Transfer Portal Tracker

Occam's razor suggests that it may have been simply cash.
If you were making $50k a year and someone comes along with $250k for one year, you take it. I love my job, really, but if I were approached with a guaranteed 5X offer, I'm out.
If you were making $50k a year and someone comes along with $250k for one year, you take it. I love my job, really, but if I were approached with a guaranteed 5X offer, I'm out.
If it is that much I would go to Lubbock for a year.

They are still doing a great job there because there are other places not named Lubbock with money to spend.
Looks like the Institute hit the portal hard too...

This year also brought new highs for transfer students, who make up over 26% of new undergraduates. The number of transfer applications increased 21% from past years, with many students applying through a transfer pathway program. Pathway programs offer a unique route for students interested in transferring to Georgia Tech, with special pathways for first-generation and limited-income students, as well as veterans
Looks like the Institute hit the portal hard too...

This year also brought new highs for transfer students, who make up over 26% of new undergraduates. The number of transfer applications increased 21% from past years, with many students applying through a transfer pathway program. Pathway programs offer a unique route for students interested in transferring to Georgia Tech, with special pathways for first-generation and limited-income students, as well as veterans
This. Georgia Tech has always been very accepting of military veterans. For some people, it was the only way you could sneak into a very competitive school. I'll allow it!
This. Georgia Tech has always been very accepting of military veterans. For some people, it was the only way you could sneak into a very competitive school. I'll allow it!
I wish GT knew how to brand this better in our own backyard. Not in an exploitive way, but genuinely. Our school has a long and proud history related to military service and veterans.
I wish GT knew how to brand this better in our own backyard. Not in an exploitive way, but genuinely. Our school has a long and proud history related to military service and veterans.
Between that history and the M Train, it was the only reason I made it in (and lived to tell about it).
Not sure if still true, but when I was a Tech and for some time after, Tech boasted one of the largest contributions to Navy pilots and astronauts of most any school (other than Naval Academy, etc)
A lot of the first 2 years can be done anywhere, only name of school on the degree matters in the end.

I like anything that opens up pathways. I am working with kids in a so-so district in my retirement, would love to be able to point some there. The best I can do is Auburn for the cost difference instate.

I may not even get in if I tried now and I was able to complete 204 quarter hours in 11 active quarters over a period of 12 quarters, with low honors in a degree I ended up loathing. We ought to let in a wider range than just the high school resume padders.