A Talk with Campus Leaders

again thats the problem. We aren't MIT. We are GT. We strike a balance between ultra dork scientists and a school that competes in football. Our history is practical engineers, and we produce a ton that can walk and chew gum at the same time. Hence why they are CEOs and MIT is in NASA.
MIT has plenty of CEOs and MIT alumni probably founded 10x the companies GT grads did.

But, I agree with your main point. We are not MIT.
I asked if we could defer calculus to the sophomore for that major and from their reaction, it was clear that this had been discussed. (Thanks Cracker.) The answer was no, because they don't want to dilute the academic rigor of GT.

Does GT dilute the quality & rigor of academic teaching when GT
hires professors that did not get their degrees from GT ??

Stanford is the model of how it should be done.

Excellent question. Cant wait to hear that answer.

He said that MIT is the best university in the world and doesn't have a football team.

I really dont like the condescending attitude behind this sentiment.

Also, anybody want to guess where the esteemed Dr. Bras got his degree?

LINK: http://www.gatech.edu/newsroom/release.html?nid=59917
From former AD Radakovich's speech in 2011 (here on RamblinWreck.com)

Also, we have a real treat at halftime as we will honor NASA astronauts with Georgia Tech degrees. Georgia Tech boasts an astounding number of astronauts, with six still active in the space program. Four of our astronauts will be here live and introduced on the field. Since the beginning of the U.S. space program, NASA has launched 14 Georgia Tech graduates into outer space, beginning with John Young in 1965. Georgia Tech astronauts have accounted for over 45 missions, orbited the earth more than 5,200 times and traveled over 180,000,000 miles. They have commanded several shuttle missions as well as assuming command of the International Space Station. This tribute will take place at the beginning of halftime, prior to the performance of both bands.
underlining portions of you post while also bolding dilutes the rigor of the information contained therein
i do believe Georgia Tech has put more men in space with NASA than MIT, i guess you dont understand Georgia Tech as well as you think you do

It's been a while since I've seen the list, but I think it goes something along the lines of:

US Naval Academy
I don't think he meant that Calculus outside of the first year will dilute the rigor of the school; rather that it is contrary to the charter and mission of the school (which is true).

Besides, this major doesn't require Calculus ("Survey of Calculus" is not the Calculus you remember as Tech students)
It's been a while since I've seen the list, but I think it goes something along the lines of:

US Naval Academy

i think Air Force is #2
I don't think he meant that Calculus outside of the first year will dilute the rigor of the school; rather that it is contrary to the charter and mission of the school (which is true).

Besides, this major doesn't require Calculus ("Survey of Calculus" is not the Calculus you remember as Tech students)

It is to someone negatively recruiting against GT. Can we change the name of it to something less frightening like "Survey of Math"?
The school adds a non-engineering/hard science degree option with "sports" in the title, and people still bitch and moan. Tech men never change. :dunno:
I'd rather they add a nursing major to bring on lots of hot chicks.

This will also help recruit football players.
It is to someone negatively recruiting against GT. Can we change the name of it to something less frightening like "Survey of Math"?

"A Journey to the Wonderland of Numbers"
Are they changing HTS or are they creating a completely new major? Some of the HTS professors are actually really good, and I am not sure if they would take kindly to this.