, and baseball stadiums bowls in front of a bunch of empty seats are a great point of pride! (but hey, we have our bowl streak, huh?) Keep sticking your head in the yellow sand of GT life. The academic arguement is a crutch, a tired one, that GT fans use. Do you really think that every school other than GT does not have a good academic program to offer SAs??? Wake up and see that our program is spinning in mud...and with NCAA sanctions upon us and ACC competition rising, we will continue to have vanilla seasons. If that satisfies you, then blast me and say all is well in the world of GT football. If it does not, speak up and stop being a pollyanna to the status quo.
Just for curiosity's sake, who would you replace CCG with? Anybody in mind that you know of that would take the job and that you know would do a better job? If so, how do you know that this new coach would do a better job? Remember, we have NCAA dangling over our head right now and it may not look too good to anyone outside looking in. Another thing to remember, how could he out recruit with all of the anchors tied around his neck? Not flaming you, I'm just curious what your alternatives and solutions are.
Have a Merry Christmas!
This is the biggest bunch of BS I've ever read. Actually, I've read it several times in the past on buzzoff.

and fans start demanding success vs accepting poor or medicore seasons

[/ QUOTE ]

Fire everybody and everything will be ok. /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/behead.gif
STUPID post! How long have you been following GT football? Do you remember the 70's or 80's?
Just curious about something....Why can our basketball recruit some of the finest players in America and our football team cannot? Don't we have the same admissions standards for both? The same standards to stay eligible? The same void of women or other urban issues to battle? Why does one sport compete most years at the highest level and one does not? Could it by chance be coaching?