Write an email to President Cabrera tonight

I'm trying to keep up but you bozos type like 50 posts per minute. Has Cabrera responded to anyone yet?

I remember way back when I wrote an actual letter that I printed on an actual piece of paper and signed it with a real pen from Staples and put it in an actual envelope and wrote the address of the GTAA and my return address and bought a real stamp and stuck it on the envelope and asked the postmaster dude to confirm that it was mail worthy.

The AD I addressed it to was Dave Braine.. I was a two-decade Season Ticket holder at the time. Never got an answer. No phone call, no email, no letter. Nothing.

Now, I get a phone call and email every day from GT - you can guess what the intent of the call/email is.

This is exactly what is wrong with Georgia Tech. I'm proud to be a grad. I'm embarrassed to be a fan.
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I'm trying to keep up but you bozos type like 50 posts per minute. Has Cabrera responded to anyone yet?

I remember way back when I wrote an actual letter that I printed on an actual piece of paper and signed it with a real pen from Staples and put it in an actual envelope and wrote the address of the GTAA and my return address and bought a real stamp and stuck it on the envelope and asked the postmaster dude to confirm that it was mail worthy.

The AD I addressed it to was Dave Braine.. I was a two-decade Season Ticket holder at the time. Never got an answer. No phone call, no email, no letter. Nothing.
No, Cabrera has not responded to my drunk emails. DRad would give meaningful replies within hours of you sent him an email. It's funny how things work out. Everyone was ticked at him for the NCAA thing, but I bet y'all miss him now. Clough laughed at the ingenuity of some antics I pulled back when I was in school and got caught, while Peterson shut down any tradition that contained any risk at all because he was a joyless prick. Things have really gone downhill since the late 2000s, not that that was even the high point for GT, it was just the last time it was any good.
No, Cabrera has not responded to my drunk emails. DRad would give meaningful replies within hours of you sent him an email. It's funny how things work out. Everyone was ticked at him for the NCAA thing, but I bet y'all miss him now. Clough laughed at the ingenuity of some antics I pulled back when I was in school and got caught, while Peterson shut down any tradition that contained any risk at all because he was a joyless prick. Things have really gone downhill since the late 2000s, not that that was even the high point for GT, it was just the last time it was any good.
I met Peterson once at a tailgate at UVa and was shocked at what a dumbass I thought he was - I was literally embarrassed at how stupid he came across. dRad was a joke - he answered email with meaningless platitudes. Braine and the idiot from Purdue were morons who we should have drug to the loading dock and beat the shit out of both of them.

tStan doesn't seem much better than our recent string of idiot ADs.
No, Cabrera has not responded to my drunk emails. DRad would give meaningful replies within hours of you sent him an email. It's funny how things work out. Everyone was ticked at him for the NCAA thing, but I bet y'all miss him now. Clough laughed at the ingenuity of some antics I pulled back when I was in school and got caught, while Peterson shut down any tradition that contained any risk at all because he was a joyless prick. Things have really gone downhill since the late 2000s, not that that was even the high point for GT, it was just the last time it was any good.

I think a lot of that is related to broader cultural changes - everything is a lot more risk-averse and pussified now, not just at Tech.

I guess I’m happy that Cabrera has better things to do while running an internationally-renowned research institute than to respond to drunk guys that are mad that we lost to Clemson. I always thought the Michael Adams model at U[sic]GA where the President was way too involved in athletics was a bad look for an ostensible university.
