A. Autry, Henry, Commommissiong kicked off team

This is why people who say we shouldn't sign 25 a year are retarts.

No but we're different from other schools and want to honor our commitment and integrity

It's useless talking to people like that. Around 2007-2008 I gave attrition numbers for the last 10 years in a long post (on the Hive, I think) and since 2009 it's been the same. And these people still think there's a chance it'll get better.

Different AD's, different coaches, different presidents... same old shiit.
Sad, but it's no one's fault but their own. Henry & Commissiong were unproven, so i don't think it's a huge drop off. Autry would've started, but I think that smelter and waller both have played well enough that we'll be ok.

This offseason has certainly been a brutal one.
I see our best case scenario as the same as before, but our worst case scenario looks pretty dismal.
God. My dad hated Hester. I can hear him now, "Marvelous Hester, ain't covered anybody in four years, but we can't recruit anyone to take his spot..."

But he had that one glorious pick of Quinthy Cawtuh and that is enough to make me love him.
what is more BS is these kids were given 2 chances...and decided they were bigger than the rules. Actually....good riddance.

Exactly! I'm not worried about losing them. They don't deserve to be on the team. Am disappointed, but this will not make or break the season. More than one person needs to step it up! If these players, after given ANOTHER CHANCE, are not willing to abide by the rules, I don't think they're going to be much help to our football team anyway.
But he had that one glorious pick of Quinthy Cawtuh and that is enough to make me love him.

That was one of the greatest plays in the history of GT football. Terrible throw by Quincy and Hester in the right place at the right time, which is his job. Ohhhhh, It was beautiful!
Just got out of the hospital form having my appendix removed...decided to check the message boards....now I just want to go back to the hospital. WTF!?!?!?!? This is going to be an epic train wreck of a season.
Just got out of the hospital form having my appendix removed...decided to check the message boards....now I just want to go back to the hospital. WTF!?!?!?!? This is going to be an epic train wreck of a season.

Hope you are doing well, at least you probably had drugs to help ease the pain, but this bit of news is going to leave a mark, yikes
Just got out of the hospital form having my appendix removed...decided to check the message boards....now I just want to go back to the hospital. WTF!?!?!?!? This is going to be an epic train wreck of a season.

Go back to the hospital and demand that they put your appendix back in. Maybe there's some cause/effect in play here.
Hope you are doing well, at least you probably had drugs to help ease the pain, but this bit of news is going to leave a mark, yikes

Hopefully the drugs they're giving you don't contain pot. Otherwise, you might get booted from the team. :biggthumpup:
I guess what sucks is not that we kicked off the "bad" kids from our team- we all (should) like that part of Tech and have always been proud of that part of the program. However, it just seems like we used to do that and WIN with the "good guys" in a way we don't now. We don't outsmart the other team. We don't out-scheme them. We don't really seem to out-work them. Now I'm not saying we've been perfect at this all the time under other coaches at all- it just seems like we might not be playing to our strengths.
Which are what, exactly? :turbonoes: