4 years ago on this day

I have to admit, I was patient to a fault with GC and I thought all of the angst against him was simply because of who he replaced and not for the product on the field. I assumed the turd on the field was all due to the transition from the TO than a coaching deficit. It took an interim coach to come in and show me how much GC was hurting this team. I'm very happy with Key.
I have to admit, I was patient to a fault with GC and I thought all of the angst against him was simply because of who he replaced and not for the product on the field. I assumed the turd on the field was all due to the transition from the TO than a coaching deficit. It took an interim coach to come in and show me how much GC was hurting this team. I'm very happy with Key.
It was very telling that when Wesley Walker was asked at Tennessee what the difference in that program and ours he said Tennessee was "more professional" in coaching, which I think was as PC as he could get it.
What was Bozo's beef with Nardontee? getting butt whipped or previous time recruiting in PA? Still it was nice to beat Pitt this year - but really had their DB's had better hands, 2 more pick sixes by pea brain QB..
I recall that game getting pretty chippy late and there being talk of Narduzzi yelling some öööö across the field at the team. It was Covid so the crowd noise wasn’t really a factor. Weird times.
Honest show of hands . . . how many of you tards thought it was a good/great/terrific hire???

Not me.
Honest show of hands . . . how many of you tards thought it was a good/great/terrific hire???

Not me.

I thought Collins could be a good hire; he pulled in a great recruiting class here in 2007 before he left for Bama, then he had success as a DC at multiple stops, then he did reasonably at Temple. He said all the right things when he was hired. O'Leary endorsed him upon his arrival. I am generally an optimist when it comes to all things Tech, so I'll roll with the punches until the powers that be make a change.

Now, in hindsight, money down was cloying, his press conferences never seemed to correspond to anything that I was seeing on the field, and ultimately he was fired for being unable to field a reasonably competent football team. I'm done with that episode. ¡Viva la Key!
I thought Collins could be a good hire; he pulled in a great recruiting class here in 2007 before he left for Bama, then he had success as a DC at multiple stops, then he did reasonably at Temple. He said all the right things when he was hired. O'Leary endorsed him upon his arrival. I am generally an optimist when it comes to all things Tech, so I'll roll with the punches until the powers that be make a change.

Now, in hindsight, money down was cloying, his press conferences never seemed to correspond to anything that I was seeing on the field, and ultimately he was fired for being unable to field a reasonably competent football team. I'm done with that episode. ¡Viva la Key!
It is evident that 2007 was Giff Smith, and I had always heard it was Giff Smith until G**** was hired.
Honest show of hands . . . how many of you tards thought it was a good/great/terrific hire???

Not me.
I didn't like the hire from day 1, I thought surely GT could have made a better hire with a more proven
head coach. For someone who touted that he loved GT, GC had a funny way of showing by stealing
11 million dollars from the Institute!

I hope that POS never resurfaces in any kind of coaching position!
I didn't like the hire from day 1, I thought surely GT could have made a better hire with a more proven
head coach. For someone who touted that he loved GT, GC had a funny way of showing by stealing
11 million dollars from the Institute!

I hope that POS never resurfaces in any kind of coaching position!
He didn't steal $11 million. It was contractually owed to him. You absolutely don't love GT enough that you'd leave $11 million owed to you on the table either.
Never liked the hire at all. I felt his head coaching record was a two year stint where the program won, but at a reduced level than his predecessor. I did not like his negativity toward Johnson’s program. I hoped he could pull off recruiting at a high level. I certainly wanted him to succeed. But from The Citadel on it was a train wreck. His teams were ill prepared and seldom inspired. His best recruits seemed to have an attitude that playing hard and dinged up was somehow unnecessary. But, it is time to move on. We hired him. He tried. The Collins era is over. We move on. I certainly hope Key does not blame his problems on his predecessor, after all, his O-lines were a part of the mess. I do like that I see Brent moving forward with determination without coming in with excuses as to why little should be expected of him for years. We have been down before. Winning games on the ACC is not an impossible task. I am optimistic.
Honest show of hands . . . how many of you tards thought it was a good/great/terrific hire???

Not me.

I didn't like the hire initially, then begrudgingly talked myself into it because I figured that's what modern recruits wanted.

Then I maintained hope even until last year just because that's the way I tend to look at things as a fan, even though I knew it probably wasn't going to work.
He didn't steal $11 million. It was contractually owed to him. You absolutely don't love GT enough that you'd leave $11 million owed to you on the table either.
Your definition of stealing is vastly different than mine, nine wins in three years is definitely stealing for a 11 million dollar buyout. For a coach who openly and often spoke how much he LOVED GT, you woulda thought he would have taken a lower buyout from GT, but no not that clown!
Your definition of stealing is vastly different than mine, nine wins in three years is definitely stealing for a 11 million dollar buyout. For a coach who openly and often spoke how much he LOVED GT, you woulda thought he would have taken a lower buyout from GT, but no not that clown!
I mean really! If he truly loved the school, he would have coached for free! Why don't any coaches love their schools anymore?
I wanted Art Briles. In that alternative time line, Tech won a national championship and went 4-0 vs uga, preventing them from making playoff appearances.
For those of us that remember the EA NCAA Football franchise we were a 3 star program (borderline 4 star) when Collins was hired. We are currently a 1 star. A 1 star is equivalent to the North Texas’ and Idaho’s of the world.
Unreal that we’ve got to that point at Georgia F’n Tech.
These numbers are based off an online community who still updates the game yearly.
For those of us that remember the EA NCAA Football franchise we were a 3 star program (borderline 4 star) when Collins was hired. We are currently a 1 star. A 1 star is equivalent to the North Texas’ and Idaho’s of the world.
Unreal that we’ve got to that point at Georgia F’n Tech.
These numbers are based off an online community who still updates the game yearly.
God bless those boys at Operation Sports
Never liked the hire. He just felt like a used car salesman from the start.
and then Citadel happened.
We just were never prepared to win games under Clown. Key at least changed that aspect.
I'm not sold on Key, but at least we have some semblance of preparation and organization that simply were not there before.