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There's a difference between being realistic and being a jackass.

No one's saying you need to vomit rainbows. But maybe take a little less joy in slamming the program and make your realism a little less personal -- believe it or not you don't have to call CGC a clown every other post or make fun of his hair in order to express dissatisfaction with 9 wins in 3 years.
You must not hang around many fans of other teams. They rip this guy to shreds. We got royally bitch slapped on national tv 2 weeks in a row. The jig’s up with everyone else save a small contingent that thinks he’s the savior and can do no wrong. It’s kid gloves on here compared to what I hear in the few instances GT even gets brought up anymore.
Bah. Everyone's allowed to have their own opinions. But this beating the dead horse öööö has gone way past getting old. If the son of a bitch wants to go pull for another team, nothing will be lost.
I know. Everyone is entitled to be an asshole. You and several other posters have taken the asshole flag and douched up the football board like heroes.
I love all this. It’s called passion. As another poster stated silence is way worse than negativity because that means the program is dead. I had a random person who isn’t even a big college football fan ask me who our new coach was. When I explained we kept our coach he was stunned. It was pretty funny seeing his reaction from an outsider.

I’ll be there at MBS next September as will most posters here. Why? Because GT is our team and will be long after our current coach is coaching DB’s at some low level SEC school. Gibbs told us what he thinks of our coach and his actions are way louder than anything former players can post on twitter.

And I find it funny that JJacket and daBuzz have over 90,000 posts combined and they talk about others douching up a board. Maybe you guys should take a break.
I love all this. It’s called passion. As another poster stated silence is way worse than negativity because that means the program is dead. I had a random person who isn’t even a big college football fan ask me who our new coach was. When I explained we kept our coach he was stunned. It was pretty funny seeing his reaction from an outsider.

I’ll be there at MBS next September as will most posters here. Why? Because GT is our team and will be long after our current coach is coaching DB’s at some low level SEC school. Gibbs told us what he thinks of our coach and his actions are way louder than anything former players can post on twitter.

And I find it funny that JJacket and daBuzz have over 90,000 posts combined and they talk about others douching up a board. Maybe you guys should take a break.
You know what got the administration’s attention the most? It wasn’t the uptick in shit posting on Stingtalk. It was 40,000 UGA fans taking over BDS. That was basically Tech fans just silently walking away.
The jig’s up with everyone else save a small contingent that thinks he’s the savior and can do no wrong.
Pretty sure that “small contingent” is zero, however there are some that are willing to be open-minded and see what happens next year. Which makes sense because he’s gonna be here at least that long.
You know what got the administration’s attention the most? It wasn’t the uptick in öööö posting on Stingtalk. It was 40,000 UGA fans taking over BDS. That was basically Tech fans just silently walking away.
The timing of the ND game coupled with the graphic and the massive beat down, knowing next week was the mutt at home was one of the worst set ups ever. I couldn’t make the game and ate my tickets, saw my empty seats engulfed in a sea of red.

You’re absolutely right though, the worst thing a business can have is customers silently walking away. It’s extremely tough to get them back. We’re gonna find out how hard It is. GT fans are notoriously frugal and there’s no threat of anyone swooping in and taking their great seats right now. We didn’t advertise season ticket sales as in other years, must have been abysmal. Bad situation & going soft when the situation demanded bold leadership is not a good sign.
Some of us have too much. Players DO notice, and we need to stop.

This is literally the worst coaching performance in the history of Georgia Tech football, and we’ve signed up for year 4. The is the worst defense in the history of Georgia Tech football (and that’s not a euphemism, that is a fact based on statistics) and we kept the DC.

If that doesn’t piss you off, are you really a fan?
Yeah that’ll show em!
I don’t give two shits. It’s Georgia Tech’s job to field a competitive football team and my job to buy tickets. I don’t anymore because they don’t complete their part of the deal. The player is an employee and needs to stfu or go to a different school. He is getting screwed by the institutes bullshit just like I am.

If the players love Collins so much then they need to actually PLAY like they love Collins, and not this half hearted effort defeatist looking attitude. There was absolutely no excuse to get flat shut out and crushed the last 2 games of the season, either of which COULD HAVE BEEN 100-0 if ND and UGA didn’t feel. sorry for them. That’s lack of effort for this coach you claim you love so much.

Otherwise I can PROMISE then players and any other Collins lovers he will be gone, perhaps as early as the end of next season.

I heard from multiple sources we had the donations and blessings of our big donors to fire him this year.

Thus far, the guy is the worst coach to ever coach on The Flats. Period.
You know what got the administration’s attention the most? It wasn’t the uptick in öööö posting on Stingtalk. It was 40,000 UGA fans taking over BDS. That was basically Tech fans just silently walking away.
Didn't get enough of their attention to fire the guy.
What actions make you think the administration is paying attention?
The administration is locked on deciding whether Tech is a pure STEM school like MIT or a broader university like Stanford. This indecision has led to a decline in ratings and oddities like 1/3 of Tech students (10,000 students) now in a couple of 100% online programs. Commitment to football also suffers because of this indecision.

I’m not guessing - that’s what’s really happening. Clough was a strong decision maker who got things done. Peterson was not and fundamentally hurt Tech. Cabrera hasn’t been able to right the ship.
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