Would everyone take a minute

The newest Tech fans in this thread went to their first game in 2009. Concerning.

As much a statement about how younger folks don’t use message boards as it is about Tech fans not “sticking,” although there’s also something to that.

It seems like there are some younger fans that write for From the Rumble Seat, although let’s say that my opinions about what it means to be a fan diverge rather dramatically from some of what I read over there.

2008 - UNC (I think) I didn't really care at that time, just came with my church youth group
2010 - SCSt - First game as a student/band member
1973(maybe '72) vs. Clemson. My Dad got tickets from Leon Hardeman who he worked with at Owens-Illinois. The freshman lined up for Tech to run through broke loose and tackled the Clemson Tiger mascot. I thought it was one of the greatest things I had ever seen.
Sept. 22, 1984 vs. The Citadel
I might have been to an earlier game, but this is the first one I know for certain. Sadly, I remember it from hearing the announcement of UGA making a 60-yard field goal to beat Clemson that day as we were leaving the stadium.
I feel sad that I don't remember what game it was. My first memories of GT football consists of John Dewberry, Jerry Mays - so it may have been right about that time. I do know that it was a long time ago when I was just a little kid before I knew what football was. Now that I think about it, there's very few games that I can recall vividly but I will always remember how awesome it was to spend quality time with my dad. Some of the best memories I will ever have.