Were we really that much better off?


We suck this much.
Jul 8, 2002
I like Johnson, but at this point, I think it looks like a lateral move.

I think Gailey was a better coach than many gave him credit for, and it seems not much has changed, at least the bottom line.
I miss having a passing game. To be honest, I thought CPJ's offensive style was going to work well at first, but then seeing opposing teams start to figure it all out it is not gonna last, at least not in ACC play and definitely wouldnt last in SEC play.
Yeah, at this point. At the points with the 11 win season last year and the 9 win season the year before, it hardly looked like that.

Right now, we just need a change at ST coaching. Maybe we just haven't focused enough on that phase or maybe we need to get rid of Kelly. The other two phases have done alright tonight.
I'm not ready for CPJ to hit the road (though, I have a feeling that something is going to happen this offseason ... as in, he packs it in himself out of frustration), but this team has been the most uninspired team I've seen in a while. At least with Chan's team I could see that they wanted to win every game. This team got pumped for the VT game and the UGAg game. That was it. And then all of the facebook/twitter **** with players bitching, in-fighting. I don't know how CPJ fixes that, but he better find a way before next season.
I miss having a passing game. To be honest, I thought CPJ's offensive style was going to work well at first, but then seeing opposing teams start to figure it all out it is not gonna last, at least not in ACC play and definitely wouldnt last in SEC play.

I don't see a passing game with any coach with the QB's and WR's we had this year.
Not that I think GT scores here, but this clock operator is pitiful. Roughly 10 seconds have randomly ticked off so far.
Surprised it took this long for the CPJ critics to come back.
Surprised it took this long for the CPJ critics to come back.

The OP really wasn't meant as criticism for CPJ as it was to point out Gailey wasn't the "terrible" coach some contended he was.
You have to give any coach 4-5 years to see how good he is once he gets his players in. Hell we were using a makeshift line with 3 upper classmen on it only one of whom was recruited to be at that position. Let him get his players in and then we'll see how good he is.
Simple fact.... it's going to be literally impossible for CPJ to generate any excitement or support for his teams with seasons like this. I don't dislike Johnson in any way but I only casually tracked Tech this year because there are simply much better football teams to follow. The program and players are so underachievingly bland/mediocre that it's really not worth getting worked up over their failures. After the Gailey years I had much higher hopes for Johnson. I see that not much has changed down on North Avenue. Oh well... better Bowl Games to come.
No way. Johnson is an upgrade. He has proven he could win with most of Gailey's recruits. He has run successful programs before. I'm interested in the adjustments made this offseason. One thing for sure. We have to be good in all three phases of the game. Our offense can't save us anymore.

By the way, give the defense credit. they played well tonight.
Surprised it took this long for the CPJ critics to come back.

You have to give any coach 4-5 years to see how good he is once he gets his players in. Hell we were using a makeshift line with 3 upper classmen on it only one of whom was recruited to be at that position. Let him get his players in and then we'll see how good he is.

Certainly. I expect CPJ will address the issues of this year. But they are issues we see year in and year out at GT regardless of who is the coach.
CPJ isn't nearly as good as everyone wants to think he is

Typically, I'd strongly disagree with you. I'm an optimist by nature, but I'm gonna agree with you (to an extent).

This game was lost by special teams. Two punt fumbles and a fake punt for a first down (which is effectively like a turnover for GT). If you notice, GTs offense didn't even have the ball much in the 2nd half due to the special teams turnovers.

Many aspects of GTs special teams are bad: kicking, punting, kick coverage, kick return, aand obviously the backup punt returner. I don't expect the back up to be a gamebreaker, but he must consistently be able to field the football. Two turnovers due to a no-name back-up fielding punts is inexcusable.

The defense played well tonight. I like Al Groh; in time he can get the most possible out of the talent he has. I'm sure of that.

Now I have to do something that I really don't want to do. I have to throw Paul on the carpet. Paul Johnson is my favorite collegiate coach. He's the only reason I even watch GT ball games. But his offensive planning has me confused. Since Washington has been the QB, he has not attempted to use multiple formations in order to give GT a formation advantage. This is simple football and forces teams to adjust on every play or face miss-matches simply by alignment. Using one formation all the time is unacceptable even if you have a backup QB in.

GT's passing game is horrendous. All the service academies (and I do mean all with no hyperbole) pass and catch the football better than GT. That must change.

Special teams needs an overhaul *or* it needs a lot more time devoted to it. There is major incompetence all over the place.

There. I was negative. I hated to do it, but the coaching staff and particularly Paul Johnson have to take the blame for the product that they put on the field tonight. Johnson needs to take a hard look in the mirror this offseason and ask himself if he has really given this team the true attention to detail it deserves.
No way. Johnson is an upgrade. He has proven he could win with most of Gailey's recruits. He has run successful programs before. I'm interested in the adjustments made this offseason. One thing for sure. We have to be good in all three phases of the game. Our offense can't save us anymore.

By the way, give the defense credit. they played well tonight.
All we needed when Gailey was fired, was someone who could coach up a qb. I honestly thought DRad would've hired David Cutcliffe. We already had a good defense, running game, and decent special teams. The special teams and defense has gotten worse since CCG left, and not to mention the somewhat passing game we had when CCG was here is non-existent now. I love CPJ's fire and passion when he's out there coaching, but he's gotta tweak his offense somehow. Considering the lack of passes we throw, if we could just complete 2 passes every quarter, we'd be okay. Gonna be a LONG offseason. I still love my Jackets though, no doubt about that.
No way. Johnson is an upgrade. He has proven he could win with most of Gailey's recruits. He has run successful programs before. I'm interested in the adjustments made this offseason. One thing for sure. We have to be good in all three phases of the game. Our offense can't save us anymore.

By the way, give the defense credit. they played well tonight.

well, we'll see if he is indeed an upgrade. Perhaps he redshifted a ton of talent to set up next year or the following year.

Not to take anything away from the D, but they had a physical advantage over AF we don't usually see in a season.
The OP really wasn't meant as criticism for CPJ as it was to point out Gailey wasn't the "terrible" coach some contended he was.

I don't mind people criticizing CPJ as I didn't mind people crititicizing CCG when he was here. Certainly, CPJ deserves criticism.

What I was pointing out was the timing of this post. Did you post something similar to this after we lost to Iowa last year? We have had one ****ty season under CPJ and suddenly people start comparing coaches as if that accomplishes anything.

If you are going to criticize CPJ, do it with some valid concerns (there are a lot to choose from).