"You have to get rid of all of the excuses."

I agree, but I don't think it should be for the expressed purpose of attracting athletes. It should be for the sake of broadening the scope in general and everything that entails.

I'd like to add a law program and an education program just to beat UGA at them. But mostly I just want to see some football games.
This is because I honestly don't know...

Why do we need a law program when GT graduates have a very good acceptance rate to Law Schools with various GT degrees like MGMT, INTA, Pub Pol, HTS, etc?
This is because I honestly don't know...

Why do we need a law program when GT graduates have a very good acceptance rate to Law Schools with various GT degrees like MGMT, INTA, Pub Pol, HTS, etc?

To beat UGA at every major worth having.

I don't think we should add crip majors that take no effort, but I definitely think we could/should add programs that high school football players would be more interested in taking than Management.

I agree. But speaking of management, I think Tech should hire somebody to create an image and/or a brand for the Management school. I imagine that telling kids they can major in management sounds about as exciting as a behind the scenes tour of the DMV. Most good business schools have something they can brag about or something that makes them coveted. Our business school appears to be named after a furniture store. I wonder if our recruiters tell the kids who Ivan Allen really was.
I'd never really thought about it before, but I think you're right. They should at least change the name to the Ivan Allen School of Business.
I'd never really thought about it before, but I think you're right. They should at least change the name to the Ivan Allen School of Business.

And because it might encourage others to do the same, I will admit my stunning level of ignorance as to who Ivan Allen Jr. was and why the school was named after him. All these years, I just assumed that he graduated, started a business, became weathy and donated enough money to get his name on the wall.

Only because of this thread did I read his wikipedia page and I am ashamed of myself for not kowing who he was and what he did not just for the City of Atlanta but for civil rights in general - way before it was cool - back when doing the right thing meant needing 'round the clock police protection.

This is what I'm talking about - do the recruits we market this school to know who its named after and what he stood for and who he stood against?
I agree. But speaking of management, I think Tech should hire somebody to create an image and/or a brand for the Management school. I imagine that telling kids they can major in management sounds about as exciting as a behind the scenes tour of the DMV. Most good business schools have something they can brag about or something that makes them coveted. Our business school appears to be named after a furniture store. I wonder if our recruiters tell the kids who Ivan Allen really was.

Not sure if serious, but we don't have a degree in Management anymore. And the business school is called the Scheller College of Business. It is not in the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts.
I imagine that telling kids they can major in management sounds about as exciting as a behind the scenes tour of the DMV.

Old problem. No longer the School of Management.


I wonder if our recruiters tell the kids who Ivan Allen really was.

Doubtful. A large portion of the lower/middle administration of the Hill/AA seems to be staffed with non-GT folks, and people who simply don't have the passion for GT's tradition and history (which are arguably our biggest strengths). As far as I'm concerned, if your role at Georgia Tech means that you will be interacting with people outside of the Institute, you should be able to give a 1.5 hour tour of campus and be able to recite basically everything in the T-Book.

When I was a tour guide, I routinely recited facts like "GT graduates more black/minority engineers than any other school in the nation" or "we were the first school in the deep south to integrate without a court order, which was a student-led effort" or "we marched to the capitol and burned the governor in effigy when he announced we couldn't play Pitt in the Sugar Bowl because they had a black player on their team".Throw in the fact that Eddie McAshan was the first black QB to start in the deep south, your comments about Ivan Allen, etc., and you have a pretty compelling story about GT's place in civil rights history. Does any of that get communicated to anyone other than on message boards and at high school tours where 80% of the kids are just wanting to get on the road to Athens?

We have licensing department that goes bonkers over protecting a tarted insect logo that can't decide if he has legs or not and cant even make the effort to standardize our colors. We can't even get the little things right. No reason to believe our story is being told well, either.
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The school will always be the "dog" and football will always be the "tail". The dog wags the tail, not the other way around. Once the proper order is reversed, we're just as bad as the SEC factories we all like to trash.

