When did PJ lose this team?

You mean like the pass we threw over the middle? The one where our qb threw it too late which caused our other aback to start blocking too soon?

CPJ said post-game the A-Back shouldn't have even been blocking. His assignment was to run a seam to clear out his man. :hsughcry:
CPJ said post-game the A-Back shouldn't have even been blocking. His assignment was to run a seam to clear out his man. :hsughcry:

Wow. So the aback thought it was a designed run?

We need to stop the no huddle and send in 11 new guys with the playcall every down.
Isn't zone blocking actually EASIER to teach than man blocking?

Anyone looking for a question for the call-in show, I'd love to hear CPJ's take on the advantages and disadvantages of man blocking vs. zone blocking in pass protection.

In the post-game presser, he said that he called "basic gap pass protection." He said "it doesn't get easier than that" and "I don't know how you screw that up."

He also said that although he is ultimately responsible, some other people are responsible too. At that point, it's not clear if he means the linemen or Sewak. Sewak coached with him at GSU when GSU won 15 national championships or whatever, but GSU in general also had much more talent relative to their level of competition.

I'm not wholly convinced about blaming Sewak either. Sometimes the "belly flops" that people complain about actually did their job if you watch closely. For dives, the defender only has to be off the gap for a second, and cut blocks can push them back just long enough. Also, some dives which have failed this year have been on the BB not changing gaps when they should have. Skov and Marshall are both in their first year in the offense and so that's not unexpected.

Sewak may be ok on technique and his real failing is on "soft skills" in leading the OL. The OL have had many issues with concentration and execution under pressure. Remember Joe's false start on non-play-side against UNC? Somehow we aren't bit with false starts this year, but the OL has had issues "telling apart 4-3 from 3-4." Reading between the lines of Burden's comments post-Clemson, practice goes well but the atmosphere and adversity makes game execution much worse than practice execution.

Yeah, another tl;dr post, etc., etc. That's my take on it anyway.
Wow. So the aback thought it was a designed run?

We need to stop the no huddle and send in 11 new guys with the playcall every down.

He may have thought it was a designed screen, in which case the block would have been legal. The two playcalls could have been close.

The AB was a true freshmen. Two other big mistakes in the Pitt game were from true freshmen. This year may show the one honest failing with CPJ's offense: you simply cannot plug in true freshmen or first-year transfers without issues. If Snoddy and Leggett were playing, somehow the OL's issues wouldn't be so disastrous.
In the post-game presser, he said that he called "basic gap pass protection." He said "it doesn't get easier than that" and "I don't know how you screw that up."

Thanks. I never listen to the call-in show and just get the tidbits posted here. That's pretty amazing if the OL wasn't confused by the "count". I mean, I saw OL who literally let 2 DL run past them on either side without making a move toward either.
If this is a dumb question that any decent Tech fan should already know then I'll take my lumps but I recall we brought in a coach last year who I thought contributed a lot of OL coaching. Is that coach still here/ doing whatever he did last year?

I haven't seen it mentioned but have been wondering if anything changed in that regard.
The one game that you can for sure put on PJ was the unc debacle.A 21 pt lead and you give it up in 2 minutes or less.(not to mention the 2 tries by JT at goal later) we could have cruised in that game.

Solid bump imo but his post couldn't have been made dumber by any outcome against any team. At no point this year, even while getting blown out against Clemson, has our team quit. Demoralizing blow after blow, injury after injury, one bad break after another, they've never quit. That doesn't happen when a coach has lost his team, period.
Yeah, if you want to see a team that has quit on its coach, it looks like that Clemson-Miami game yesterday.
He went wrong by wearing the wrong cologne during those games, so he must've switched up for last night to Polo Gold!
Solid bump imo but his post couldn't have been made dumber by any outcome against any team. At no point this year, even while getting blown out against Clemson, has our team quit. Demoralizing blow after blow, injury after injury, one bad break after another, they've never quit. That doesn't happen when a coach has lost his team, period.

So, we won't get to read OP's genius insight into the inner workings of the team? :rolleyes:
So, we won't get to read OP's genius insight into the inner workings of the team? :rolleyes:

OP sent me a PM stating PJ lost the team over the Anthony Harrell issue and that the players don't think PJ has character.
OP sent me a PM stating PJ lost the team over the Anthony Harrell issue and that the players don't think PJ has character.

Reminds me of the PMs I got from a certain member back around 2002, detailing how the outcry against Gailey was a Catholic conspiracy. And he was quite serious.
OP sent me a PM stating PJ lost the team over the Anthony Harrell issue and that the players don't think PJ has character.

The "issue" where the dude had like 4 concussions and the trainers wouldn't clear him to play? That seems like a stretch.
The "issue" where the dude had like 4 concussions and the trainers wouldn't clear him to play? That seems like a stretch.

Isn't that someone else? Hankins? Harrell was the "I transfer." "No you're cut." Situation
OP sent me a PM stating PJ lost the team over the Anthony Harrell issue and that the players don't think PJ has character.

Interesting take I guess. Don't know the specifics of everything that happened there. Team may not be very good and quite flawed, but they sure haven't quit. Good thing that they play on despite CPJ losing them over such an an issue.:wink: