2025 Recruiting

Florida only has 5. There are at least 10 teams that are behind us that will end up passing us. But ending up around 25 would be great.

One way to fix the issue of teams having different number of signed players is to rank by average player rating. We rank 31st according to rivals using that metric. However Colorado, Utah and Va Tech have less than 10 signed so should decrease as sign more players or in the case of Colorado throw them out for having only 4 and maybe no more. So 28th per adjustment. Not bad.
I've been exposed....
I kinda hesitate to tell you, but youre missing an 's'. Brems = braking or slowing down; Strahlung = radiation. Put them together (as one does in German) and you get Bremsstrahlung, or radiation released from a slowing charged particle
Kids today wear Tshirts from all kinds of old bands BUT have no idea who the band is. It is a weird fashion trend. FWIW
Interesting. My kid (early 20s) and his buddy have fallen in love with my 70s vinyl collection. Sometimes, like when I run out of beer, I'll pop in and tell 'em which cuts to play - refreshing to see the kids I used to tell to get off my lawn having that kind of appreciation for the best decade in music history. One of my Christmas presents to my fam was a classic rock T-Shirt (Sabbath Vol 4, Rolling Stones (lips) & another Sabbath - Master of Reality).
They just got a QB named Smigiel, for 2026.
Next up - a linebacker named Shelob and a running back named Gollum.
Yeah, everybody laughs until they line up, hand him the ball then 10 seconds later he's in the endzone but nobody saw him cross the LoS. Won't be so funny then, will it mr lotr guy?