Originally Posted by
....Don't ya think CCG has had a lot to overcome? I mean a lot of setbacks. I know that's all part of the game and all, but some of it wasn't his fault. Maybe.
I know it's making excuses too, but what's come up in the last few years that makes you wonder 'What Woulda Coulda Shoulda Been'?
- Limited scholarships
- Tony Hollings' Sudden Knee Malfunction
- Flunkgate
- The Reuben Houston Distro Corp.
- C. Johnson Catches Early Departure to Detroit
- more?
Limited Scholarships.... 2011 ( 2007 + 4 seasons)
Tony Hollings............. 2003
Flunkgate.................. 2007 (2003 + 4 seasons)
Reuben Houston......... 2005
C. Johnson................ 2007