Anthony Allen has a request

Message for Anthony Allen:

You guys are awesome. You didn't quit on Saturday and we cant ask for anything more than that (besides having the same attitude in practice).

We get to sit on our couches and pretend that each loss hurts us more than it hurts you guys and that it is all your fault. Well that is bullsh1t. You guys put in the work every day and fight like hell to win the game even when it looks grim and I know it tears you apart when that is not enough. Any measure of pain we feel is just a shadow of what you guys go through.

Sometimes we call it like we see it when it comes to the team but it is never because you guys failed us. Its just football.

Maybe when we start selling out every game and every fan gets on their feet and screams until they lose their voice when we are on defense and cheers as loud as any fan in the country, THEN we can start talking about how the team has failed us. Because that is when we stop failing the team.

I'll be there on Thursday night in Blacksburg. Not because I think GT will win (I think we have a shot). But because GT is my school and you guys are my team. And I will be screaming my heart out and encouraging everyone around me to do the same.

Keep it up.

PS. Will you sign my piece of goalpost?

90% of fans feel this way, we would do anything to help but we are helpless so we have to play through you and of course analyze it all
Go Jackets- 55 yrs a fan and counting
Latest team related twit (tweet?):

@Ant_Allen18: Iron sharpens Iron.. Somehow I gotta get all my teammates to care as much as me.. Most do but not all.. Let's get it together
Yes you do, Ant. That's what leaders do. AND it wouldn't hurt to teach them how to catch, while you're at it. Hehe. That ball you caught in double (triple?) coverage on Saturday was a beaut.
Gives an interesting insight into the locker room attitude of players. Some are hyped and strive to do well and some are down and need to be motivated.

That's a burden Allen shouldn't have to carry - college players should always be self motivated. I wonder if the guys that need the motivation or the desire to care to win are on the O-line...?
All I want to say to any of the players that may be reading is the following:

I hate Virginia Tech with nearly every fiber of my being. I get visibly angry everytime I see a damned Hokie fan's car. Which isn't infrequent in Virginia...oddly enough...of course every Hokie car has the obligatory 3 markings that denote they're a VPI fan...

All I ask is that you inflict so much pain on that team and make them work so hard for every yard, that they can't possibly compete during their last games to the point of limping into a 6-6 finish...if you can't win that's ok, I will still love the team. Go Jackets.
Anthony Allen had a great game last Saturday.

Had it come from a select-few defensive players, they would have gotten ripped on here.

The "game analysis" and critique of players on here is fine...the smart arsed comments probably shouldn't be taken seriously and hopefully are not taken seriously by our players.
BELIEVE, I believe in our players will rise up to the occasion and focus on the game. AA we know what you can do and please spread that Lion Heart of Yours to the rest of the team. I Believe it will happen and I will make that drive from the jersey shore and be at that game in VT since its the only game I can go to. Raise the spirit of your fellow yellow jackets and lets go out and kick some but.