College Football Dead

i cant argue with you. the only thing that keeps me in it is college fantasy football. its really all i have to look forward to with GT in such a depressing state of affairs.
I hope NIL and transfer rules end this veneer of amateurism and the golden-egg laying goose finally dies. Parity is dead from a tragedy of the commons. öööö you ESPN, and öööö you SEC
I've never been a defeatist and have always said Tech playing football was always going to be like having one hand tied behind your back in a fist fight, but now it's like we have two hands tied and we keep kicking ourselves in the nuts. I'll always love Tech and my love is deeper than football, but it really isn't fun anymore.
Want to fix college football? You'll need to first break the NFL's monopoly on professional football and go after the NFL/NFLPA's collusion to limit the labor pool of professional football players.

Good luck with that.
College football ain't dead. The gap between the haves and have nots just seems more insurmountable than ever. At least Cincy made the playoff so they did throw us some bread crumbs.

If you want to be a have then you need to go all in. Tech will never go all in so we will always be on the outside looking in. It just is what it is, a way of life. No use whining over something you can't control. Buckle up your bootstraps and enjoy it for what it is (although, unfortunately, GT at it's worst in history versus UGA at it's best just exacerbates the condition.)
I don't think the players getting money is necessarily killing it, but the modern media is. Specifically ESPN. Having to endure cucks like Herbstreit and that tennis jockey soy boy Chris Fowler cheer lead for Georgia is just the latest example. Let's not even start on the endless public service commercials about BLM and social justice warrior crap. The NCAA is a corrupt, inept and F upd organization. They can't hire decent officiating, they can't make simple rules changes, and they exist for the top dozen or so programs. Come to think of it, sort of reminds you of congress doesn't it?