Welcome To Head Coaching, Brent Key

Engineers sure can be emotional and sentimental at times. It makes me, an engineer, laugh.

Not me. We made the decision we had to make with the $$ that were available. Maybe it will work out well, but I wouldn’t bet my savings on it.

GT football HC is a very hard job, even for a seasoned HC. Brent has an uphill climb, but I am rooting for him. I’m not sure we will get another chance to change our trajectory if this one goes sour.
You know what pisses me off the most about this? My bitch ass dawg loving dad called me during the UGA game and told me Tech should hire Key because he is doing a good job and who else could Tech get anyway? Then the next 2 days all the BS happened and then we ended up with Key. There is just something about a dawg fan saying we should hire a coach like they are giving us his blessing that just irks me.

But other than that congrats Coach Key, you earned it!

- Hey Tech’s doing pretty good. Y’all should hire him.
- öööö you dad! Don’t tell us who to hire!
- I still love you son.
- You’re a bitch ass dawg lover!
- Hey Tech’s doing pretty good. Y’all should hire him.
- öööö you dad! Don’t tell us who to hire!
- I still love you son.
- You’re a bitch ass dawg lover!

He likes to say that he roots for Tech except when they play UGA. I have taken him to Tech games and he use to wear a Tech cap.
They all say that. I don’t buy it.
yeah thats all bull shit. like the folks that arent really UGAy fans but just "want them to win NC because its our state team." öööö that. Ive got a relative, great dude, but he simply could not compute last year that i was rooting against UGA winning NC... "but but its our state team." No its not öööö that. I root against them when they play FCS teams. this is a learned behavior for me, rooting against those ööööers.
@GTQBdad how y'all feeling?

High as a kite. Not because of the hire, because I had some dental work done late this afternoon. So needless to say, at the moment I’m not feeling any pain.

But I’m all seriousness, we are super happy for Key and just glad it worked out the way it did. Obviously we have deeper optics into the man Brent Key is. It’s easy to root for him, he’s so authentic and just an all around great guy. That said, I know being a nice guy doesn’t mean you’ll be a great coach and being nice doesn’t necessarily equal a lot of wins. But not only is Brent just a super guy, he’s so dang driven and focused on turning this thing around. Love his plan and I am confident his plan combined with the support of J Batt and his incredible knack for raising significant money, I think the days and years ahead will be really fun to be a part of.
High as a kite. Not because of the hire, because I had some dental work done late this afternoon. So needless to say, at the moment I’m not feeling any pain.

But I’m all seriousness, we are super happy for Key and just glad it worked out the way it did. Obviously we have deeper optics into the man Brent Key is. It’s easy to root for him, he’s so authentic and just an all around great guy. That said, I know being a nice guy doesn’t mean you’ll be a great coach and being nice doesn’t necessarily equal a lot of wins. But not only is Brent just a super guy, he’s so dang driven and focused on turning this thing around. Love his plan and I am confident his plan combined with the support of J Batt and his incredible knack for raising significant money, I think the days and years ahead will be really fun to be a part of.
I can't agree more. love the guy, felt like he deserved it, and and I hope for good things. I feel like good things will under his tenure.
What do you think of his OC record at UCF in 2015? People can question his OL and his past OC record until he wins the annual 6-7 games a year at GT that so many were pissed before the circus game to town. Please do not get me wrong, I hope Brent Key leads us to an ACC title and gets us back in the OBs. But to say that this is absolutely the right move by GT, only time will tell. I would feel better had we not lost to UVA, or got beat badly by FSU & Miami. However I will concede that he is an upgrade over Clown Collins, but time will tell if we can get back to the annual 6 and 7 win season and a bowl game, but I do agree with you that we should let this guy put a plan in place, recruit, conjure up some NIL $, and let’s see what happens.
The criticism is understandable but arguing about the man playing a part in a failure at Central Florida, of all places, years ago is tantamount to saying he's just ain't too bright. A TECH guy? Doesn't learn? Doesn't progress/get better? Makes no sense.
Engineers sure can be emotional and sentimental at times. It makes me, an engineer, laugh.

Not me. We made the decision we had to make with the $$ that were available. Maybe it will work out well, but I wouldn’t bet my savings on it.

GT football HC is a very hard job, even for a seasoned HC. Brent has an uphill climb, but I am rooting for him. I’m not sure we will get another chance to change our trajectory if this one goes sour.
The important thing is he is a GT man so he knows what he is up against and the type of players that will make it here. Maybe he would have a better influence in perhaps influencing the administration into coming up with some easier classes too (I know it's probably more of a board of regents barrier)? Anyway, I was excited about the Fritz hire and am equally excited about Key. Let's go!
Accountability in football matters

the lack of exited

the definition entered

he actually played for gol and ralph. He wasn’t a ga or fake 1 year role under them as some whatever position. He truly learned the game, behavior, toughness, and practice from them

if he brings any of that back. And gets a chance for a full year. The turnaround will be there. And its going to be a salty team again. Maybe not the best. But man we used to fight so hard back then.
Fought pretty hard last week too. And the week before.