Well, our AJC writer, Hollis, doesn't think much of Tech's team

Re: Well, our AJC writer, Hollis, doesn\'t think much of Tech\'s team

Does John Hollis have an agenda behind his BYU suck up interview I'm not sure (perhaps polygamous aspirations) but I don't think you could have paid anyone to have done a better snow job setting up BYU fans and players...we have nothing they should beat us 50-0...
I hope the whole Provo crowd buys into everything said "Crashed and Burned" the Hollis theory on GT football...
I believe Ball will be the starter vs. BYU that the O-line barring injury will be very good the backs will benefit and Nate Curry will be comeback player of the year for college football the TE's will contribute DBO will play well at WR
we will score points 24+ average in 1st four games...
Will that be enough well the largest ??? mark is the Dline how they perform will decide between W's and L's...
I hoping for 4-0 but 2-2 is realistic imho
May God bless you all!
Re: Well, our AJC writer, Hollis, doesn\'t think much of Tech\'s team

It's early Sunday morning, thought I would read what our late nite posters had to say before leaving for early morning service.

OK-Let's summarize here:

1. Hollis is a traitor, fool, jerk, UGAg butt sniffer.
2. Hollis is a un-biased reporter who calls it like he sees it, next pulitzer prize winner,Florida grad, nice guy.
3. Almost everyone thinks AJC sucks big time, not worth wiping a dawgs butt with, hates Georgia Tech and Chan Gailey (does that mean they love O'Leary?).
4. We should ban Hollis and all other AJC writers and get the Macon boys to cover Tech from the sidelines.

Who was it that said a wise man doesn't start a fight with a man who buys ink by the drum?
Re: Well, our AJC writer, Hollis, doesn\'t think much of Tech\'s team

Wow, sorry I'm late to this party, but what a great link by GT Ace! Hollis is paid by the AJC, not GT, and can tell it like he sees it everyday. He's a lowly beat writer, not the GT propoganda minister. Truth hurts, even in sheep-loving Utah. This interview is SOBERING....a must-hear by all Tech fans.
All I can say is..."PREPARE FOR IMPACT!"
Re: Well, our AJC writer, Hollis, doesn\'t think much of Tech\'s team

Originally posted by MsTechAnalysis:
John Hollis has been very fair to GT, he's a reporter doing his job. What do you want a beat writer to do - lie? It's okay he was a novice when he reported GOOD STUFF but now that it's not so good - he's a novice? Come on fellas!

Anyone that sees deficiencies is an 'evil doer'!
He's doing his job, AJC nor not. I don't think this guy has ANY AGENDA against Tech.
<font size="2" face="Arial, Verdana, Sans-Serif">Can't believe that your distaste for Gailey runs so deep that you could listen to a radio interview where he actually laughs at us and state that he is just doing his job? I don't care how "fair" he's ever been in the past, Hollis is an SOB. I have always loved Tech (37 years - from birth) and I never have accepted anybody trashing and laughing at our program. YOU however, MS. TA, find it perfectly acceptable since you want our coach canned. You may say - Does this make JJacket a better fan than you? Damn straight that's what it means. You are a piss poor excuse for a fan by not being outraged by this comedy routine that was done by Tech's beat reporter in our opponents backyard.

Re: Well, our AJC writer, Hollis, doesn\'t think much of Tech\'s team

You too BDG
Re: Well, our AJC writer, Hollis, doesn\'t think much of Tech\'s team

I don't have real audio on this comp & am too lazy to download it... In reading all the posts on Hollis' interview I will defer to the post by AFR Jacket from the other board... AFR is a rabid Tech fan who is flying out to the BYU game... He also has displayed a knack for fairness in evaluating the information swirling around this program... Here's his thoughts on the Hollis interview:

"sounded accurate to me.

I agree with about everything he said. His comment about "stinks" was exactly what CCG said following that practice and that WAS his reference.

Dang, I hope he did something for us with that interview. Let 'em think we don't have a chance. It was a fair and decent interview IMO."
Re: Well, our AJC writer, Hollis, doesn\'t think much of Tech\'s team

You and I are on the same page.

Coach Dodd was the absolute "Master"
in public relations with the local
news media!!

I do not agree with everything I
read in the AJC, but what do we Tech
fans want from the local rag?

Norm Arey was drageed across the coals
on the Hive for his story about DV.
Before this story Arey wrote many good
articles about Tech only to be lambasted
and lampooned on the Hive.

