We’re A 7 Point Underdog At Wake Forest …


Damn Good Rat
Dec 17, 2017
I’m a little bit surprised it is that high, I was expecting it to be about 3 points. The Jackets are not getting much respect. I guess you’ve got to earn respect and a victory over SCST won’t get it. This game is where Tech can take that first step of gaining some respect, but we have to execute and play well. We can’t look like a bunch of middle schoolers trying to kick a FG.
Wake has I believe 10 sacks on the season. One dude has 5, another 4.
We are not losing to a Ginger quarterback. That guy sucks.

No way we lose…but if we do, I’m gonna find myself fishing a lot this fall.
We are not losing to a Ginger quarterback. That guy sucks.

No way we lose…but if we do, I’m gonna find myself fishing a lot this fall.
You must not have noticed our DEf for last 3 games.Record setting bad esp in 2nd half. btw--Wake came back in SECOND half down by 17. hmmm
Weak has played Old Dominion, Vandy and Elon. Definitely not a daunting schedule. We have played probably the 1st or 2nd best team in the SEC West and a solid Louisville team. While we’re not favored I like our chances. Still we’re not good enough to take anything for granted. Until our D learns how to tackle, our season rests on our offense.