öööö you Paul Johnson

The offense was inconsistent at best.

We scored on the majority of our drives. The O was good enough. The D this game was awful. It was just absolutely shitty. We didn't even force the Pitt fumble.

We can beat gsu, duke, and uva if the team doesn't quit. We should be able to get one from vt, unc, and uga.
I get so tired of people thinking Keeping CPJ and the 3O offense is the only way GT can compete. I'm sorry it's not.

That's a good point. It's not the only way.

I guess the question becomes what do we want as fans. Obviously none of us like going 3-9 and following it up the next year with a 3-game losing streak after the early weak stretch. What is a reasonable expectation for our coach? If it's to never have a losing season, Gailey may be available this winter. If it's to have some bad and some okay years, with the occasional chance at a 10+ win season, we should keep Johnson. If it's to be a regularly top 20 team, we need to make the systemic moves necessary to attract the type of coach who will get us to that point and won't simply see us a stepping stone to greener pastures.
We scored on the majority of our drives. The O was good enough. The D this game was awful. It was just absolutely ööööty. We didn't even force the Pitt fumble.

We can beat gsu, duke, and uva if the team doesn't quit. We should be able to get one from vt, unc, and uga.
I don't think we did. We scored a field goal in the first and nothing In the third and I wouldn't consider a kickoff return a drive. The offense is not working well in general. We can't grind it out.
Our offense isn't why we lost.

That doesn't excuse CPJ from habitually having a bad defense.
Not completely on the offense, but it does disappear for long sections of time. The defense, scoring wise has been solid most of the year. I hate zero aggressiveness and all the long drives though.
Not completely on the offense, but it does disappear for long sections of time. The defense, scoring wise has been solid most of the year. I hate zero aggressiveness and all the long drives though.

I think we scored on all but two possessions (1 due to a dropped pass)and one we were half a link short on the other. It didn't disappear today.
That's a good point. It's not the only way.

I guess the question becomes what do we want as fans. Obviously none of us like going 3-9 and following it up the next year with a 3-game losing streak after the early weak stretch. What is a reasonable expectation for our coach? If it's to never have a losing season, Gailey may be available this winter. If it's to have some bad and some okay years, with the occasional chance at a 10+ win season, we should keep Johnson. If it's to be a regularly top 20 team, we need to make the systemic moves necessary to attract the type of coach who will get us to that point and won't simply see us a stepping stone to greener pastures.

Thing is with Gailey is how many three game stretches did he have where two of those teams were top-ten? Clemson is #4 and Miami #10 in current rankings. Then Pitt is #32 in computer rankings.

Certainly in Gailey's last few years (2005-07), he wasn't playing #4, #10 and #32 stretches a whole lot. Most ACC teams he would face were in the high-20's to 40's range and then he would split those games.

To regularly beat a #32 team, you have to be in the top 20 or so. If you're ranked #31, then you'll win like 53% of the time against the #32 team. Supposedly we're going to find many coaches out there who will make GT a consistent top-20 team, while having attendance of 45k vs. 80k+ and with the academic restrictions. Yes, there are a ton of coaches out there who will make GT a consistent top-20 team, and also not leave after a few years to a 7MM+ job.

In reality, you had Gailey before Johnson. When Gailey was hired, the most likely other candidate was a dynamic, exciting coach in Tom O'Brien, but even he wouldn't accept the academic restrictions. Then when Johnson was hired, the other choices were Neuheisel, Edsall and possibly Muschamp. I would be interested to see what some mid-major names like PJ Fleck would do, but I don't think the top mid-major coaches are going to accept the restrictions.
Thing is with Gailey is how many three game stretches did he have where two of those teams were top-ten? Clemson is #4 and Miami #10 in current rankings. Then Pitt is #32 in computer rankings.

Certainly in Gailey's last few years (2005-07), he wasn't playing #4, #10 and #32 stretches a whole lot. Most ACC teams he would face were in the high-20's to 40's range and then he would split those games.

To regularly beat a #32 team, you have to be in the top 20 or so. If you're ranked #31, then you'll win like 53% of the time against the #32 team. Supposedly we're going to find many coaches out there who will make GT a consistent top-20 team, while having attendance of 45k vs. 80k+ and with the academic restrictions. Yes, there are a ton of coaches out there who will make GT a consistent top-20 team, and also not leave after a few years to a 7MM+ job.

In reality, you had Gailey before Johnson. When Gailey was hired, the most likely other candidate was a dynamic, exciting coach in Tom O'Brien, but even he wouldn't accept the academic restrictions. Then when Johnson was hired, the other choices were Neuheisel, Edsall and possibly Muschamp. I would be interested to see what some mid-major names like PJ Fleck would do, but I don't think the top mid-major coaches are going to accept the restrictions.

Now is not the time for reason.
I'm not asking him to be fired. But I'll be happy when he retires at the end of this year. He should have just quit last time he thought about it.
We scored on the majority of our drives. The O was good enough. The D this game was awful. It was just absolutely ööööty. We didn't even force the Pitt fumble.

We can beat gsu, duke, and uva if the team doesn't quit. We should be able to get one from vt, unc, and uga.
This. We should still go bowling this year. If we don't, my attitude toward this coaching regime changes dramatically.
Thing is with Gailey is how many three game stretches did he have where two of those teams were top-ten? Clemson is #4 and Miami #10 in current rankings. Then Pitt is #32 in computer rankings.

Certainly in Gailey's last few years (2005-07), he wasn't playing #4, #10 and #32 stretches a whole lot. Most ACC teams he would face were in the high-20's to 40's range and then he would split those games.

To regularly beat a #32 team, you have to be in the top 20 or so. If you're ranked #31, then you'll win like 53% of the time against the #32 team. Supposedly we're going to find many coaches out there who will make GT a consistent top-20 team, while having attendance of 45k vs. 80k+ and with the academic restrictions. Yes, there are a ton of coaches out there who will make GT a consistent top-20 team, and also not leave after a few years to a 7MM+ job.

In reality, you had Gailey before Johnson. When Gailey was hired, the most likely other candidate was a dynamic, exciting coach in Tom O'Brien, but even he wouldn't accept the academic restrictions. Then when Johnson was hired, the other choices were Neuheisel, Edsall and possibly Muschamp. I would be interested to see what some mid-major names like PJ Fleck would do, but I don't think the top mid-major coaches are going to accept the restrictions.

I'm mostly in agreement with you. I'm hoping Johnson can turn things around so we don't have to find out what scraps we're left with as our next coach. (If you're someone who has been underwhelmed with our last couple basketball hires, I'm not sure why in the world you'd assume we'll fare better in football.) He needs to at least get us to a bowl this year and next year will be a judgment year for him, much like 2014 was.
Blewitt misses the FG or we block it, and this thread never happens. I don't hate football, I hate football fans.

Actually, if he misses it, he gets to try it again, 5 yards closer since we ran into the kicker. It would've been even more of a kick in the nads.
we'll go 6-6 this year, then bottom out next year when Thomas is gone..we don't have another playmaker like him in the program and he's worth a couple wins every year. That will leave Stansbury with having to buy out only a few years on PJ's contract, and he'll have someone lined up by then. Expect no other big changes for the next two years.