1-1 with Todd Stansbury. What should I ask him?

I love the way Navy uses various foreign language spelling/symbols for "Beat Army" on their uniforms..why we can't we do something similar with math or calculus equations to further brand GT as the only STEM school playing at this level..i.e. playing Tennessee on 090417 (sept 4th)..or "Beat GA" (though not sure how you get numbers to equate to that).

Perhaps too cute..but it would be interesting to see how many viewers would get it.
I love the way Navy uses various foreign language spelling/symbols for "Beat Army" on their uniforms..why we can't we do something similar with math or calculus equations to further brand GT as the only STEM school playing at this level..i.e. playing Tennessee on 090417 (sept 4th)..or "Beat GA" (though not sure how you get numbers to equate to that).

Perhaps too cute..but it would be interesting to see how many viewers would get it.

Long ago, when hand-held LED calculators first got popular, folks were coming up with all sorts of cute tricks involving simple calculations that yielded slightly risqué results if you held the device upside down.

Cannot remember any specifics but maybe something similar using mathematics could be done.
Long ago, when hand-held LED calculators first got popular, folks were coming up with all sorts of cute tricks involving simple calculations that yielded slightly risqué results if you held the device upside down.

Cannot remember any specifics but maybe something similar using mathematics could be done.
There is some real estate between the the gates and concourse near gates 1 & 4. Usually, people are just selling magazines and stuff there. A couple food trucks could set up on North and South side of the West concourses in those areas. You could also set one up in the area around gate 10 as well.

5 or 6 food trucks spread out through out the stadium would go along way with improving dinning options.

Another idea is the historic bleachers under the west gate. Clean that area up and build a small history museum talking about the history of the stadium. ESPN loves doing those shots from around the city. Right now they tend to show the aquarium. This seems easy to accomplish.
My idea is to give away upper north seats to kids with high school IDs (and not wearing red or orange or other college team clothing) day of game first come first served.

It would:
Build the fanbase, especially among local youths
Look good on TV, to the team, and to recruits
Make a little money when they buy concessions

This is a good idea.
Free seat cushions to GT fans for the last game of the season.
I love the way Navy uses various foreign language spelling/symbols for "Beat Army" on their uniforms..why we can't we do something similar with math or calculus equations to further brand GT as the only STEM school playing at this level..i.e. playing Tennessee on 090417 (sept 4th)..or "Beat GA" (though not sure how you get numbers to equate to that).

Perhaps too cute..but it would be interesting to see how many viewers would get it.

Many years ago, my father was the faculty advisor for a foreign student organization at Tech. They wanted to raise money, so he came up with an idea to sell tee shirts with "To hell with Georgia" translated into many different languages on the front, with the bottom line being in English. Unfortunately, they relied on the foreign students to supply the translations. Soon after starting to sell the shirts, they got complaints that the foreign phrases were actually such offensive profanity that they had to stop selling them.
Many years ago, my father was the faculty advisor for a foreign student organization at Tech. They wanted to raise money, so he came up with an idea to sell tee shirts with "To hell with Georgia" translated into many different languages on the front, with the bottom line being in English. Unfortunately, they relied on the foreign students to supply the translations. Soon after starting to sell the shirts, they got complaints that the foreign phrases were actually such offensive profanity that they had to stop selling them.

Dang I'd love to have one of those!
Maybe they could move the band? That is some prime seating that the students could use. They'd really get hyped up being so close to the field.
Maybe they could move the band? That is some prime seating that the students could use. They'd really get hyped up being so close to the field.
Where though? The band's current location is sort of exactly where they need to be acoustically, and our band is comprised of students as well. I was worried during the BDS renovations that they were going to try to get cute with the band when they're already in a prime location.
Where though? The band's current location is sort of exactly where they need to be acoustically, and our band is comprised of students as well. I was worried during the BDS renovations that they were going to try to get cute with the band when they're already in a prime location.
I'd move them over in the corner where the huge inflatable bee used to be. That way they're angled out into the stadium for everyone to hear.
I'd move them over in the corner where the huge inflatable bee used to be. That way they're angled out into the stadium for everyone to hear.
Is that really any better though? We'd have to throw visiting bands into an upper deck somewhere, as well as the visiting fans. Do that, and our opponents will waste no time doing the same to us, especially Georgia. They were butthurt when we renovated because it meant some of their older fans were going to have to walk up stairs to get to their seats.

Also, bring back the inflatable Buzz.