I have also seen that Tony Barnhart
has been lambasted on the hive and here at
Stingtalk. Well, guys and gals I am
here to tell you that Tony Barnahart is
a fan of college football, not just UGAG.

And yeah I know what most of you are going
to say, but's he's a UGAG grad. So what?

The last time I checked Georgia Tech did not
have a school of journalism.

We are stuck with whoever the AJC decides
to be our beat writer.

But there is a solution to this problem as
alluded to by '71 YJ. Our coach and our AA
can use the wisdom of Coach Dodd and court
the local media.

I beleive I remember that when Coach Gailey
was introduced as our new H.C., he made a
statement something to the effect that "he
was going to learn each writer's name for
his and Tech's benefit."

Seems to me that Coach has not done what he said
he was going to do.

IMHO, a Head Coach at a Division 1-A school
has to be a "master" in public relations and
so far I have not seen this in our coach.

Hopefully,this will be an area he can improve.
Re: Well, our AJC writer, Hollis, doesn\'t think much of Tech\'s team

MsTa, no, personally, I don't think AJ will start in the BYU game. I think Ball will start, but I do thing Suggs would come in early if Nix thinks Ball is getting rattled.

I understand your mentioning of Bilbo, but what does Pena have to do with the question of whether Ball or Suggs start?

71YellowJacket, it appears you have been swayed by the core group against Gailey. At first you seemed fair in your assessments of the situation.

I have noted cynicism from you toward those who want to give Gailey a fair chance ever since you received the following message from General Wood: "I had to do some recon, and Tunica isn't too far away. Check your messages".

Have you swallowed the bait, hook, line and sinker?

Now, you personally attack me with the following attacks: "You think you are the only one posting here old enough to shave", and "You are posting another of your conspiracy theories; our own Oliver Stone".

You may be an adult, but the above method is childish.

Yes, they are theories, but I have a lot of good information indicating there is substance to my theories.

You are now using the Democratic theory yourself, if you cannot debate a point intelligently, just throw insults toward the one you are trying to overcome in a debate.

Yes, I have followed Tech a long time, and I have followed the AJC for a long time. Personally, I have seen an immense change in their treatment of GT and UGA over the years.

I personally can attest to the validity of the pro bias of the AJC to UGA and against GT. It is there and has been for a long time.

It is true that Dodd was a master of the game at controlling the writers of the press, but you are forgetting one thing. These masters come along rarely, so Dodd has nothing to do with the argument of the bias against Tech by the AJC.

It is purely and simple a bias, and nothing you can say to smooth it over will change that bias. Put on your blinders and make excuses, but it will not change the truth.

Father Time
Re: Well, our AJC writer, Hollis, doesn\'t think much of Tech\'s team

BeeBad--thx for the compliment. Folks really need to listen to the interview because there've been some horrendous mis-interpretations IMO.

For example: The comment about Chan being at the end of his rope was in reference to the QB position, NOT his job. As you stated, the "stinks" was about THAT practice (CCG's words too). His thoughts about Gathers sounded like his opinion, which is fine with me, etc.

Hollis gave major props to our LBs and OL. I'm afraid many slamming him haven't listened to the interview. I've disagreed with Hollis on many occassions, but not this time. He was fair.

I'd encourage everyone to listen carefully, or again, before drawing conclusions.
Re: Well, our AJC writer, Hollis, doesn\'t think much of Tech\'s team

Oh, no, he said Reggie Ball "is a precocious 18 yr old." Let me check my dictionary real quick...

precosious: 1. Ripe or mature before the proper or natural time; early or prematurely ripe or developed; as, precocious trees.

2. Developed more than is natural or usual at a given age; exceeding what is to be expected of one's years; too forward; -- used especially of mental forwardness; as, a precocious child; precocious talents.

What a terrible slam! How dare he say Ball is surprisingly mature for his age.

I personally found nothing offensive about the interview.
Re: Well, our AJC writer, Hollis, doesn\'t think much of Tech\'s team


This is getting weirder by the minute. The following is intended to clarify my positions in response to what I consider to be quite a few left field comments posted here by Ahsoisee which are more than a little bit negative about me and my motivations. They are numerous and spread around a bit so I have decided to handle them all in one posting. (Another of the differences between stingtalk and the Hive, more verbiage here more pretty pictures on the Hive.)

