When did PJ lose this team?

Eat crow FatJacket you dumbass piece of öööö.

Crow, the new corn field dove?

Once lost, but now found? Kinda like the prodigal son?

Black feathers all over my face and in my teath.

Hopefully, this means you're having a stroke.

Coit said eat crow.

Crow, in case you've never tried it is not bad. Kinda like a cross between bald eagle and manatee.

Definitely better than a bucket of Jame's (BOR's) öööö.
The "issue" where the dude had like 4 concussions and the trainers wouldn't clear him to play? That seems like a stretch.

Kid wanted to play his final year and something about grad school. PJ wouldn't sign the papers or something. I'll let Fatjacket babble about it.
I think CPJ lost the team when he told Austin to get away from the ball. There were at least 7 special teams players who clearly ignored their coaches and blocked for the kid.

CPJ has started down the road of regaining their respect by admitting in the post game that he made a bad call. Everything is just butterflies and boob jobs now that coach has admitted his mistake.