Weekly Report


Damn Good Rat
Sep 21, 2005
Hey guys, rough day down here on the flats. It's weird how you can go from feeling good to feeling like someone just kicked your dog. Such is the way we have been feeling about GT football for the last 6 years I guess when you come to think about it.

1. Lets talk about the "hump" something we seem to not be able to get over. Is this team talented? I believe so, is this team more talented then 3-3? I believe so, now someone brought up today we are a few penalties and bad calls from being 5-1, this was the guys response to the season so far, I wont release who because if I did it would probably cause an uproar just someone you do not want saying this. This person's biggest arguement is that we had just some things go wrong this year. "The ball isnt bouncing our way much" I dont agree such has been the saying for the last 6 years, excuses are not allowed anymore, its time to perform.

2. Meetings galore today, between everyone. Their is many things going on down in ATL today, as much as I would love to get everyone involved and spill some facts like usually, I am not at liberty to discuss after todays sit down, I hope you all understand. The only thing I will say is I believe Dan has already made his choice and its not really as easy as some would think,but nothing will be revealed till after the season. I'm not sure if the rest of the season could play into things though, I'm sure it could but it would be difficult.

3. Another thing, if you feel we have problems or your have concerns email Dan himself, his inbox was flooded this weekend and he does read and respond to almost everyone. If you want to speak your mind, speak it there, he will give you an honest response.

4. I dont see him leaving for LSU either.

5. There was two plays drawn up for the 3rd and 20, 2 plays by 2 different coaches, we picked the draw with our backup running back instead of the other which would of been a guaranteed 8-10 yards since MD's dbacks were playing so deep. Playing for a field goal was not the right call, its time to step up and take a win, not just hope for one.

6. I've also never heard someone stumble through questions after the game like the heac coach did, what he was quoted as saying was not comforting.

I know I promised more but I truly cant go into too much detail. I would like to hear your opinions though, let this be a thread where you dont just come to flame but be honest about your thoughts and ideas about the program and future. If some dont want to discuss it here, pm me.
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Thanks for the updates dem. I know you cant disclose to much info but it sounds like DRAD has already made up his mind about Chans fate at GT.
Thanks, dem.

What's Choice's status?
Any thoughts on the repeat slow start, especially on D?
Any of the shine coming off Tenuta?
Thanks, dem.

What's Choice's status?
Any thoughts on the repeat slow start, especially on D?
Any of the shine coming off Tenuta?

Tashard will play, he was a little dinged up but should be good by Saturday. He doesnt want to miss anymore time this season.

I think Tenuta should not be getting a free pass, the D has stunk it up early lately except for Clemson. I would also question some personnel moves from Saturday, one which resulted in an injury that will be discussed later in the week once we know the severity. As it has been true since he arrived a good downfield passing game will beat this D, if I were an opposing coach I would just throw it down the field all game, either going to get a completion of intereference call most likely.
that's why kenny scott was so vital to us the last 4 years. we're used to having one "shut-down" corner and we ain't got it
I like a lot of the things that Gailey does. I think he is solid coach but he is limited. He has a lot of strikes against him.

He is not a promoter of himself or the program. He is very limited speaking to fans and the media. This is acceptable if you are at a big-time program where you are winning but we are trying to sell the program and put butts in the seats. You can't be as dull as Chan and only win 7 games year. A program like GT cannot sustain that. It just seems like it will be very difficult for GT to head into '08 with Chan as the HC after another bland 7 win season. It just isn't sustainable anymore.

That being said, I don't envy Drad though. The next hire will be very challenging and that hire is going to have to be homerun because we are thin and will count on the '08 recruiting class in a big way. If that class isn't a homerun, we are going to be looking at 7 wins as the glory years for a while.
I like a lot of the things that Gailey does. I think he is solid coach but he is limited. He has a lot of strikes against him.

He is not a promoter of himself or the program. He is very limited speaking to fans and the media. This is acceptable if you are at a big-time program where you are winning but we are trying to sell the program and put butts in the seats. You can't be as dull as Chan and only win 7 games year. A program like GT cannot sustain that. It just seems like it will be very difficult for GT to head into '08 with Chan as the HC after another bland 7 win season. It just isn't sustainable anymore.

That being said, I don't envy Drad though. The next hire will be very challenging and that hire is going to have to be homerun because we are thin and will count on the '08 recruiting class in a big way. If that class isn't a homerun, we are going to be looking at 7 wins as the glory years for a while.

The good thing is we have one of the best AD's around working on things, he will take this program to the top. He wont let it sit around and stay the same like Braine did for years, he wants to be elite, he believes we boast one of the best academic/ athletic institution in the country and wants to make it the absolute best!!!
One more thing....another game where Nesbitt only gets 2 running plays and he's out. I'm glad we stuck with Bennett and that he had a great 2nd half. I'm just surprised that we haven't expanded Nesbitt's role at all since the 1st game of the season. It just strikes me as another example of a coach not willing to take chances. Agree/disagree?

As for one of your comments from #2 - I don't see how the rest of the season can NOT play into the decision. If we were to win out or even lose just one more non-UGA game, then I don't see how DRad could make a move. Conversely, the same could be said if were to lose 3 or 4 more.
Given the opportunity, why wouldn't DRad go to LSU?

He has to be offered the job, he loves Atlanta. I dont see him taking the job if offered, his family enjoys it here and he is putting a lot into this institution he wants to see his work succeed.
One more thing....another game where Nesbitt only gets 2 running plays and he's out. I'm glad we stuck with Bennett and that he had a great 2nd half. I'm just surprised that we haven't expanded Nesbitt's role at all since the 1st game of the season. It just strikes me as another example of a coach not willing to take chances. Agree/disagree?

As for one of your comments from #2 - I don't see how the rest of the season can NOT play into the decision. If we were to win out or even lose just one more non-UGA game, then I don't see how DRad could make a move. Conversely, the same could be said if were to lose 3 or 4 more.

I would take the we were down is why Nesbitt didnt play much, I know they want to get him involved, I know Bond wants him in the Wildcat instead of Choice. Chan is hesitant though when we get down for some reason.

I agree, I just dont know that for a fact so I didnt say. More then likely it would be that is me speculating, because I have no idea, I'm sure if he wins out it would be a difficult decision, UGA is a must.
Chan is hesitant though when we get down for some reason.

goes back to the trying not to lose/patch the wound as safely as possible rather than rolling the dice and getting big plays. When things go wrong, chan has a propensity to pack it in and get ultra comfortable/conservative. When things go wrong for a guy like spurrier, he puts in new people but never calls off the dogs....hence why they win with TDs and we lose with FG attempts.

Just a methodology. 1 appears to work, one doesn't
I'm hoping Nesbitt sees plenty of playing time in two weeks (Army). I also hope it's for more than just mop-up duty. I'd enjoy it more if he were doing mop-up duty this Saturday early in the second-half. ;)
I don't understand how DRad could have already made his decision...
I don't understand how DRad could have already made his decision...

Have you? Its not etched in stone, I'm saying it could change, but he has an idea. He's not going to get caught sitting there at the last minute thinking about it, he is a man who has a plan and is organized to where he knows what he is going to do, if it changes so be it but when the time comes to make a choice he will have already known and it will happen quickly.
Have you? Its not etched in stone, I'm saying it could change, but he has an idea. He's not going to get caught sitting there at the last minute thinking about it, he is a man who has a plan and is organized to where he knows what he is going to do, if it changes so be it but when the time comes to make a choice he will have already known and it will happen quickly.
Generally decisions are final. ;)
I think he has an idea, its not final or it would already be happening, nothing is going to happen till after Christmas thats when it will be final. Have you made a decision Kyle? Has something changed your mind over the course of time? Thats why he is waiting till the end of the season, the way the season is going right now though its not going to matter hence why I said I think he already knows.
I think he has an idea, its not final or it would already be happening, nothing is going to happen till after Christmas thats when it will be final. Have you made a decision Kyle? Has something changed your mind over the course of time? Thats why he is waiting till the end of the season, the way the season is going right now though its not going to matter hence why I said I think he already knows.
You got an avatar!

demjackets, the way you stated it in the orignal post it sounded like DRad had already made up his mind and was not going to change it.

Thanks for the information though, I love your posts!
I did and I am sorry, it was more of an opinion I think he already knows which way he needs to go with things. Could it change maybe, more then likely no though.