There is considerable material to cover here. I have entered below quotes from Ahsoisee in bold text and my earlier posted comments in regular font My current responses are in brackets.

So if you are reading this hoping to gain further insight into ahsoisee or 71YellowJacket, read on. If on the other hand you are hoping to glean some information about GTAA, Chan Gailey, the upcoming season, the teams strengths and weaknesses, better skip over it…..

Before starting, I will confess, my shaving comment probably set Ahsoisee off…..


Hey Guys,

A HC has got to romance the press. Those born after 1960 will hate to hear this but Bobby Dodd was a master of stroking the press; had them eating out of his hand.

Ahsoisee’s response:

71YellowJacket, maybe you are aware or maybe you are not aware, but the AJC is solidly behind UGA and against Tech.

They love anything they can get hold of to make Tech look bad, so UGA can gain an advantage in recruiting.

Yes, I have followed Tech a long time, and I have followed the AJC for a long time. Personally, I have seen an immense change in their treatment of GT and UGA over the years.

I personally can attest to the validity of the pro bias of the AJC to UGA and against GT. It is there and has been for a long time.

71YellowJacket’s response:

You think you are the only one posting here old enough to shave? Pardon, Ms. Tech Analysis.

The AJC has not always been out to get us. There was a time when they were avid supporters aka Furman Bisher. I know those days are over for now but it was not inevitable and it could be turned around. The AJC could easily pull for both UGA (I know it seems hard to believe) and Tech.

[Ahsoisee, you are stating the obvious to all who have followed Tech for more than 5 years, hence the shaving comment above]


If there is a core group of people in cahoots with some of the AJC writers, because this core group wants to see Gailey fired, then these people are aiding the enemy, AJC and UGA.

This core group uses the excuse they want the best for Tech, while at the same time aiding the AJC in giving UGA an advantage in the State. I do not call that the best thing for Tech. I call it being a traitor to fulfill their own agenda to get rid of Gailey.

71YellowJacket, it appears you have been swayed by the core group against Gailey. At first you seemed fair in your assessments of the situation.

I have noted cynicism from you toward those who want to give Gailey a fair chance ever since you received the following message from General Wood: "I had to do some recon, and Tunica isn't too far away. Check your messages".

Have you swallowed the bait, hook, line and sinker?

Now, you personally attack me with the following attacks: "You think you are the only one posting here old enough to shave", and "You are posting another of your conspiracy theories; our own Oliver Stone".

You may be an adult, but the above method is childish.

Yes, they are theories, but I have a lot of good information indicating there is substance to my theories.

You are now using the Democratic theory yourself, if you cannot debate a point intelligently, just throw insults toward the one you are trying to overcome in a debate.

71YellowJacket’s response:

You are posting another of your conspiracy theories; our own Oliver Stone.

[sorry Ahsoisee, but you are way out on a limb, making vague inuinintos about conspirators/conspiracy.]

[The comment about shaving is an attack? Good grief…Re-read your own posts, then mine. You seem to be trying very hard to read between the lines of my comments, adding you own perception of my intent.]

[Democratic theory? Sorry I can’t follow that one well enough to respond.]

[I have not joined any group nor do I know of a group out to get Gailey. Yes there are posters here that share a favorable opinion of Gailey and about an equal number that share an un-favorable view. I would hardly call either group conspirators.]

[In either case, I consider myself to be in neither camp. As I have said before, I consider Gailey to be hired help (same for anyone else in his position). I won’t look the other way when he does something stupid, nor will I ignore his good results. As I have also stated before I won’t judge him by the chess moves (i.e. Bilbo, AJ, Ball) but by the results. If Tech loses when we should win, I will be very pissed at him, but I will also praise him for winning or playing up on the games we are predicted to lose.]


After the AJC ran the Bilbo story less than 24 hours before the axe fell, the sports writers have dropped any pretense; they are out to get Tech and the coach.

Circle the wagons boys, we haven't begun to feel the flames...

Ahsoisee’s response:

It is true that Dodd was a master of the game at controlling the writers of the press, but you are forgetting one thing. These masters come along rarely, so Dodd has nothing to do with the argument of the bias against Tech by the AJC.

It is purely and simple a bias, and nothing you can say to smooth it over will change that bias. Put on your blinders and make excuses, but it will not change the truth.

[Once again, Ahsoisee read my words. There is nothing I have written that denies the bias. IMO the AJC writers are out to get Tech, and GTAA brought it all on themselves by mismanaging their dealing with the media.]

