Transfer Portal Tracker

This. Georgia Tech has always been very accepting of military veterans. For some people, it was the only way you could sneak into a very competitive school. I'll allow it!
THis is how I got in. I was a C student at best in HS. After 6 years in the Navy in the nuke program and submarines, I was ready to be serious about my education (Lord knows I learned how to study...). Took 1 year of Cal, Chem, and Eng at a community college (20 in my calc classes instead of 200), I took the SAT and did OK, but not a perfect score by any means. Got straight A's at the CC and transferred in. Made the deans list every quarter at Tech and graduated in 3 years. Time growing up can be good time spent.
THis is how I got in. I was a C student at best in HS. After 6 years in the Navy in the nuke program and submarines, I was ready to be serious about my education (Lord knows I learned how to study...). Took 1 year of Cal, Chem, and Eng at a community college (20 in my calc classes instead of 200), I took the SAT and did OK, but not a perfect score by any means. Got straight A's at the CC and transferred in. Made the deans list every quarter at Tech and graduated in 3 years. Time growing up can be good time spent.
I had A/B grades, just lazy and didn't give a shit, nailed the SAT with a score no one expected... But didn't get into GT. There was no way I was going to NC State. Joined the Army, pissed my parents off something fierce, did well as an enlisted man, learned a little hard work and discipline. Came back, took the SAT again to show I wasn't stupid, then The Hill welcomed me with open arms.

Having said that, I didn't do quite as well as you did at GT, but that M Train rides hard for veterans :bigthumbup: