
Those were the days my friend
We thought they'd never end
We'd sing and dance forever and a day
We'd live the life we choose
We'd fight and never lose
For we were young and sure to have our way
Those were the days, oh yes those were the days
And about the wreck, if we really want it at the game but are worried about getting it home in time, why not find a replica to take? I'm sure there are some owners out there that would love the chance at that.
Mine looks like a jalopy compared to the real thing. It needs to go to Model A summer camp one year for a restoration. I want to have a frame up done within the next few years.

The Irish will never know. They'll be drunk anyway.
Them providing a replica over there should've been part of the negotiations to play. Then auction it. Buyer worries/pays for shipping it here.
The Irish are known for their car bombs. I wouldn't take it over there either
Couple of fine looking young men.

I hope they wear the ugliest uniforms Russell can come up with this season. We had the best looking uniforms during CPJ era in 2015 and we finished 3-9. I would like them to win game and look like crap in fashion department while winning games.
Said it beofe and will say it again........our unis suck plain and simple......We have three eras of unis we could wear and we wear piss yeller and honey combs..............and we think that is cool.............to each his own but I would hope we would do better but we are in year what 8?and we still looklike the world football league.