Wes Welker's wife gets my vote for Wife of the Year.

The fact he paid off the victims families in lieu of being sued in court tells me he's not squeeky clean in all this.

Not really.

Public image of him was not good due to the criminal trial, why would he want to risk going in front of a jury? 99%+ of lawsuits settle out of court. Lawsuits where one party may not be looked upon well by members of the general public will almost always settle (unless they are crazy/have lots of money/very good attorneys).

All of that is secondary to essentially admitting guilt by paying off the victims. And it wasn't chump change, it was in the millions.

But you go on thinking he's a choir boy if you like.

I don't think you understand the legal system in this country. At all. It is much easier and almost always cheaper to settle.

Regardless of the settlement sum, I can bet you that the amount he settled for was "chump change" compared to how much a jury would have awarded + several years of legal fees from a team of very expensive attorneys.
move along.. nothing to see here.


someone should probably photoshop wes welkers head into this picture.
4 wives - is that true? Like Lee Marvin said in "Paint Your Wagons", I'll kill him!

Murder charge - guilty - innocent? I have no idea. God will sort that one out at this point. But I do know that when you have the power of the gov't coming down on you it is a brand new world of hurt. And any plea bargains, settlements, lawsuits are not what it always seems to a person looking in from the outside.

Great player, yep. Egomanical dancing showboat can't stand to watch the idiot, yep.

It drives me batshit to watch his a$$ prance around like a freaking bouncing ball trying to incite the fans. This God complex he has is a fvcking act like his pre-game dog and pony show is. It's funny how he found God like every öööö criminal does after they committed something they shouldn't have..
And people we're aren't talking about a speeding ticket. We're talking about a murder.
It drives me batshit to watch his a$$ prance around like a freaking bouncing ball trying to incite the fans. This God complex he has is a fvcking act like his pre-game dog and pony show is. It's funny how he found God like every öööö criminal does after they committed something they shouldn't have..
And people we're aren't talking about a speeding ticket. We're talking about a murder.

What you call a "dog and pony show," his teammates call leadership. It may not be your style, but even Belichick came out as saying that Ray Lewis was the greatest motivators and leaders to ever play the game. I realize that you don't like him, but Jesus... get over it.
What you call a "dog and pony show," his teammates call leadership. It may not be your style, but even Belichick came out as saying that Ray Lewis was the greatest motivators and leaders to ever play the game. I realize that you don't like him, but Jesus... get over it.

like those guys should get over being dead