[I agree that Bobby Dodd’s mastery of managing the media is a rare skill but that does not mean all coaches, including Gailey shouldn’t work to improve in this area.]

[If anything, GTAA and specifically Braine and Gailey has gone the opposite direction, building a wall and ignoring the media. This will come back to haunt Braine and Gailey when we have an off-week and lose a game we shouldn’t have. How? By aggressive criticism of our program in the AJC. They will be piling it on at every opportunity]
Re: Well, our AJC writer, Hollis, doesn\'t think much of Tech\'s team

AFR, others: I too will not put too much stock in the Hollis interview. Personally, chose not to even listen to it. Especially after gathering from others to some extent the general content..
He is just doing his job and trying to climb, like most all of us. If can get an audience and some attention this is helpful in journalism. If he came across strictly as a "homer" he would not be interviewed in the future. His stock would fall.
He is paid by the AJC (sickening as that may be) and is answerable to them unless we start paying him a substantial amount on the side. Which we should not and will not.
Anyhow, if we win 6 or 7 in a row; his writing will reflect it. Right now, it reflects his honest view/opinion. If we suddenly become winners, the bandwagon will have folks hanging off its sides. Right now, we are in a battle to prove ourselves. Only the truly faithful, loyal, lovers of GT will speak optimistically. Let's just realize where they are coming from. Till then, let's forge ahead, and " damn the torpedos".

I hate to sound trite or clicheish (sp), but WE SHALL OVERCOME!!! You can take that to the bank!!!!!
Re: Well, our AJC writer, Hollis, doesn\'t think much of Tech\'s team

71YellowJacket, none of the remarks set me off. I have just noticed a change in your perception of the situation according to the contents of your posts in about the last month.

I seldom ever get mad, so nothing set me off. I found your remarks to sound the way I described them.

As is my normal procedure, I seldom post anything unless the contents are calculated to produce a certain end result. I stand by the remarks I made.

Father Time
Re: Well, our AJC writer, Hollis, doesn\'t think much of Tech\'s team

Oldgoldbee: So very true. I suffered under the M.T. and especially Harley, God rest his soul, for over 17 years. I know exactly what you mean. He was a classic; but a credit to his alma mater...got to say that for him. Just sickening anyhow for anyone other than a UGAGER. But I came up under the Columbus Ledger-EnQuirer: Order of love, honor and obey: Auburn, Alabama, Georgia, and then GT. At least since Knight owns both there is now a little more balance, generally speaking.
I still contend, however, that as we more and more become winners and NC contenders, we will get more press.
Re: Well, our AJC writer, Hollis, doesn\'t think much of Tech\'s team

Way to go beebad
did i just say that?
Re: Well, our AJC writer, Hollis, doesn\'t think much of Tech\'s team

Hollis is a sorry lazy excuse for a beat reporter. He rarely shows up for a full practice and is constantly scooped and run circles around by Brian Murphy of the Macon Telegraph just as he was by Joe Person. If you don't think there is a bias in the AJC tell me the last time UGAG had a beat writer who was not a graduate of UGA?
Re: Well, our AJC writer, Hollis, doesn\'t think much of Tech\'s team

"Hollis is a sorry lazy excuse for a beat reporter."
MAYBE SO....I live way off, but you are possibly correct
"He rarely shows up for a full practice"
This is inexcuable. Period.

"If you don't think there is a bias in the AJC tell me the last time UGAG had a beat writer who was not a gradutae of UGA?"
I do think there is a bias in the AJC. They are sickening.
Re: Well, our AJC writer, Hollis, doesn\'t think much of Tech\'s team

It sounds a lot like a sand bagging job to me. Why blow GT up as a giant killer? It's easier to slip in under the radar. I beelieve GT by 4.
Re: Well, our AJC writer, Hollis, doesn\'t think much of Tech\'s team

Some of you think that the AJC treats
Tech un-fairly?

At least the majority of you folks
did not have to endure the wrath of
Harley "Bulldog" Bowers for many
years at the Macon Telegraph.

Old Harley was the biggest supporter
of Bulldog athletics of any writer that
has come down the path.

Being the Sports Editor he had the
final say-so in what could be written
in the Macon Telegraph.

So we Middle-Georgia fans have had
to enduremuch more than you guys and gals
in the Metro area.

Since his death, the Macon Telegraph has
taken a different posture in writing about