Vandy headed down that very path and look what happened and it had nothing to do with adding majors.
Not sure if serious, but we don't have a degree in Management anymore. And the business school is called the Scheller College of Business. It is not in the Ivan Allen College of Liberal Arts.

Just uninformed - graduated and moved away a good while ago so unaware of the change. Probably not a good thing to say in a thread dedicated to getting rid of all the excuses. :wink:
Just uninformed - graduated and moved away a good while ago so unaware of the change. Probably not a good thing to say in a thread dedicated to getting rid of all the excuses. :wink:

Haha its all good. I just graduated with my business degree so I was a student during the change. They did it to further compete with other business schools and to be more marketable to recuruiters, etc.
I'd like to add a law program and an education program just to beat UGA at them. But mostly I just want to see some football games.

There is no such thing as a "law" program. There is no such thing as "pre-law." It's not like med school where there are courses that you have to take. The only ABA requirement for law school (for North American students) is that you graduate undergrad. When colleges say they have "pre-law," its basically a bunch of crap. Tons of people come from things like poly-sci and psych. Those are about as "pre-law" as anything else.

GT could add a law school, but the city of atlanta already has those in spades. It would be cool to add one with an IP spin (this is coming from a patent litigator with rose colored glasses on) or some other science background. I don't think that would do anything for our football program though, more just that their are pretty big synergies between science and law, especially patents, med mal, products liability, etc.
I went to Tech for MGT because it was a top 10 public school with top 10 programs for both of my specializations, but I suppose I'm just a lazy nancy that rode coach on the m train and that dilutes the image of a real Tech man. I didn't even make 80k by the time I was 25.

When was the last time you went on campus and asked some kids what they were majoring in? The college of engineering only makes up about 60% of our graduates now, and every program Tech has expanded into it performs exceptionally at. Get out of the 1950s. Women are allowed to vote and go to school now, we've successfully integrated every college outside of Mississippi, Tech consistently performs well in non-engineering programs, we have one of the most recognized and respected brands across a variety of industries.

Edit: member since last month? Who has this guy in the pool?

I dont view mgt as a weak major. I was referring more to the communications, film, etc majors.
a jetta will never win in Formula 1.

Given the right man, GT has demonstrated the ability to win a MNC.

when people jump up to say why 1990 is different than 2013, I hear nothing but excuses. The same kind that were tossed around in the '70's and 80's actually. and they are stale. and have been repeated so much that they have become part of our culture. If you tell yourself something often enough you will begin to believe it.

Sadly, this has happened at GT. and it's part of why we don't fill the stadium...we portray a culture of not wanting to be the best and are content to sit around and tell other's why we can't. how does that sell to the general public?

OK, since a couple of you are picking on the Jetta example instead of seeing the larger point, how about a GT-level car in a Formula 1 race. Still outmanned across the board, but occasionally may squeak by and make things interesting.

The point is we are coming into competition ill-prepared and on unequal footing by choice. That's it, and that's the only thing that needs addressing (or not, assuming the powers-that-be prefer it as it stands).
Who here actually thinks we should add programs for the expressed purpose of being more attractive to football recruits?

I would like to either see that, a move to FCS, or the abandonment of football. Any of those three would be preferable to the current situation because it is moronic and illogical to "compete" for championships while simultaneously preventing yourself from having any chance to win said championships.

Also, I've been out of school a long time and I have enough life experience to know that football majors and athletics in general have zero effect on the worth of my GT degree.
I think we need a College of Urban Lifestyle.

We'd never lose another football game.

Except, knowing GT, we'd require calculus to graduate from it.
So, you're saying if Tech doesn't win at least 9 games and at least one of Dwags, Clemson, or Miami, Tech should fire Johnson at the end of the season and hire someone who will do better?

That's the essence of your post, right? I just want to understand your position.

Ugghhhh... This is the kind of person I hate.