A thread about uga

Can you provide any logical argument that this is not true? I think you (and most people) just don't want to believe it.
As a father of a daughter, husband to a wife, a brother to two sisters, an uncle to a niece, a son to a mother, I can’t fathom it being true. There are no limits, and certainly no man made laws, that would contain my reaction if god forbid my girl was a victim, I don’t give a shit if the guy is a three time reigning Heisman winner on the Flats about to play in the national championship game - he’s dead before kickoff.
What community is objecting? A few reporters at the rag AJC? So now GT people hold the AJC in high esteem? No coach at any school is responsible for an adult player doing stupid things on their own time.

On the recruiting trail I'm sure KS like all coaches talk about the 'father figure' mantra to the players' families and parents. Hypocritically, what do they do with Jarrett who basically raped a woman as a 16 year old recruit on an official visit?? Gave him a freaking scholarship. That's just rewarding extremely bad behavior. It also says alot about these parents because they tell their boys that they are football gods and that they're the family's ticket for $ for the NFL, NIL, etc. It has everything to do with Smart because it starts at the top. I work for UGA and many staff are disgusted, embarrassed and are holding their breath on the continued news and stories as it comes out. The defenders are typically your low information, sidewalk fan types who worship UGA football. Smart and his program are their church and they will defend the program to their graves, despite what is coming out; from manslaughter to rape. Also says a lot about them too as individuals.

Likewise if GT ever did stuff like that I would hope that discipline would occur and heads would roll, because as history has shown, when programs go off the rails like this and allow these things to happen in order to get the best players and win AT ALL COSTS, just like Rome, it will fall. Every storied program in history with trouble does so, and so will UGAY.
This is just all emotion. You are being duped by a bunch of liberal do gooder reporters who always attack success. Obviously, they are focused on UGA because it’s a slow sports news cycle right now with only mid season baseball going on and because they are an easy successful target and hour away from the AJC office. Kirby is not responsible for what grown adults do any more than you should be held accountable for your neighbor or co worker getting drunk and killing someone. If you want to blame someone other than the person who actually committed the act then blame that persons parents. Kirby is a football coach and that’s all he his.
Found the stupidest take imaginable.
On the recruiting trail I'm sure KS like all coaches talk about the 'father figure' mantra to the players' families and parents. Hypocritically, what do they do with Jarrett who basically raped a woman as a 16 year old recruit on an official visit?? Gave him a freaking scholarship. That's just rewarding extremely bad behavior. It also says alot about these parents because they tell their boys that they are football gods and that they're the family's ticket for $ for the NFL, NIL, etc. It has everything to do with Smart because it starts at the top. I work for UGA and many staff are disgusted, embarrassed and are holding their breath on the continued news and stories as it comes out. The defenders are typically your low information, sidewalk fan types who worship UGA football. Smart and his program are their church and they will defend the program to their graves, despite what is coming out; from manslaughter to rape. Also says a lot about them too as individuals.

Likewise if GT ever did stuff like that I would hope that discipline would occur and heads would roll, because as history has shown, when programs go off the rails like this and allow these things to happen in order to get the best players and win AT ALL COSTS, just like Rome, it will fall. Every storied program in history with trouble does so, and so will UGAY.
Very profound, and I agree 100% with what you say. If I ever got wind of something like this mess going on at Tech, I would withdraw every cent of support that I give them. Of course, what I contribute isn't much at all, but I would definitely end it.
On the recruiting trail I'm sure KS like all coaches talk about the 'father figure' mantra to the players' families and parents. Hypocritically, what do they do with Jarrett who basically raped a woman as a 16 year old recruit on an official visit?? Gave him a freaking scholarship. That's just rewarding extremely bad behavior. It also says alot about these parents because they tell their boys that they are football gods and that they're the family's ticket for $ for the NFL, NIL, etc. It has everything to do with Smart because it starts at the top. I work for UGA and many staff are disgusted, embarrassed and are holding their breath on the continued news and stories as it comes out. The defenders are typically your low information, sidewalk fan types who worship UGA football. Smart and his program are their church and they will defend the program to their graves, despite what is coming out; from manslaughter to rape. Also says a lot about them too as individuals.

Likewise if GT ever did stuff like that I would hope that discipline would occur and heads would roll, because as history has shown, when programs go off the rails like this and allow these things to happen in order to get the best players and win AT ALL COSTS, just like Rome, it will fall. Every storied program in history with trouble does so, and so will UGAY.

In which of these scenarios does Brent Key keep his job:

1. A staffer and a player die in a street race after using a GT vehicle to visit a strip club with recruits. it’s uncovered the coach has a fixer with local PD in his pocket.

2. A player rapes a staffer and Key lines up 8 players to defend the player (with the staffer in the court room). The fixer uses donor funds to pay bail.

3. The staff lets a recruit out in the town where he rapes a woman and the staff sends him a don’t ask don’t tell text for his visit to Atlanta.

4. 11 players rape women
I am repeatedly baffled when öööö like this goes down in programs. Like the coaching staff doesn’t have any daughters, sisters, wives, moms who could be a victim. And I’m sure the families of these victims are going effing nuts knowing their daughter was harmed and everyone is actively sweeping it under the rug. I hope to never know how they feel, but id be in prison for life or on death row.

Reminds me of how Zuckerberg doesn't let his kids use facebook
In which of these scenarios does Brent Key keep his job:

1. A staffer and a player die in a street race after using a GT vehicle to visit a strip club with recruits. it’s uncovered the coach has a fixer with local PD in his pocket.

2. A player rapes a staffer and Key lines up 8 players to defend the player (with the staffer in the court room). The fixer uses donor funds to pay bail.

3. The staff lets a recruit out in the town where he rapes a woman and the staff sends him a don’t ask don’t tell text for his visit to Atlanta.

4. 11 players rape women
If Key is winning Nattys then all of them.
I find it pretty disturbing that uga has a fixer who works with the local law and judicial system to keep criminals out of jail and out of the news, so they can keep them on the team and keep winning, f#ck everything and everyone who gets in their way. No actual efforts to fix the problems or discipline anyone, just keep them eligible. There’s been a massive cover-up for years and this is likely the tip of the iceburg.
In which of these scenarios does Brent Key keep his job:

1. A staffer and a player die in a street race after using a GT vehicle to visit a strip club with recruits. it’s uncovered the coach has a fixer with local PD in his pocket.

2. A player rapes a staffer and Key lines up 8 players to defend the player (with the staffer in the court room). The fixer uses donor funds to pay bail.

3. The staff lets a recruit out in the town where he rapes a woman and the staff sends him a don’t ask don’t tell text for his visit to Atlanta.

4. 11 players rape women
Key Word is staffer. We all know that's not what they are.

Man, you can't make this stuff up. You'd have thought the program put ALL their players on notice not to do anything stupid in light of all this bad publicity coming out in the last few weeks. They're truly idiots but hey, they've got the #1 recruiting class so who cares? At this rate, someone else is going to die on the loop, etc. in Athens.